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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Mystic~

  1. I'm just wondering why Nod get both gun turrets and guard towers in the right places, where as GDI only gets guard towers? GDI seem to struggle on this map with destroying tank armour outside the base and I bet even replacing them with gun turrets on the main wall would be enough to detect SBH, or maybe place an additional guard tower guarding the half from the nearside corner opposite the power plant with a partial view of both entrances. I don't mind the water swimming being able to bypass the guard tower near the power plant, there used to be something similar you could do on Gold Rush, and there needs to be a legitimate way of sneaking into the base to give Nod their covert options.
  2. I'm still learning to feel the changes it has in game-play combat situations, and we could maybe do with some sort of side by side video split demonstrating how the damage has been changed if it has such a strong degree of new influence upon the game, although I appreciate this is some work in itself. My only real gripe so far is that is has broken the tab screen information showing how many of each character is on the team as this is really important information to plan purchases and organise rushes. I've managed to kill the player Schrott as a Patch versus Mendoza at least once, which is probably a massive improvement based on prior duels, but prior to this I found someone with this level of ability can use almost any mid-level character such as a Patch or LCG and easily defeat a less skilled opponent's Mobius or Mendoz quite consistently, resulting in a lot of frustration for many other players.
  3. It's a shame they did so much work on it and then just pulled the plug. I think Tiberium was quite the well branded name for this game, maybe after they've done all their remastering of C&C TIberium Dawn and Red Alert they will come back and revisit this. If they've recently done a mobile game, I don't see why they can't explore doing another FPS and it at least seems they are now partially open to listening to the old Westwood Studios people that started Petroglyph and instead of it being TIberian Sun era they could skip this and look straight into Kane's Wrath type units and buildings.
  4. Already mentioned somewhere, but the Esc menu doesn't work with the end game screen open anymore (for myself and some others at least), I usually have to Alt+Tab back to windows and then right click on the application and click "close" to end the game after a map has finished.
  5. I would have thought this opinion was common among many players. We knew this from Renegade back in 2003 and I agreed then, I still agree today. In fact it is usually that exact combination that gets to me, playing a long stalemate game of Field and then another demoralising stalemate game of Under. I think there should be a map rotation algorithm that limits how often they can be played and their probability of appearing in the map pool is reduced. The only thing that prevented this before was City map, which we no longer have. I remember one pug we played FIeld-X and then Field after and I can't remember if I rage quit for the first time in my life whilst playing new Ren. There the two most familiar maps as one was the default for training and I think people like base defence maps due to building destruction limited tank and character options, something many were not familiar with. I quite like Field X because there's no longer quite the same severity of locked in base scenario and so it can end quicker.
  6. I'd prefer to see "(Player name) volunteers to be Commander" I much prefer this over "(Player name) votes (Player name) for commander" if initiating a self vote.
  7. I'm happy there are people giving this much attention to detail. For feedback, I thought the repair sound was just too quiet and unnoticeable, its nice to hear when repairs are really being given and I also thought the grenade launcher wheezing/wizz sound was a bit irritating after a while, but the rest sounded nice. I'd actually welcome a new door sound just to replace something that's common place and a bit boring. Differences in things like footsteps or tracks in snow, sand or dirt if this isn't already present.
  8. The most vital thing to know in the entire game which is not explained is that anti-personnel mines (only hot wires and technician class carry them) are intended for defending buildings, these are placed in groups of 2 or 3 at building doors, ramps or choke points, but if you place them anywhere else without knowing what you're doing or go over the limit of allowed mines you will quickly alienate the experienced players into condemning or behaving hostile towards you. Everything else you can learn or pick up in time.
  9. Every-time I see a Chem I think...
  10. I could one day see Vanilla C&C mode and Tiberian Sun mode being something to inter-change between on games, in any case it shows what looks like a good transition period between epochs.
  11. I never join server games where there's a really low player count anymore so this doesn't affect me, but I suppose having a minimum of real player and then topped up with the AI-Bots could make conditions similar to a small game. Enough to prevent a single player taking a mobius or mendoza and being able to shoot away at all the MCT panels in buildings unopposed, which could be annoying if it's only a 3 v 3 for example. I would support some sort of special meeting map where players can just practise their skills with free spawning guns, tanks and some sort of range or real targets to be hitting and then when the server was populated beyond a certain point someone could start a vote map change to begin normal C&C mode ordinary map games.
