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Everything posted by Truxa
So am I, and I still end most sessions of Ren on early "structure loss". What better time is it to call it quits? I don't do it every structure loss like a jerk, but after a few hours that would be the likely point to end my night. The way I see it, I stick through many early game structure loss. After hanging in through those for a few hours, it is the game's gift given back to me to be allowed to quit just one of them, my reward for not having done so the last however many. What better way of getting this tingly feeling of being in a disadvantage for more than an hour or 2 before it's (finally) ended! In my books, lasting a defense for more than 30 minutes after you lose 1 or 2 buildings, is a victory. Better yet, being so organized in the end, to overcome a 30m-1h defense and toppling a single structure, evening the score. Suddenly, the attacking force has to retreat and defend, in which they suck at that point, because they got used to the attack/siege while the others were used to try and sneak in.
He's right though, Jake. The game can be turned around with organized rushes even after a single building is destroyed for just 1 team. Right now, it's like the original Ren. No building (WF/Strip), no purchase (Vehicles) If you'd change it to destroying a building like Bar/Hon/WF/Strip to spike purchase costs, it would massively overpower the importance of the refinery, because, no money no purchase. No Hon ... meh why bother ... same with powerplant on maps without base defenses It would skew the balance too much to 1 direction (=gay)
I had the same issue when I had only 4GB of RAM. Well, I had 16GB but a 32bit windows version thus only able to use 4GB. It would be nice if you'd specify your rig: Processor RAM Graphics Card (+onboard RAM) Windows version (Vista? 7? 8?) (Bit version 32x/64x?)
No point. Most players are just like the lane creeps anyways. True, and the games wouldnt be balanced due to the pros knowing eachother and joining the same side. It's like a 5-man team with creeps fighting only creeps
Will this also fix the reticle flashing indicate a hit being registered, but not actually doing damage? Or is that the same thing?
Send it to Kenz and Kil. Kenz replied it and I think he'll distribute it to you guys
I always use the shortcuts and W should remain the same as it is! When you run towards a PT, you must press E to access it, just let go of any other keys, thats it! Then use the shortcuts for ease of purchase
You just hate it because it is a bit more stalemate sensitive than the non-base defense maps. I suggest you to play on a timed server instead of a marathon server, because even though you might not win or lose within the alotted time as you desired it how to win or lose. It ends in 30-40-60 minutes, depending on the server settings. For me, the best games are the stalemates. Both having just the Bar/HoN and nothig else. Or on maps with base defenses, having them online makes things complicated, but forces people to work together. I love working together, feeling being part of a team, OR being the designated defender, defending the base so others can go team-work assault.
Could be idk, but All Out War suggest the O being capitalized whereas the serverlist shows a lower case O, indicating a small insignificant word like "of" "or" "on" In any case, it sure as hell isn't an abbreviation for Age of Wonders
Thanks, I'll do that. Any Dev's reading this to whom I should send the link?
Whenever I see the Renegade X server list and see AoW server, I automatically read it as "Age of Wonders server" I know it's Art of War, but still is it just me?
start the launcher, in the top-left there is a little box. Click it and it allows you to enter your desired name. If you want to be on the leaderboards, you MUST have Steam installed and active having the same playername.
Nope, it's a different one. I found this topic before posting this topic. And no, I dont want to upload it to youtube, because others might find it and exploit it during play. Hence, I wish to know a way to hand it over to the Devs without any possibility of dumbfucks and retards like "EatyourGreensKids" to abuse it.
Hi, Where and/or how do I upload a video for Dev's eyes only to report and show a critical bug? Map: Gold Rush. I encountered a twat this morning named: EatyourGreensKids abusing this bug atleast twice on the TmX US server. He called me out saying I didnt know how he got into the base, thus cannot call him a cheater/glitch abuser for destroying the Nod ref without any mines setting off on the bridge, nor being transported to the base via APC or spy. I killed him the 2nd time for suspecting him doing it again, thus knowing his arrival. No recorddemo to proof it though, as I couldnt time it right. I did create a few after his 2nd abuse, in case he'd try a 3rd time. I went into offline mode to try how and when, took me 30 minutes to find an accesspoint. This is all I am willing to share atm, only want to show the Dev's the clip I made with Shadowplay (1m 30s, 350mb)
Google search led me here after todays match: Hotty used a bug to get in Nod base by using a mountain bug on goldrush. I didnt know how it works and still dont know. Thing is, I agree that NORMAL people wont abuse bugs but yet again, someone named EatyourGreensKids on TmX US server found it a legit thing to climb a mountain, jump in the water and kill the ref. Following an attempt on the strip (I prevented him doing that) Discussion enseud, with him calling me wanker and having my panties in a knot ... As if bugs and glitches are intentional game design, he defended his aproach by calling us names and stuff. I strongly feel that we should discourage these type of players. I know he's American (US server, his ping being below 30, mine being above 100 from the EU) and boy do I love American bashing. I tried to restrain the bashing. I suggest the following: Since we cant (IP/playername/steam) ban people from the game yet, to enjoy the game more with people who dont abuse bugs, maybe we can get a TmX/EKT server with password lock and passwords only distributed to those who are known not so abuse bugs/glitches. The more core or mature players, so to speak. Being caugh cheating or bugabusing leads to the exclusion from that "Elite" or "Core" community by simply changing that password.
