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Everything posted by Ryz
And sunday since last week. Welcome BTW!
Was planning to report this when I noticed the topic. I've noticed this at least 20 times the past few weeks (since I tend to sit a mammy these days often). First I thought I was tired and not aiming well, but after some trial and error I figured that this wasn't the case. This topic proves that even more. I did not test what @sterps says but I noticed that missiles always get registered and do damage but that the main gun doesn't. If this fixes it I now know how to overcome it but sometimes I like to keep missiles apart for specific occasions. It's also annoying when, like yesterday for example, I get killed by a flamer cause twice my maingun doesn't do damage... If you miss damaging (or like yesterday killing) a building it sucks, but losing your last vehicle due the bug sucks even more. Would be appreciated if someone could look into it!
The timer doesn't really make a difference if you ask me. When you play 6 vs 6 and one person with an APC plants a beacon you will have a hard time reaching it. It is offcourse easier if you (allready) have vehicles, but once you need to to buy one it will take too much time. Same goes for when you have a beacon and an SBH had the beacon planted cause than you cannot leave your vehicle. A (voteable) disable option is fine to me. Above a certain amount of ppl the beacon should auto activate, for example about 10 vs 10.
Wonder who these people are when I read this topic...
True, but it's not my kind of style to accuse people personally. I know people might say that I rant about bad teamwork or do stuff like that, but I guess that there aren't many occasions where I personally 'attacked' someone and I wasn't planning to. Like I said I rather see a 'code change' implemented so ppl don't join but go to spectator! I don't get why this is so hard. Right now you need to press a button to 'gain control.' That same method could work to 'gain control' and assign someone to a team. No UI or anything required.
I liked these kind of games also, but most AOWs which were a close call were played very different and too conservative. People would get blamed for getting an expensive unit and losing it and it was mainly encouraged to almost play hide and seek in order to not lose anything. I've seen AOW games where two teams were close and just waited for eachother for the last (for example) ten minutes of the game. When I tried to organize a rush or something people got mad... "If you rush now you give them points... " Or "attacking is useless, we have the lead." In general I rather lose and have a good fight than fall in sleep behind my PC waiting for the end of the game. I don't like the super conservative gamestyle, but that's also just an opinion. Since the new system is introduced these 'wait and try not to fall a sleep' games are gone and I like it!
LOL: "I want to Q-spot shit soo bad..."
Too be honest I missed AOW games at first, but never had that feeling since veterancy was introduced. Now there are 'these' four different games if you ask me: - Instant win (few attacks early game do very much damage, game is over soon) - Long term win (one game has to lead from early game and grows stronger) - Rare stalemates (Snow for example with no damage vs no damage and a lot of kills) - Equal balanced team games / sort of stalemate but more interesting (no real progress till a part of the team gets Elite) In the past Marathon games a match would sometimes last hours without any noticeable progress. Now you gain VP and can work towards that goal generally giving the game more a feeling that you are achieving something. In fact the best games I had were those ones. I can give two examples of games in which everybody (at least on the team I was in) greatly enjoyed it: Lakeside We Nod, enemy GDI (ofc). Nod loses strip early game (within 5 minutes) yet manages to get GDI out of the base for 60... SBH rushes and other attacks do some damage. Teams are always between 20 and 25 players and GDI has 10 ~15 campers. GDI almost never attacks, Nod gains VP, steals vehicles, etc. In the end almost whole Nod is Elite or Heroic and overrules GDI (even without vehicles). Bar dies, WF dies.... Ref is camped by mammies sitting in front of every door. Still Nod forces manage to kill them slowly. Nod wins after (I guess) 90 minutes or more.... Xmountain This was a few weeks ago, don't renember all the details. We were GDI and killed one building early in the game (Ref I suppose). The game lasted for at least an hour without any damage. GDI doesn't get organized, Nod gains VP. Suddenly Nod kills the BAR and GDI the HON. GDI looks like still in the better position but around one and a half hour nothing happened yet. GDI loses more buildings (not sure in which order) and suddenly it's PP vs PP and strip.... Enemy strip gets killed at 2 hours and GDI PP almost dies. Yet a rocket rush (after 2 hours and 20 min or something) suddenly kills Nod PP. This game could have gone anywhere. GDI should have won if you looked at the starting situation but 'we' got punished for doing nothing and Nod got a 'bonus' for their effort resulting in more VP and more kills / building damage. GG's!
In general chat it was said various times yeah. But I'dd rather not blame someone cause it's not about that one game but about the bigger picture!
That would be the best scenario!