  12. I still see quite a lot of large GDI tank pushes that win games and I don't mind this, but I think there should be a viable counter, especially for Nod and if locked in base. I would love to see more well coordinated and original smaller infantry and tank rushes as well, but that isn't always possible in public games with many inexperienced players and I agree we see a lot of large infantry rushes ending games now, particularly on Field and Under. I won't push the EMP buggy thing anymore, but in the strat games it was a way of stopping heavy tanks and only GDI had EMP grenades. I was sort of imagining a buggy driving past something like a mammoth tank and being able to create an EMP pulse alongside it in order to disable perhaps engine and guns? As long as it remained alive it was capable of permanently disabling a tank due to re-charging ...but now my imagination just has me thinking napalm drops or thermite grenades for Nod and delta-force dirt bikes with rockets again for GDI. The EMP mine thing I can see working - When placed a single EMP mine which is hidden by stealth would be capable of disabling a single tank (rather than a group, maybe too strong) but we kept them as also capable of being destroyed if revealed - give it to Ravshaw/Dozer or maybe one for an SBH and/or if you have to balance 'cool things' give Sydney/Mobius one that does volt rifle style electrical damage over time only. Although the main goal here was to give Nod another tool for stopping or slowing down large tank rushes and I had Islands in mind as this is usually the most frustrating, but also some other maps like Tunnels, Lakeside or Arctic Stronghold where things can easily snowball. Once enough tanks can peak round those rocks and shoot or just drive in with a buff on Islands it's often a guaranteed building destruction. I don't dislike the current tank mines, but on some maps they're far too easy to see and destroy, which is where I thought Nod could have a stealth mine advantage because they lack heavy tanks and they need more options to ambush more, especially because the SBH is so weak. You can really spam them on maps like FIeld and Walls where they are really effective so I'm not against an upper limit of say 8-10 for ordinary tank mines. For GDI at the very least make the mine the same colour as the environment (snow, sand, dirt or dark) or even seem like a flat heap on the ground. Anyway, thanks for commenting. I would support the stunned tank idea even for existing mines on either side.
  13. Does Nod need another way to counter heavy grouped GDI tank rushes? I am thinking on maps like Walls, Islands, Complex and maybe X-Mountain specifically. In Kane's Wrath the Raider Buggy can emit a small EMP weapon, with a cool-down effect and would something similar make the buggy in Ren-X more useful than it is currently and ensure it is used more throughout the game? Maybe we could also equip the GDI Humvee with a tow missile (as this usually gets discussed due to C&C Generals) as a way to equal out offerings or maybe some sort of group heal radial bonus... could give them both a little more armour than they have presently so they don't crumple under light fire. The argument I suppose will be there's still the EMP grenade, but infantry are always vulnerable attempting to get close enough to a tank ion time to use it as well as get some shots in before being hammered, and often waiting in a base choke point is too late to stop something from building and rolling in, especially now we have offensive/defensive command powers that can be used. What about EMP mines? What about cloaking specifically Nod anti-tank mines from distance so they can't so easily be detected and destroyed? These things might also spare the valuable cp being used on things like EMP airstrikes, which can also be hard to do if having to concentrate on so much other stuff going on around you.
  14. Wait, what does /R do? I don't use this function. I like the idea of the message being 'sticky' and remaining prominent on screen, maybe centre top is a better place then at the side with all the other info. It would be nice if there were also function keys or ways to switch off some of this other meta-data because the screen starts to become cluttered and information overloaded quite easily.
  15. Yeah, sort of, what's the shortcut key for this panel? Does it still exist? And how do you create an entry? I had in mind some sort of statement between the two text groupings on the left, but it might be redundant now. It's funny you should pick a screenshot with my old player name in it.
  16. I don't think this already exists, but if it does, someone can correct me. Is it possible to have some sort of command function for the commander role that places the last order given on the left side of the screen somewhere, maybe above the kill streaks and below all the other comm chatter. Any new message left would cancel out the old order or instruction. For example, typing: /O Would list the message as an [order]. Orders: Assemble in the Airstrip with Mendoza's. I like using the /c function in the team chat box, because you get the big clear message centre screen, but it soon disappears and you have to keep spamming it over and over. I think it would be useful to have something that remains on the screen the whole time in a noticeable colour that doesn't easily get lost against all the other text data streams.
