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Everything posted by Handepsilon

  1. TmX is still having a mod-exclusive discussion. We're also looking for someone who can contact Skeeze and ask him if he can finally provide our server a protection. If not, then we might have to take down our AoW server, or let it live without seeding. Rest assured we will still host sniper and special server, the latter might be a bit restricted. EKT, afaik, is trying to perfect their protection. From OTT's perspective (he played on EKT yesterday) it's getting attacked continuously, but thrives with lags. It finally went down at European morning However Goku and I had been having private conversation regarding TmX and EKT. I prefer not to talk about it for now until I got clearance for Goku
  2. ....unless it's an infantry-only accessible building (bah segaofice beat me to it) Regardless, yes. Scripting it and modelling the whole thing might take too much for our weary dev team
  3. Will join if this cell I bought yesterday arrived or if I get a new card. Damn phone service
  4. So much strife just because of one asshole... I bet he's laughing at us now
  5. Er, EKT, maybe. but as established before, TmX server owners can't afford the additional service. Also, B0ng told me that he just got himself an European server. so if your problem is ping on US.....
  6. If you're sure it's the imposter, sure.
  7. hmm good thought Btw does EVA has 'Incoming Transmission' sound? just curious
  8. Well, if someone in TmX operates from background, I wouldn't know. We don't have any topic titled 'Let's DDoS this shit up!' in our closed sub forum so.... lol on topic I'm going to discuss this to the moderator team in TmX. I'm just upholding democracy here so no one questions why our server just went inaccessible overnight, or why I haven't killed the server yet
  9. Er.... Ruud Mutator != Script
  10. Skeeze, senior admin and owner of TmX server, has chatted with the ISP and he needs 10 extra euros per month. He claimed he doesn't have the extra money
  11. I dunno if this is known or not But bots are OP in this map. They can buy high tier characters early game without money, and can still do so without Barracks or Hand of Nod
  12. yeah, you gotta give us some chances Goks, seriously #crappynetcrappyspec
  13. Dude, no one wants to go to empty servers. Almost no one has the motivation to 'build up' population, that's why we never get filled up. I cannot possibly stay in TmX server all alone with no one helping. Last time we get filled up, I had Madkill and Super helping me getting player through population numbers in launcher On mining issue, that's not what Bananas said.... at least not in the exclusive subforum..... I still think we need to try AT mine styled mining. Each people gets their own low limit. So as to not mess the whole team up with bad mining
  14. Who's to say Kenz is GDI and not Nod? For all we know it could be Nod propaganda Jk, damn ye Kenz lol. But then again, scriptings are a whole lot of typos and forgotten lines. That's not even the real scripting
  15. Hmmmm let me perfect it a bit more Rx_SeqAct_ModifyPT.uc class Rx_SeqAct_ModifyPT extends SequenceAction; var(PurchaseTerminal) bool bAccessible; var(PurchaseTerminal) string Tooltip; var(PurchaseTerminal) string PTName; var(PurchaseTerminal) int TeamNumber defaultproperties { ObjName="Modify Purchase Terminal" ObjCategory="Ren X" Variablelinks(4)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Bool', LinkDesc="Accessible",MinVars=1,MaxVars=1,PropertyName=bAccessible) Variablelinks(3)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_String', LinkDesc="PT Name",MinVars=1,MaxVars=1,PropertyName=PTName) Variablelinks(2)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_String', LinkDesc="Tooltip",MinVars=1,MaxVars=1,PropertyName=Tooltip) Variablelinks(1)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Int', LinkDesc="Team Number",MinVars=1,MaxVars=1,PropertyName=TeamNumber) bCallHandler=false } TestPT.uc class TestPT extends Rx_BuildingAttachment implements (Rx_ObjectTooltipInterface) abstract; var CylinderComponent CollisionCylinder; var StaticMeshComponent PTMesh; var TEAM TeamNum; var bool bAccessable; var string tooltip; var string PTname; replication { if(bNetDirty && ROLE == ROLE_Authority) TeamNum, tooltip, bAccessable, PTname; } function OnModifyPT(Rx_SeqAct_ModifyPT FireAction) { local int KismetTeamNum; local string KismetToolTip, KismetPTName; local bool bKismetAccessible; KismetTeamNum = FireAction.TeamNumber; KismetTooltip = FireAction.Tooltip; KismetPTName = FireAction.PTName; bKismetAccessible = FireAction.bAccessible `log("Updating PT through Kismet"); TeamNum = KismetTeamNum; PTName = KismetPTName; Tooltip = KismetTooltip; bAccessable = bKismetAccessible; } simulated function string GetTooltip(Rx_Controller PC) { if (PC.GetTeamNum() == GetTeamNum() && class'Rx_Utils'.static.OrientationToB(self, PC.Pawn) > 