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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Mystic~

  1. I agree with this, perhaps the new maps could still be included in the patch so everyone at least has them but leave them out of the default server rotation until community certified. This way someone can create a "new maps" server for 20:20 game-play testing or even use Rudd's existing one (it would surely be popular for a week or two) just be sure to let people know specifically that the maps there are in development and feedback is appreciated so people don't moan "this is crap" etc. The Saturday testing is fine for spotting glaringly obvious bugs, but they never get a proper game-play run through like Eyes and Training Yard benefited from.
  2. If Agent or someone can setup a server, we can just organise ourselves into co-op teams rather than having leaders and just switch manually. This works for small 8 v 8 PUGs in the past, might be more challenging if 40 people show.
  3. There was also a thread discussing a low-powered version of base defenses once the Power Plant was destroyed. https://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=169&t=75775&hilit=low+powered
  4. We did a 3-4 vehicle APC rush that slammed into the Nod barracde, whilst it was mostly stopped dead my APC still managed to crawl over the light tank blocking the way, the APC was soon destroyed but I managed to run to the tunnel without being pursued, switched sides underneath and started making my way past the destroyed Hand of Nod towards the Refinery. Apparently Kenz was doing the same thing. There were two people on Nod re-spawning with tunnel vision that should have seen us running past the Strip, but didn't. We planted C4 in the Ref which wasn't mined and the rest is history.
  5. You could do with placing some metal tank blockers and barbed wire on the edges of the forest nearest each base, because it looks as if you should be able to explore down the side of each bases concrete wall, but you hit an invisible wall that prevents you from going further. Someone mentioned something about the main base concrete high walls being destructible? This would be a cool game/map feature that would create some unique strategies if it can be implemented beyond being a client-side only thing.
  6. This is precisely why I also suggested something needed to be done about engineers.
  7. New points: Need some sort of blocking volume to stop characters jumping on the rocks near the Nod base and getting on top of the infantry bridges and gaining access to the map wall boundary. Inside the tunnel-bridges it goes pitch black and I cannot see anything at the U bends making it difficult to navigate through. The bridges don't connect to the mid-section cliff 'island' seamlessly, i.e. part of the windows are visible at the end connection points. This doesn't look or feel as if it is intentional. The GDI base is very open and flat and lacks obstacles and places for Nod SBH to hide... more trees, rocks, caves, like X-Mountain & Islands and varied terrain like Lakeside needed.
  8. None of this makes any sense. They're calling for the ability to airstrike an enemy teams beacon placed on your teams buildings. You can't Airstrike your own teams beacon because it was decided that it is over-powered and is already disallowed in the game-play mechanics by a prior patch. Whilst you can mistakenly kill yourself from your own airstrike, you do not cause friendly-fire to your own team mates which means it could provide the ideal cover to a team attempting to diffuse a beacon whilst destroying some of the enemy teams tanks. I agree with them, I think it should be allowed (if it isn't already - I haven't personally tried) - think GDI tanks rolling in to the end of the Airstrip on Islands or Nod tanks rolling in to the side of the GDI barracks on Canyon. There are times like these you need heavy weapons to make an impact against an organised attack.
  9. I experienced the same bug due to receiving blue Tiberium gun damage, I was most likely also playing on Field at the time. Had to suicide to end the cycle.
  10. Whatever the final choices for testing, I think it would be a good idea to focus on maps that are realistically close enough to being finished and can be fine tuned so that they may be integrated into the next patch - public games are starting to feel a bit stagnant despite the infantry changes, which were very welcome. (Walls, Islands, Lakeside, Whiteout) 2:1 (Canyon, Volcano, Complex, Training Yard) Field: No. Under: No. Goldrush: Meh. Not sure why Eyes disappeared.
  11. If blocking volumes aren't practical could you create some neutral anti-tank mines? Put up a warning sign and have them destroy any vehicle that comes into contact with them and then have them automatically re-spawn when detonated. It should be possible to prevent climbing vehicles and vehicles driving out of bounds—although shorter time would also prevent this second point. Could also remodel the rocks to make them steeper?