Some of them do, but last week 'our' base got rushed while it was 11 vs 11 with 2 afks on our side. Cause I tried to save buildings (which failed) I couldn't kick afks. At the moment were I was able to half our base was gone. The other team even had a moderator on it... Offcourse this is just one situation and this isn't the problem, it's more about the issue in general.
In theory yes, but in reality people can be afk map after map while never moving....
To be honest... If I play on one of the Christmas Days it would be due the fact I have to (or want to) escape my family and other obligations. If I am celebrating Christmas I expect good food, a lot of nice drinks, my Girlfriend (and other women, but I don't tell her) dressed up in a nice looking Christmas dresses and so on... For me I don't feel the need to have special Christmas maps, games, themes or whatsoever. On the other hand I agree with Veyron. If there's nothing going on I need something to entertain me (or us, the Ren-X) base. Maybe do something special not Christmas related around that time but do it only than? Of course it's just my opinion...
Yeah I really don't get why some persons stay in the game round after round while being afk... I usually leave when I am afk for longer than a few min, but last time I forgot and got autokicked. Some people not... Not sure about that, but I've thought about it. I guess these persons were really afk in the example of yesterday, cause they have a large sum of money when I tried to kick them. Also it's a list of 5 ~10 people who do this very often. If I see their names with 0 points after 30 min of the game I know enough... I look up where they are, pm them and if they don't reply and move in the next 5 or 10 min I try the votekick.
I am not saying someone is hacking... But even if people play fair (which I believe they do in most of the cases) the above scenario is something which has to be looked into. I know new players who left the game cause they got killed all the time . They never returned to Ren-X, but I also speak to regular player who indeed just leave when some of the elite snipers are on. Furthermore I see chat about 'hacks' every time I play when those snipers are on. It doesn't mean they hack, but it shows people are just really bothered by it. There are topics which say people should get more skill or train their aim which is also true, but still I think doing something to prevent 'easy' kills would increase the fun for many players and reduce (rage)quit. I know the sniper has been changed a lot and I know 'easy kill' can also be done with other units... Fuhtermore, but I don't see how this can be easily changed, these things would also greatly help: - Balance snipers over teams, or force people with a high k/d to be in separate teams on PUB's (now teams are just randomly selected) - Somehow cap the ability of a sniper once the bar is down and special units are gone. I've played games of Field for example where 3 or 4 snipers just killed us every time we left a building. The enemy team could have finished the game, but instead people were scoring over 100 kills while never attacking the base. The result? The attacked team left and the server emptied.... In reality sniping / farming k/d will always something with which people are focused on or obsessed by and it will be hard to change....
Again something on this issue. This week I've played a lot of games where the server pop would go from 60 to zero in just 3 or 4 games. Main reason(s) besides often very unbalanced teams skillwise is still the afks. Today I've played several games after eachother where afks are there for multiple rounds. Cause we had small games at that point I was running everywhere and had no time to kick them. When we finally removed them it was 9 vs 11.... Than ppl started to ragequit and our entire base got slaugtered or vise versa. Next game we had 3 ppl left when it started cause nobody liked the past game. Since you can't switch easily (unless you reconnect or disconnect) I see less ppl try to balance. In the end these unbalanced games with afks are one the main reason the server empties early(er). Maybe something to really, really look into?
Almost never use this command, but I hear that (especially when I shoot from the tank in sort of first person) I block people or push them cause I don't see them. So in this case it is very much usefull...
That would be my most requested command!
Exactly what happened @DarkSn4ke... Personally I did what was asked (don't vote) but for me just the loading screen of the map made my mood got killed quicker than Nod took down our base. BTW: I guess I won't be able to join the next PUG because of a photoshoot.
Actually it was decided to not vote and we got Mesa served. Mesa sucks if you ask me cause it's (at least in a PUG) always super predicable and boring. It even sucked harder cause 'we' were GDI... Lesson for the future: vote
I just cannot aim whatever I try. Sometimes I need 5 characters from 1k to make on kill cause I always get killed myself, even by a normal soldier...
That picture, wot? Talking about real life.... I live in a small city called Bergen op Zoom and nobody ever heard of it. Yet twice a Dutch person playing the game said he lives here. One was a mile away. Last saturday someone sended me his street name. If I look outside my windows I can see this street. I was like WTF.... Strange coincidence.
Lol.. The plan was to get him in my APC, so he could leave the base. But my APC had passengers and one of them killed Swaffelen... I know someone who does the above (the video) with pidgens
Moment was pretty fucked up for you, since HON was just down. Tried to find you to help, but couldn't before you got killed. Good you reported the spot!
Do you try joining with the launcher? Cause if you use the launcher it will check if your game is up-to-date. Not saying this IS the reason, but it can be one of the reasons.