0.1) return Repl(tooltip, "{GBA_USE}", Caps(UDKPlayerInput(PC.PlayerInput).GetUDKBindNameFromCommand("GBA_Use")), true); return ""; } simulated function bool IsTouchingOnly() { return true; } simulated function bool IsBasicOnly() { return false; } simulated function string GetHumanReadableName() { return PTname; } simulated event byte ScriptGetTeamNum() { return TeamNum; } simulated function bool AreAircraftDisabled() { local Rx_MapInfo mi; mi = Rx_MapInfo(WorldInfo.GetMapInfo()); if( mi != none ) { return mi.bAircraftDisabled; } return true; } simulated function StartCreditTick() { SetTimer(0.5f,true,'CreditTick'); } simulated function StopCreditTick() { if (IsTimerActive('CreditTick')) { ClearTimer('CreditTick'); } } simulated function StartInsufCreditsTimeout() { SetTimer(5.0f,false,'InsufCreditsTimeout'); } simulated function StopInsufCreditsTimeout() { if (IsTimerActive('InsufCreditsTimeout')) { ClearTimer(); } } defaultproperties { SpawnName = "_PT" SocketPattern = "Pt_" CollisionType = COLLIDE_TouchAllButWeapons bCollideActors = True bAccessable = false tooltip = "Press [ {GBA_USE} ] to access the PURCHASE TERMINAL" PTname = "Hacked Purchase Terminal" Begin Object Class=StaticMeshComponent Name=PTMeshCmp StaticMesh = StaticMesh'rx_deco_terminal.Mesh.SM_BU_PT' CollideActors = True BlockActors = True BlockRigidBody = True BlockZeroExtent = True BlockNonZeroExtent = True bCastDynamicShadow = True bAcceptsDynamicLights = True bAcceptsLights = True bAcceptsDecalsDuringGameplay = True bAcceptsDecals = True RBChannel = RBCC_Pawn RBCollideWithChannels = (Pawn=True) End Object Components.Add(PTMeshCmp) PTMesh = PTMeshCmp Begin Object Class=CylinderComponent Name=CollisioncMP CollisionRadius = 75.0f CollisionHeight = 50.0f BlockNonZeroExtent = True BlockZeroExtent = false bDrawNonColliding = True bDrawBoundingBox = False BlockActors = False CollideActors = True End Object CollisionComponent = CollisionCmp CollisionCylinder = CollisionCmp Components.Add(CollisionCmp) //RemoteRole = ROLE_Authority //bCollideActors = True //bBlockActors = True //BlockRigidBody = True //bCollideComplex = true //bWorldGeometry = true }
  16. Frankly not everyone's understanding though. I see regular people mines. Your worst case scenario for bad miner would be - That people insists that he knows how to mine even though he does it wrong (probably right on another server and got used to it) - That people does not communicate or does not know how to communicate - That people doesn't understand English - That people outright trolls your team I know that teamwork is a great thing but one person can literally brings his/her teammate down with terrible mining because everyone's mines are tied up.
  17. ..... we already have like 2 of these topics, Alka....
  18. i still believe mining needs to be reworked. The system's not exactly practical for newbs and people who, for example, migrates from EKT to TmX
  19. class Rx_SeqAct_ModifyPT extends SequenceAction; defaultproperties { ObjName="Modify Purchase Terminal" ObjCategory="Buildings" Variablelinks(4)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Bool', LinkDesc="Accessible",MinVars=1,MaxVars=1) Variablelinks(3)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_String', LinkDesc="PT Name",MinVars=1,MaxVars=1) Variablelinks(2)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_String', LinkDesc="Tooltip",MinVars=1,MaxVars=1) Variablelinks(1)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Int', LinkDesc="Team Number",MinVars=1,MaxVars=1) } Fixed it for you And the next step will be adding this to the PT class function OnModifyPT(Rx_SeqAct_ModifyPT FireAction) { local SeqVar_Bool BoolVar; local SeqVar_Int IntVar; local SeqVar_String StringVar; foreach FireAction.LinkedVariables(class'SeqVar_Int', IntVar, "Team Number") { if(IntVar.intvalue == 0) TeamNum = TEAM_GDI; else TeamNum = TEAM_Nod; } foreach FireAction.LinkedVariables(class'SeqVar_String', StringVar, "PT Name") { PTName = StringVar.strvalue; } foreach FireAction.LinkedVariables(class'SeqVar_String', StringVar, "Tooltip") { Tooltip = StringVar.strvalue; } foreach FireAction.LinkedVariables(class'SeqVar_Bool', StringVar, "bAccessible") { if(bValue == 1) bAccessable = true; else bAccessable = false; } }
  20. SeqAct and stuff is not that complex. I grasped its' logic while looking at AI's ScriptedMove function that uses kismet to fire up So you can essentially look around my kismet scripting if you want. I reckon you can understand my scripting better than the original source
  21. My advice to you as a new guy is to stay away from using proximity mine. It's a thing that even some veterans are unable to do it right in the right place. Just do it when you're really sure where and how many you should place
  22. This can't be done in default properties, use PostBeginPlay function....
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