  12. As a Nod player it's possible to hide a beacon inside the Tiberium crystals close to the GDI power plant making it unlikely that GDI would find it in time and very likely that only Hotwire repair guns would be able to reach. There's a bunch of objects inside the GDI base without collision making it possible to plant beacons inside oil drums/barrels and crates etc. The small rocks used in the field and mainly the Nod base cliff areas are showing up without any texture (purple and white). I'll try get a screenshot to show which ones. I agree with Ryz's idea that it would be nice if there were an objective associated with the alien ship like some sort of powerful laser/plasma bombardment on the enemy base; maybe not enough to destroy a building outright. I would also support the creation of an entrance from the main field into the ship.
  13. It was the Dropbox link I was reporting as slow, not sure about Mayhew.
  14. Is there another location to download the latest Crash Site from? It's downloading really slow and as I type this it's just timed out with a network error. Update: I had better luck with "Save to Dropbox" instead of downloading as a zip file.
  15. Here are the links to the proposed maps taken from Rudd's map-testing server post updated earlier in the week. Updated CNC-Crash Site https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cselfidlu0cktm3/AAB-wGU30egRFShRC9xSSauHa?dl=0 CNC-GrassyKnoll http://1drv.ms/1MKkzcB Could somebody confirm the link for the correct Grassy Knoll version? I'm guessing it's labelled "Release" as the other one has Ion in the name. Should the PUG/Map-testing posts perhaps be moved from General into Community & Events?
  16. Long Marathon games are horrible and in my opinion do a lot to put off new players, but a small percentage of long-time players dogmatically advocate it because losing on points is lame. I agree that some sort of "Sudden Death" option needs to created and either be linked to game time or called through a player vote. Under SD conditions I'm all in favour for the de-activation of base defenses and disabling of repair-guns as either combined or separate options - an "Ion Storm Approaching" would fit the story.
  17. Some sort of steel stairs and catwalk like Eyes map would look appropriate. Would also give my support for a steel balcony section that links the two upper alcoves along the outside wall so people can shoot off of it from more angles.
  18. That must be why an alien ship is covered in hundreds of English health & safety signs.
  19. Mystic~


    With the new patch I get a lot of 'game lag'. My character will seem to teleport when running, I'll get stuck running into walls and vehicle controls temporarily freeze, the steering locks up causing my tank to drive in circles and this is often accompanied by seeing a flash of 2-3 different future probabilities. I have all my graphics set to low and effects turned off but it doesn't make much difference. For me, it isn't map specific but it might be due to some sort of denial of service attack on the server.
  20. Why not bring back the beacon pedestal? A new form of internal building defense would prevent having to explain to new people the complicated rules regarding mines and their expected usage as well as open up new avenues for potential infiltration into buildings. It's not so much about buffing, it would probably need to be on par with what the mines deliver - a limited defense that can be circumvented if given the opportunity and the right tools.
  21. In the original Deus Ex game, laser trip wires were connected to alarm systems and auto-turrets mounted on ceilings. If you walked through the beams whilst they're still active you trigger a local alarm and get shot at with cannon fire from the turrets. There were lots of different solutions to get by them: It was possible to disable the door beams via a control panel next to the door by either hacking the terminal or using electronic multi-tools (essentially the same as an engineer repair gun) - it was also possible to use EMP grenades to disable the beams/turrets in the blast radius. You could eventually destroy the turrets themselves with enough gun hits over time or destroy the beam emitters and/or turrets with high explosives like remote C4. Buildings like the Hon and Airstrip could have secondary interior beams at windows and interior tower access point that would trigger the auto-turret, but perhaps ignore any sort of global alarm system so sneaking is still possible even if you run through them. There was always the option you could risk running straight through the beams at a doorway and take a load of damage and triggering alarms in some sort of a suicide dash - sort of like 'eating' the current mines. If such a system were possible, proxies could be limited to a number per a player/class dependent and be used in the field instead of guarding doorways, which is much more intuitive and fits with new player expectations. https://youtu.be/GzwPP-Cb_wU?t=5m40s
  22. I think it would be clearer if this were a video, after my hotwire died the camera just started whizzing round and round. I guess that blur in the middle is me. We got your hand with a combined mob + ion rush in the end
  23. Suicide engineers were a pain previously, there were a few suggestions made including speed and a timed delay. https://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=169&t=75745 The current time should probably be reduced from whatever it is, but I think it was a positive step that just needs refining.
  24. I turned off all my graphics settings to play with the new patch in order to try and prevent the game from lagging and as a consequence I experience the same blacked out vehicles. I think it's to do with unchecking one the lighting options in the game settings. I recall a lot of maps being rebuilt due to something called static lighting, I'm sure devs/map makers can elaborate.
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