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Everything posted by Truxa
i'm from the EU and am doing a ping of 120-150ms on US servers. I dont seem to have lag though. But as soon as my ping goes up beyond the 180-220ms mark, I do get lag issues, but thats because someone must be downloading stuff. EU servers usually get me at about 30ms. Since you get pings beyond 130ms at both locations, aussie by any chance?
Right Bro! Keyword being "didnt make a bit of sense" People are thinking it this way: "if it's there, it's there by design thus a feature to (ab)use" People with common sense think: "DEVs do not have the time and resources to private-test every possible exploit possible before releasing the (new) map. If it's not obvious to go a certain route (climbing on invisible blockers) then DONT DO IT!" Going out of the map is an example of the latter point in being, you are not supposed to go out of the map. Just because you can doesnt mean you should. Because it yields an unfair advantage (e.g. sniping) it's banned. Now, there is this grey area around these topics and that it what initiated me into creating this topic. There are more issues, that I havent adressed and I'd like others to ask those questions here so it gets answered. Another one is: Floating mines those placing them might accedentally do it (closing doors e.g.) but I've seen floating mines in tunnel areas in Under. When you place them and dont remove them, I think they intentionally placed them. They also give more damage as you cannot negate any, thus they think those floating mines are more effective. Yet, on certain servers they are not allowed
imo lakeside should be a non-flying map. The 2 ledges that are used to drop troops for ref-infiltration might be redone to have an awkward route to go on foot. With that I mean, it's too easy and too fast to go through there on foot, so there could be a winding-staircase on oposite sides to have ample snipe-time to kill off infiltrators. Whiteout is a grey-area. The old hourglass wasnt a flying map either, so I might opt to change it to a non-flying, same as lakeside
Yes Cudaker, that is not allowed! It involves getting out of the map somewhere, swimming/walking to that area and snipe inside the Nod base. There is no real way of countering that spot other than counter sniping and/or abusing the same exploit. @Radeon. Cheap spots on Walls is exactly why I despise it. Both team have same access to it (by flying) otherwise there is a no-go. Just immagine Nod having no more airstrip and having a havoc/deadeye camping that spot having cheapshots. When out of ammo, just fly low and fly back, no harm from any class at all.
Walls sniping vantage points: GDI base Nod baseI tried reaching them on foot (from base side) but I encountered an invisible blocker preventing you to go up the mountain. These are on both sides of the base. Reason for asking is simply hearing mixed-reports on whats allowed and whats not allowed and where. I'm not the person to use/abuse those advantages, I'm that person trying to instruct people on whats right or wrong. But when I see a TmX or EKT member doing something what is in my opinion wrong, I question if it is.
Hi all, I'm just curious about something. Map: Walls Flying Subject: Sniping from unfair vantage point. I was just on the TmX server and a TmX member was sniping from one of those notorious ledges where only air-vehicles can reach. Airlifting a sniper to that spot will only be killed by counter-sniping as there are no other means to reach that area other than by flight. I'm curious about it being banned or it being an illegal activity as I recall it is somewhat frowned upon. Now, since I do not want to name names (the person in question genuinely didnt know or was uncertain if it was allowed or not) I'd like to have a list of "unwritten server rules" per popular server host. It might be the case (because I love marathon more than AoW) that it's not allowed on EKT servers but is allowed on TmX servers. Can anyone enlighten me (and the community) about those touchy subjects? List of "unwritten rules": -Sniping from ledges unreachable by foot. Ok or not ok? -Vehicle surfing. (for as much thats still possible) Ok or not ok? -Base-to-base airstrikes (e.g. islands) Ok or not ok? -Arty shooting GDI ref @ Islands, wayyy back in the field on islands. Ok or not ok? -"Wall climbing" where it is obviously not designed to be accessible by foot. Ok or not ok? -Nuke-spam. (one nuke every 2-3 minutes) Ok or not ok? -Vehicle "stealing". 2 or 3 players rush a field-crate (same team). Player 1 reaches the crate first and e.g. a Titan dropped. Player 2 or 3 get in that Titan as player 1 has to "search" for it. Ok or not ok? -Nuking WF on the "suicide spot" (behind the air vents on the roof, jumping down in that dark area) Ok or not ok? -Ion on top of the airstrip control tower, behind the glass, on that edge/ridge. Ok or not ok? There are probably more "unwritten rules" or frowned upon events like mining. TmX tend to have a lower mine limit, thus limiting it to the doors only. Yet no action is taken when GDI mines the base entrance (on Walls e.g.) EKT tend to have a higher mine limit, but as time passes, a mutator reduces that limit every 10 minutes or so. When do the mining rules apply and when dont they? Hard questions for newbs to relate to.
