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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Mystic~

  1. My main balance gripe is the inability for the Nod obelisk to target multiple infantry, so early rushes often result in either the refinery or airstrip going down to a team suicide rush or late game rockets rampaging through, where as the AGT does an excellent job of mopping most players up unless they use a smoke. Either the ob needs an alt fire mode for detecting multiple infantry or there needs to be a machine gun GT positioned somewhere central to the Nod base, maybe GDI could also have one to cover the bar tunnel better? Both sides basically have to camp at least one tunnel with an artillery tank unit anyway and it's a sad lonely job. My main map gripe is any map where it becomes necessary to stop the harvester for most of the game, especially if one side gets the field advantage - feel free to discuss or propose ideas. Give the harvester 10x its current armour on these types of maps, give it some sort of energy shield, let players manually mine something, add some more big boulder rocks for vehicle along the way? Maybe the side vehicle route could be an exit only route to prevent a complete base lock, similar to that extra path on Cliffside, else I might add tank blockers just before the first diverging opening onto the main field and turn it into infantry only as someone else suggested but keep 80% the outer route accessible as it already is.
  2. Could use some in-game pop up tool tips that appear with an Info (I) icon and that can be switched off in the menu settings later on. i.e. "Running or sprinting whilst stealthed makes you visible to the enemy.", whilst next to the MCT "disarm C4 charges with a repair gun/tool". etc. I also like the old information loading screens.
  3. I often filter out surrender/map vote changes as erroneous screen clutter because there's so much going on and too much to process. I think a pop up would be too intrusive or break the play, but perhaps if the screen dimmed a bit for a moment or there was some sort of text emphasis like a radioactive tiberium crystal glowing effect - not wanting to get too fantasy, but you get the point. !!! [There's too much of this] !!! going off and this is also information I filter out as it comes across as aggressive and spammy. An EVA or Cabal voice announcement would be great. "Surrender/Map change vote in progress..."
  4. That's just too many beacons imo, I really would like a max limit cap on deployed beacons to prevent that kind of spammy strategy, or maybe maximum of 3 per building so every building could be targeted during a raid. The video was cool however, thanks for posting.
  5. So how about a drone system like this, but instead of being defence turrets, your engineer pilots them around a tank in order to repair it? https://twitter.com/PlayOverwatch/status/1316197410662567937?s=20
  6. Must come out before 21st December for it to be a Fall/Autumn date.
  7. I was running along a rope bridge as a Gunner from GDI side and then somehow ended up falling inside one of the large rocks. I swear I could shoot through it at first, but later everything collided with the outline and stopped the shots, character would seem to look as if it was outside using the camera when exploring the edges, but no idea if I could be seen from the outside.
  8. Most of these maps are already installed with the base game of Renegade-X, but a few of the custom maps can be downloaded by joining a server where the map is in rotation and maybe one or two maps like Fort for example are being re-worked and still in development. Newly released maps are in a separate sub-forum.
  9. In addition to your suggestion, I would also like to know which dot is the commander on the mini map.
  10. I think the Sydney and Ravshaw classes should start with an EMP grenade, allow them to refill it with health, equipment and C4, but I'm no longer convinced that it should be something that automatically replenishes over time like the Patch grenade launcher and I would remove anti-tank mines from this class, they're the most spoiled characters in the game. I also don't think the Gunner/LCG should get both Anti-Tank mines and EMPs anymore, just anti-tank mines feels like the most logical fit. I've seen so many games where the EMP becomes a spammy weapon and teams are able to lay entire vehicle mine fields making vehicle rushes almost impossible, although I have become aware that the defensive buff block the emp disabling effect, which is too much in my opinion, perhaps it could prevent totally disabling them but slows them down now rather than bringing them to a full stop, I suggest this because the defending team still needs a viable option to be able to stop or at least delay a large group tank rush, particularly from GDI. I like the idea of any class being able to purchase smoke grenades and emp grenades for something like $300, this would allow for so much more infantry team play tactics and infiltrations, which just don't happen anymore unless you happen to have the team commander with you.
  11. This thread and topic deserves far more attention than it has presently received. 🧐
  12. Mystic~