Whatsup with the server list? Upluaded a JPEG for clarification... EKT servers are down, TmX only has their US server up, and there used to be a list of like 20-30 servers. Anything going down (B4 or something?)
Well tbh, I don't think I've remembered the time I pulled back because of the reason I said. But yes... please don't include me in any rushes. I mean it. I'm not an attacker type Sorry hande, I just noticed how bad I wrote this! I forgot a word, should have said: Wasn't intended to attack you personally, just the playertype who does this retreating shit
You assume too much, my dear sir.
Sneaky style is not always a solution. Especially on maps with base defenses. This, exactly this is why I tend to remember playernames and know when I should join a rush or not. If a player like Handepsilon is there getting the bloody nose because he's low on funds, boohoohoo! we all invest in the game. I'm always round and about 1k credits when I buy a new character, unless I dont die often. I hate to sit idle by and doing nothing productive because I'm low on funds ... When you are low on funds, go shotgunner and hunt in the tunnels. Or go engineer and repair vehicles. Or better yet, when you are going to the front, make sure you are a techy/hotty while in the vehicle so you can immediately start repairing others when you lose your tank, regardless of the credits you have left... it's a team effort, not just 1 player carrying the team. Who cares if you lose your tank, your mammoth takes on 4 obelisk hits, better you than the engineers/techies repairing the tanks! Better you than other tanks, cuz you will be there to repair them when you get destroyed. Better you than anyone else, so the rest can continue the rush. In a rush, tanks get destroyed, but if it means the obelisk/AGT dies, then it's a gg
These tests are reason enough for me to savely assume it's an optimization issue. Ren-X was designed to have 64 players at a time, but due to lag/performance issues the total number was dropped to 40. Same with vehicles, the limit was lowered due to vehicle "trembling/shaking" as vehicle numbers grew. Anyway, on a side-note: FPS is the amount of frames per second. Why is it so important to have 60+? For a human brain, 40-45 FPS translates to a smooth movement. 50 being ideal to account for FPS drops. Furthermore, it's important to sync your monitor refresh time to the game FPS to perceive a fluidic/smooth experience. e.g. My monitor has a responsetime of 8 ms. Translated into FPS --> 1000/8=125 FPS. Anything more is useless. My game settings are at a multitude of 60. Not ideal as 125/60 isnt a whole number. Anyway, I don't care so much about game-FPS and why people want it to get higer and higher. 50 is enough for the human brain.
As far as I know, the game still needs optimization. In what context and how much can be done is unknown to me (I'm not part of the team) However, I am able to say that many people experience FPS drops and/or crashes and/or game-freezes when vehicles explode. They seem to happen more frequently on maps like Walls: Flying, but that can also be due to people voting Walls most of the time. I run Renegade-X on a stable 60 FPS (30 FPS on loading screens and intro's though) my specs: Intel Core i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz. Quad-core (task manager showing 8) 16 GB installed RAM GFX: GeForce 660 GTX with 2GB onboard RAM Games like Skyrim run perfectly at 60 FPS on ultra settings, but I do admit that I run Renegade X not on max settings. Some filters have been disabled as per recommendation from the Devs. (Cant recall which atm) Perhaps a difference in AMD and Intel cores that's causing it? I recall reading some "whitenoise" about that a while ago. Don't know if it's true or not.
yesterday or the day before, I reported this issue via email to the admin. Should have been enough, but I'm happy to know I'm not the only one with this issue. I searched for "music", "old music" and "oldschool music" ... was trying to find the tiberian dawn soundtracks and red alert 1 soundtracks but had to resort to youtube instead
Hey dude, I've seen your youtube vids and I like some. The clips you make, you implement the soundtracks post-proces or are you playing them during game session? Reason for asking, in a previous vid, the ren-x scenic end suddenly changed soundtrack to the tiberian dawn end track (when you win a level) leaving me to assume you play during playsession and somehow havea tracklist during play OR the music is part of post-processing of your videos.
This does work, however it is easier to do this: Launch the game launcher. On the top of the launcher, there is a little box you need to press to change your playername. This playername MUST be identical to your Steamname ONLY to be tracked for leaderboard purposes. Other than that, your playername can be anything you'd like. NOTE: You can't type in your name as: "Android 17" with a space between d and 1; it will only show "Android" ingame. Use an underscore "_" to devide into 2 words. Ingame the underscore is visible, but removed within the commandbox by typing: "setname Android 17" With regards to leaderboards: I find it being unaffected for steam to be linked to ren-x. All I do is start up steam THEN start up the gamelauncher. Make sure my playername is the same as my steamname and voila, I'm tracked. The only thing you need to do is have steam opened before starting the gamelauncher. I'm on the leaderboards and I only did the above mentioned. No reason to believe otherwise.
Too bad the victory was due to Nod traitors though...