Smoke Grenade - Should it block target box acquiring?
Truxa replied to Handepsilon's topic in Renegade X
I think they are supposed to do that anyway, Hande. It's a matter of perfecting it I think. Like the others said, through a smoke screen, I'm mostly unable to acquire a target when "screening" the smoked area. The odd occasion that it does is just a fluke me thinks. -
Make C4 disarm detection client-sided
Truxa replied to Handepsilon's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
Hope that will get rid of the floating mines too. Some people see them float, others see them on the ground or on the ceiling above the doors. I take the explosion damage is calculated client-side? -
Why not the same as in old-ren, where you press Q to switch gun control to t he 1st passenger? For example when you do a humvee/APC rush in the beginning, driving is more important that shooting any target along the way. So giving up the gun control t hen to the 1st passenger is a great way to drive perfectly and shoot good at the same time. I agree with Canucck that if you have 2 people in 1 tank, controlling the field, this would be useless. But thats where the Q button comes into play. Smart players only use it in a rush and disable gun-control to the 1st passenger when they do not intend to leave the field.
I can lock them just fine by pressing and holding L to claim ownership and then tapping L to lock it
When you buy and lock a vehicles (L key) and go in the field to pickup a tibsun vehicle, destroy your old one. Crated vehicles are initially unbound. Press and hold L to claim ownership and t hen tap L to lock the drivers seat. When you do so, your oldvehicle gets "unlocked" so you can only claim 1 vehicle at a time.
EKT for marathon and TmX/ConstructiveTyranny for AoW (30 mins - 45 mins games) The reason for 1 server to fill up and others are not, is because of the small community as of yet. Most people like the 15v15 - 20v20 matches. Only a few realy like the 12v12 or less matches (easier to sneak in the enemy base with less people) Some people use "tricks" to lure players into the server, to fill it up. Not going into that though. As for playstyle: Marathon can get a long drag, just as original ren, but I have yet to see a match duration of more than 3 hours. Even so, the 3 hours is an exception on the rule. Generally, when a team loses 1 building, the rest will follow in the next half hour at most. But most matches, regardless of marathon/AoW server setting, wont last longer than 1 hour. On time-limited servers though, you tend to see more wins through score, even when GDI has e.g. 1 building left and Nod has the entire base. GDI wins by score due to building spam throughout the game. It's a tactic. Spamming buildings for 30 minutes gives you a huuuuge advantage in timed games. When you loose half your base, you are still ahead and can drag out the remaining 10 minutes camping the last building. For that reason, I like the marathon servers more.
Correctomundo! Ticktank on 1st field crate for the other team on atleast 2 occasions. It was a hard fought battle to regain the field after that (Field map) and DAMN that Bananas guy can snipe. I think tibsun vehicles are cool and all, but they are totally un-balanced versus bought-vehicles. I think in PUGs they can be allowed but for clanwars, meh. Whoever controls the field, controls the tib-sun vehicles and eventually the match thanks to that. I guess the tibsun vehicles are supposed to be stronger, as they are the next-gen tech in the tiberium era.