    I'm curious to know if anyone else is playing this game? 21:58 seconds of base building comedy.
  13. I think I must have spotted this same disappearing vehicle model at one point, so just to add weight that I think it actually exists. I know your post is for developers, but there's no way I'd support any additional splash damage from the artillery, it's already one of the most menacing and highest damage output units in the game, including its splash radius. If you're being destroyed by a Gunner one on one, then it's because you've got nobody in support for you. I think too much realism is not realistic for an arcade game.
  14. For newer and larger maps this sounds great and if you create a separate thread about the use of command powers I would contribute an answer to this as I've also had ideas that might prevent every other game becoming being a tunnel rocket fest. In terms of super weapons, something that can be aimed onto the battlefield without the need for a beacon and perhaps if it were to target a building, maybe it could do up to 25% first time/50% permanent damage second time only so it can't just delete a building - making the beacon strike still stronger in that it could destroy a building at full health and this still requires a challenging manual placement. I really wanted a spy satellite ability (not the same as a spy plane for radar map) that provides a short video feed of the battle field, either projected onto a tactical display map like (M) or even if it were to get displayed in real-time on some sort big screen in the com centre building itself and this would aid each team is planning ahead based on what things are going on, as an ability that could be tried to a coms building. The last idea I'm going to suggest that fits with coms centre is I think now that perhaps even both sides require an infiltration option and I figured that either gliders or a plane parachute drop of a few squad members could allow this - think either shadow teams in Kane's Wrath or the parachute drop in Red Alert/2 RA2. I think if the original base game doesn't remain innovative, firestorm is going to take over as the successor eventually. I'm sure someone has already modelled the coms centre, it's just not something implemented into the game or perhaps the model isn't a ready asset for anyone to put onto a map.
  15. Scrin vehicle crate - Ultra rare Scrin tank drop (TBD) - but especially for Firestorm, needs a Seeker or a Dev tank. Buy EMP grenade - and smoke grenades Invisible Tank Crate - Cloaks any vehicle the driver gets into - really like this idea. Stealth tank more acceleration power to dodge, slight speed increase. Sudden death mode I just wanted to repeat the points I really like, some of the crates are too much for me tho.
  16. The strategy RTS as well as other FPS games have a tech tree system of upgrades, so even if you have personal credits, one can't just purchase a high end character without first upgrading and unlocking the necessary areas, this is the way Earth Breakers have gone down and in the early game everybody is using basic upgraded tiers, but they disguise this well as everyone has he same character model. But maybe upgrades could be a thing for renegade so there's more combat using the free tier infantry for longer. Compared to other games of a similar genre, I think the characters and units in Renegade move very slowly, but within the short space of a minuet, a team can have their first harvester collection and the enemy team can be purchasing stealth black hands or even artillery and on a map like Walls, the pace of the game rushes ahead very quickly as buildings can come under heavy fire face a strong early threat being a small map.
  17. Oh, thanks. I thought I was commenting on Glow map thread for some reason, I've already installed and tested this map.
  18. Is there an easy way to identify if its a vram crash such as an error message?
  19. Is there a download link for the map somewhere?
  20. Mystic~

    Fair play?!?

    It would be great if there was a write up of these unwritten rules. I rarely play small games anymore, although in the past seeing beacons go down did seem like a distasteful tactic when a single SBH or Patch could likely guard it very well. I've never heard anyone say anything to me about the use of commander powers, but my personal gripe about the powers is that I think there should be some sort of imposed limitations, particularly when it comes to 'double buffing' with the same power and there should be some sort of cap on the number of players effected so there isn't a single rocket rush for example that can clear an entire Nod base. I'd prefer more co-ordination from smaller groups and less of a massive unstoppable fist with augmented damage/shields. Disabling beacons until there are 20+ people in game seems a sensible game decision to have rather than it being a server setting. I don't have any personal issues with the use of command powers in small games so long as there is a commander for both teams voted in.
  21. Thanks for all your work, this is looking to be a really good map and I hope it can get a play test before the next patch. I did find it a little odd anyway that I could fall into lava-water and still had time to swim about or climb out, so the instant death would probably add to the feel of the map being a harsh environment.
  22. The version I installed had 'test' in the name, but the new one still causes the error for me. I can still do the APC glitchy thing near the lava river down from the metal infantry crossing bridge, also spotted an area where the lava texture didn't reach the edge of the trench. There's also one bunker at front of the Nod base that looks a bit odd as its not placed on a completely flat surface, just small quality points. I just found the new lava stepping stones towards GDI weapons factory, but it would be even better if there was some cover from the AGT missiles.
  23. Just played the latest update, my game threw up some error in Cooked PC assets whilst starting up, but it still works and I was able to join the map. I still really enjoy all the different routes, there are lots of ways to change and diverge course if necessary and lots of interesting infantry routes through crag rocks. The lava and volcano looks really good and I don't have the same dread feeling of the Volcano map as everything is so much larger. I was playing as Nod this play through. I found that near the Nod base 2-3 metres before reaching the black lava rock you start to take fire damage, I also found a few random spots in the field where I also seemed to take damage from something. For some unknown reason I kept getting my APC buffeted and tipped into the air by something along the right side of the map. The orientation of the advanced guard tower facing one side was just too strange for me, I think the door needs to be facing into the GDI base. On the GDI Barracks side, I think the bridge needs some sort of crates, tipped vehicle or sandbags for infantry cover as I can tell on this side GDI players are going to be getting spawn killed trying to leave the barracks without it if there's an enemy sniper or mendoza player here. I did not get a sense that the main concrete bunker on GDI side hill was all that useful as you can't really see much as it neither over looks a tank path and most of the silo area is obscured by trees. Before anyone can do a community play through there really needs to be a mini-map and I think @Madkill40 still helps to create these.
  24. I don't enjoy Nod versus Nod games, grateful that people are experimenting, but I think it was perhaps under estimated how difficult or how much work would realistically need to go into making this an enjoyable experience. I don't like seeing fights between light tanks and bradley tanks and I don't like finding stealth tanks and stealth black hand infantry colliding into one another and the bikes really do feel almost useless. I would still have liked a capture the flag game mode as an alternative to building destruction, I think this is simpler than most other things already done or proposed, just grab the flag from the enemy pedestal and return it to your own pedestal 5 times to win a game. I don't feel that team death match is an appropriate mode for the game and there's so much of this already available in other games, I don't see the point of this. Looking forward to Firestorm the most.
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