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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. Well I guess it does explain a bit... I can't go back to see the history of the website, so I cannot compare, but recent changes (past year) have made the frontpage unindexable. You can check how google sees your site by using: info:renegade-x.com Result = nothing Google doesn't index the frontpage of Renegade-x at all. Check another url and it works. Same goes for Bing, doesn't index the site either.
  2. Like mentioned you should give the frontpage a short description about Renegade-x including the name and important words on which you want to be found. I don't know how IPB / the forum works, but there should also be a meta description for Google containing 155 characters max with the most important details. Fuhrter: - You could add titles with important words Like 'Free to play' or whatever you like the game to be found on (H1 or H2) on the frontpage leading to pages which more information - Alternatively you could make landing pages with import words or phrases - A lot of people search on images. You could give the frontpage pictures a more descriptive name to gain more traffic - The site lacks a sitemap, can help for getting indexed by Google - The site also lacks a robots.txt - Redirecting broken links can also help Also: Check the .htaccess if it doesn't block indexing For some reason the site has ONE 301 redirect which sends bentos profile to that from poi
  3. You didn't mention that buildings didnt have mines and a spy could infiltrate. I was simply fixing mines and for that I removed the tunnel mines. I couldnt expect a rush at exact that moment of time.
  4. Thinking about a topic: "What are you cooking / what have you cooked?" For now no new music, but I am looking forward to listen this: https://biosphere.bandcamp.com/album/the-hilvarenbeek-recordings-remastered-and-expanded-version
  5. Lol, I pressed surrender like that instead of going to buff. The result was the same, cause I couldn't buff and the rush failed Was tired and mixed up some keys while trying to be quick. It would indeed by handy to have some of these keys changed, but I dont know how. Leading a rush when your vehicle gets destroyed is also very annoying cause you have to get back in the vehicle of a teammate while you can't use the 'E' key cause you are in a commander menu.
  6. Problem is that, in a busy battlefield, you also get pushed towards the vehicle. This has to do with the 'auto enter' a 'neutral' vehicle if it spawns from a crate, which was added to the game recently.
  7. Found a new bug: When someone bumps into your vehicle while repairing (can even be a unit) the vehicle moves and you auto enter it.
  8. That's what I meant. Sometimes I make a judgement call to overmine. Fairly points out it's not wrong what you do, but makes you think (if you have that capability ) what it would do for other mines.
  9. Well... I know it all depends on my mood, how much I worked and other circumstances @Axesor cause I can be annoyed about overmining, but... - Mines have a certain amount of (un)luck involved with the placing. Someone can overmine, place wrong - Someone can mine to defend C4 on enemy MCT (and expose an own building) - Etc Mines can decide a game in both win and loss. But if you remove this element it makes the game more 'scripted' and less 'a game.' In my opinion a good commander can make a big difference. He / she can remove all non-building mines and correct a problem if the person reacts to teamchat. But even with that I often see is (sadly) people who 'suggest' themselve as commander in order to never react to teamchat cause they are 'too busy commanding' (not sure what they do...) A commander also brings in some amount of 'randomness.' If we remove ALL the randomness there would be no game, but just a script with which player has to move how.... I understand what you say, cause losing cause of 'new players' or people not self-aware is sad, but I rather invest on adding extra options to the game: - tutorial - information (like you are overmining message on FPI server) - Players helping out (I even played on empty servers to learn people stuff) - Motivate people to chat, even though they don't know English (I often hear I dont understand English, then how did you install the game...) - commander options Instead of askingsk people to spend time strip the game, cause soon there will be no game left... Tanks can be stolen cause noobs get out... Disallow people to steal tanks,.. Crates? Disabled them, might influence the game. Spies? No way! Etc.... Hope you understand. Like I always say: "I rather lose a good fight in game, then win by the enemy teams f*ckups..."
  10. Well, then you can remove any element from the game to make it easier... I dont like overminers (spent 10 minutes remining yesterday on Under only to lose one the PP at minute ten and then the entire base) but lately I see less issues with mines.
  11. SEO wise it would be smart to have a short description post about Renegade-X at the first page above the 'blog' posts. It should include Renegade-x and some keywords you want to be found on.
  12. Triggerfinger, nice! Seen them live a few times a few years ago, I prefer their old(er) work above the new. Matter of taste I guess!
  13. I guess it would be better IF: - Beacons are always enabled unless less then x players - If less then X players they can get enabled after losing 'x buildings Now GDI suddenly had beacons in a 60 player match Nod was losing... Did just end it quicker while before we lost two buildings Nod couldnt nuke at all... Keep up the good work!
  14. To be honest I like it the way it is. What I would like to see changed is the 'back' key for commander mode. Yesterday my vehicle got destroyed during an 8 ppl med rush, but I wasnt able to get in the other vehicles cause I had to get out of the 'buff' screen I had selected. When I was back in the vehicle I had to go 'all the way' back to the buff menu. Maybe I can set a secondary key for getting in and out the vehicle myself, while still having 'E' as default enabled. That, among the difficulty of repairing while being commander, are my only problems. Nothing commander mode related, but 'emp deployment related' is that beacons and stuff get placed straight in front of you if someone drves through your view when deploying. The person in front of you takes focus and the emp (or whatever is called) ends up in the wrong place.
  15. Sometimes people are willing to follow / be leaded, sometimes not. Yesterday I was on Nod on Under and we locked the enemy into their base with 10 ~15 ppl helping. All went smooth, till we had over 15(!) sbhs and 3 ~5 snipers. No surprise we lost the field... Two doza rushes, where quite some ppl joined, killed the PP. After that we 'lost' the teamwork again and ppl went solo till that didn't achieve anything. It was when someone said 'arties can't kill the WF from that range' that 4 other people drove their arty towards the same spot (as requested). One buff and 30 secs later the whole GDI base was 'burned' down. So yeah, teamwork can happen. Round after: we (GDI) also lost Walls cause vehicles didn't last longer then a minute. People creating a mass grave with failed rushes, while this could have turned out the other way if some more ppl worked together...
  16. Lol @ muppets! Totally into this (mix) right now: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09xpwtr
  17. Just discovered this (new link): Less then 300 views on Youtube. I am sure there is a SoundCloud link which has more hits. 'njoy!
  18. Nice experience sofar! Active mods / people on IRC at the moment and server runs smooth. Played a few games and one of them was the same Xmountain @darksn4ke here above was on. Not too sure about the 2 credit tick if ref is down, cause Nod could basically replace inf. without a problem. Since there was no strip Nod lacked ranged and pushed GDI back sometimes, but that game could have lasted hours the way it was balanced right now. Nod was too weak (no strip) to make a big push but too strong to lose and get backed down in their base. I noticed you guys are also checking into this. Also like the server is without mods like map changes with turrents and stuff. I have respect for every serverowners work but I also have my own preferences. This feels more like Ren-x should be (besides the quick money, but that might also be a matter of taste). Keep up the good work!
  19. After switching team I am still able to see the 'old teams' commanders teamchat.... Odd...
  20. Infact if the site is or can be visited by people from Europe it DOES need to comply to GDPR.
  21. Just checking, but with Chrome I have the same. All internal link previews are 'blank.'
  22. Well i don't expect you will get a penalty directly, but afaik this forum should complyto the GDPR from the 25th of may.
  23. There should be one. Not that I personally need it, but I think it will become necessary because of the GDPR
  24. Released half a year ago, but still nice!
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