In for tonight (18th july) Added constructive to TS bookmarks
I have suggested the pro-schoolyard selection method. Basically, team captains are selected, each chooses a number between 1 and 10, closest to a number we typed in private gets to choose first or second. If first, chooses first teammate. If second, other guy chooses first. The second chooser will get to choose 2 people on their first pick though, and then each will choose 1 a piece until everyone is chosen. Teams can be rebalanced mid-play as well, if after 2 matches it doesn't seem fair, the teams will trade the highest scoring non-captain on the winning team, with the lowest scoring player on the enemy team. Wala. Problem solved. Great way! all the more reason to show up ahead of start time though
8pm Amsterdam/Berlin timezone (=GMT+1) 7pm UK timezone (=GMT) I recommend everyone who wants to attend, to be present atleast 15 minute ahead of starttime. On TS that is, no headphones muted. For the grouping part, 1st and last time I participated, we joined the server and let the server decide the team matchup. Drawback from that was, only 2 or 3 were able to talk in TS for my team while the other team had ALL except for one able to talk in TS. It was a 6v7 match with my team having 6. I believe the organizers should take that into consideration as it hampers teamplay.
Hard to camp without the heavy-duty vehicles. Easier to sally out/rush with the engineer-filled lighter Humvee/Buggy and APCs. Hard to sally out though, when the opposing team is on your doorstep with the heavy-duty armors, but thats the problem when you loose your production facility, deal with it! Be happy to get atleast a humvee/buggy/APC
Agreed! I'm against the airsrop entirely, but because people kept whining about not being able to buy vehicles when the building is destroyed, got them this. A nice solution is your suggestion indeed! Just the T1 vehicles. Humvee/Buggy and APC's. No MLRS/Arty. No Mammoth/Stanks. No Med tanks/Flamers/Lights. MLRS/Arty can be discussed imo, but they have huge destructive powers, which should be disallowed when you dont have strip/WF. Here come the engy rushes from hum/bug/APCs
I like marathon games that go back and forth without an actual winner. Reminds me of the 3-days Under fight on original Ren. Go to sleep saturday night, wake up, login sunday midday, continue the fight, same map, same base layout (no destructions or just the WF/Strip) and different map-timer (add 9 hours to logout time)
I'm not worried spies will blow up stuff, it's just that no one seems to notice spies when they are there. The designated defender has yet another task to perform while others slack off a whimpy attack and blame the lousy defenders when spies succeed. I'm actually for a spy-system like in old-ren, where both teams get to have SBH spies. Basedefenses dont notice them and they have essentially the same things as a normal SBH would. So Nod would only know a spy from the spycrate message.
Last thing you would want to do is split a small community like this into 2 even smaller ones. Yes there are many German players and yes, some of them might not speak English very well, but catering to those allone will reduce the activity here too giving the impression the community is dieing out. Visual update could be done, but I dont think it's needed. I like the background, the color scheme etc. It's familiar
It's not that I "want them back" I just think they were fine the way they were. Q-spamming to detect them is what I do, same as B4 spies. But people dont care much about them. 1 officer spy blew up 3 buildings in one game, full server. People just couldnt be arsed to find the spy.
Hi, here is what I think of spies: They should somehow still be detectable at a certain range, like in B4 showing their name when in close proximity of the enemy players. As it is now, scanning with a unit that has a missile lock, locks on "friendly" characters but it is in fact a spy. Pressing Q afterwards reveals the "enemy spotted" message, thus him being an enemy spy. Right now, even when you are hugging the spy, you cant make out him to be a spy at all. In the old ren, both teams had SBH-spies, getting too close would make you visual to the enemy (blue glimmer) thus showing up you are a spy in close proximity. Right now, I think spies are a bit too OP for remaining "stealthed" at any range. Only the observant missle lock units (that usually dont aim for teammates) can detect spies. (and every other pressing Q)
generally, every saturday night there is the intention of making a PUG at 23:00 GMT+1 (Amsterdam/Berlin timezone) Dunno what time it is in 'murica but Docterbong is organizing this mostly and he's 'murican. He got a server setup for this too. 1 thing to note is in order to participate, you have to be on TS3! No TS = no participation. Dont need to talk, but you are to be able to hear the orders and general banter Dunno whats the status of tonight's PUG though. It mostly is a last-minute thing usually.
might be a genuine visual bug, but he is on top of the list for GDI, meaning he must have either higher score than the no. 2 ranked and got bugged out on score, or it's a cheat "to get 1st". It didnt influence the game outcome though. GDI won by base destruction and has about 27k teamscore. By him alone the teamscore should be over 1 mil if it affected the game.