  17. I just wanted to add, I've noticed there's a smaller vehicle path that sort of emerges for a short distance which hugs the central rock race, it, seems like a natural route for stealth tanks and other small tanks to take because it seems to prevent things like mammoth tanks or flame tanks using it due to being too narrow, I enjoy using this more difficult route for some reason, but it would be nice if this could be extended, perhaps raised further away from the lower ground level or defined more by things like well placed stumps, rocks or tiberium to distinguish it more as a less travelled route, but not a totally new second path in it's own right, if that makes sense. I get a little annoyed at encountering so many random tree stumps in the central region travelling between each base in a vehicle, especially when it seems there ought to be plenty of space to move around and there's no obvious reason for them being there. It would be good if there were a few more earth mounds to provide cover from artillery shells and obelisk lasers, and probably ought to be the same on the GDI side. This area sort of feels like a no mans land, it would be cool if there were some models of dead soldiers also or something that indicated roughly where base defence ranges are. There's a tree near the upper silo region where it's possible to get stuck on with an infantry character, and even when finally managing to seemingly free myself it kept trying to rubber band me and forced me to move at a snails pace, before getting sniped. It's the one nearest the Nod bridge from the higher path going around the back of the silo, sorry I didn't take a screen capture. My impressions so far have been that people are enjoying the map and similar to X-Mountain teams are doing a good mixture of infantry rushes and tank sieges. If you continue to work on it I'm sure it could make a permanent addition to the map rotation. I see so many new maps get put out for a short period only to see them removed again, usually because of some bad criticisms, when all they need is some honest feedback and a map maker prepared to refine their creation. I'm getting tempted and encouraged to see if I can try making my own map now I have a higher spec PC.
  18. Epic documentary short, lacked a few cuts of mobius and havoc perhaps.
  19. The invisibility crate was in original Renegade, stealth snipers were possibly the worst, but I'm sure it added some fun, merit or enjoyment but I'd not likely enjoying being on the receiving end, I think base defences could still track them as normal though.
  20. Has anybody seen this game trailer kicking around on Facebook? It reminds me sort of Renegade C&C world. Imagine if we could place out own buildings early game in open spaced bases... https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/satisfactory/home
  21. I've been getting the same error recently, but I think it was already after this map was over, so I turned down my anti-aliasing settings, although in theory the Nvidia RTX 2080 is such a new card with 16gb, I'd thought not to need to do this to prevent that error, but I'll try ticking that 64 bit box I've just found.
  22. Looks really interesting, is this a map for a different type of game mode? i.e. not just about mutual base destruction, but has an objective? Is it realistic it can work or is it just an attempt to prototype or model something? Is it viable to be loaded and played or is it likely to lag and crash out? The map feels so large, you would not want to run many places by foot, would you also still have Chinooks enabled as well as these new planned aircraft? Would you have hillside anti-aircraft Sam sites as part of an early objective to take down? I recommended dirt bikes for GDI in the vehicles thread, would be very cool on an expansive map like this for personal transport, one or maybe 2 people, faster and cheaper than a Humvee. The drop ship and temple of Nod are nice touches.
  23. This was the first map I played this evening and it mostly seems to have a very good look and feel, nice work. I was Nod faction so will only comment from this perspective. There's still a lot for me to explore, so I will come back and edit this as I play it more. I liked the small command centre cave I discovered, whether it would be used or not, I'm not sure. I am wondering if the tunnel leading directly to the GDI power plant is too easily defensible by way of a camping MRLS? And does it need some X vehicle blockers in place so it's mainly defended by counter infantry rather than tanks. GDI seemed to have two very easily defensible choke points with little cover for enemy Nod tanks to use (someone else commented this), although my opinion of this might change once I've played both sides. I don't personally like all that extra information included on the mini map graphic at the top and it's mostly just repeated info and a bit distracting when planning, we can see all of this information in game through the existing UI and people can easily see and learn how many turrets each team has. If there was some sort of dynamic display to say how many turrets were still alive/active, this might be different but I don't think you can do this with a fixed graphic.
  24. It's almost like they're advocating for some sort of situational awareness and play that favours helping one another in any given moment.
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