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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. Thank you for your time and effort put into this. I love to see when the community comes together to overcome an obstacle; when everyone puts aside their differences and works together to surpass something that lies ahead, it really shows just how special this community and game is. This game and community already would have been destroyed if those that put forth countermeasures and effort in years past had not been here. With enough effort and brainstorming, we can once again survive and become stronger than before. My thanks goes out to each and every player and persons with responsibilities (server owners, admins, mods, global mods, devs etc) in RenX. Long live RenX! GG for games past, and here's to many more.
  2. Please read the thread.
  3. One random note, I'm busy at the moment and might get back to this thread later, but just want to point out that the marksman is hitscan, it has no projectile speed.
  4. Chill out and have a few minutes to yourself
  5. RenX, Apex Legends, Fortnite, Minecraft, Dota 2, Warframe, Planetside2, RA2/CnC3, Total Annihilation and some online aim trainers... probably a near exhaustive list of games I've played in the last month or two
  6. Nothing we can do atm
  7. Servers are under attack, you'll be getting disconnected from it when they get hit.
  8. Well if the doser wants to be known or have a conversation, they are free to open one up. Consider this an open invitation. However, as stated previously, I agree with some of the other people's posts here.
  9. RenX is not allowed on Steam because of the agreement Totem Arts holds with EA. They allow us to create the game, but do not allow us to distribute it via any platforms.
  10. Lack of playerbase is basically the reason why. Something like this just isn't feasible when all of your "active players" in any given day, sans weekends, can fit on 1 server. Matchmaking itself is not a bad idea, and it's one that we've discussed on the dev team but it sadly just isn't possible in the game's current state.
  11. I never said I don't care, but having fun is important for me. "Ignoring" the community, as in ignoring all the bitchy and toxic people, is what more than a few of our devs do. We have had lengthy discussions about this with the seniors of the RenX team. This does not mean that we don't take feedback and we don't care what anyone says. Taking "not caring" out of context really makes it seem like I don't care about the game, which is a blatant lie. If I didn't care, I would have quit this game long ago, as it usually causes extra stress for me. and lol, in the end that really makes no difference, as there is no "lasting" impact on the community/game. Being "out of line" depends on the standards of those observing, and it's not really a good way to judge the applicability of someone else's statements on something completely unrelated. I was a completely different person 6 years ago, and I don't really know if it's a fair thing to bring up things that were over 6 years ago, when 6 years is a large majority of my life time. A severely misguided effort that has only resulted in more people being angered and never really fixed anything. Just because we are the only devs who communicate with the community and participate in discussions, does not mean we are the only devs with this opinion. If we all tried to please everyone, we would be investigating half the game for aimbotting everyday.
  12. Your "points" have no gravity. At least I tried to moderate, meanwhile it seems every mod is pretty unhelpful. And what do you mean "screenshots"? You seem to paint this picture that I was some mod who liked to randomly ban or kick people. At least I did something when shit got crazy. Don't forget how I updated, configured and kept the RenX server running a good portion of the time. I also happily made you mutators, but you seem to forget this fact and others listed above and want to make it seem like I wasn't integral in FPI's rise. I personally seeded that server many times in the early hours of the morning, because I believed it could be better. Unfortunately I can't time travel, because I would do it differently if I could. The official server was never seeded, and it's currently have host issues, so it doesn't really make sense to gauge "community approval" by who gets in what server, since we all know it comes down to who seeds. You observed this, and it took you pretty long to catch on to it. If we didn't seed in the "early" days, nobody would join. There's no "oh FPI is cool, let's join there", so please don't even try to say people like FPI more based on the fact that it's populated. I shouldn't need to make screenshots to anyone, IRC is a thing and your mods are in-game. I don't need to go to admins for mod work.
  13. Again, how is this related? Same as above. And, we don't seed. Again don't know what you mean
  14. I never said you have to do it. There are mods in-game when this happens, yet they do nothing. You can't say your server is moderated when your staff can not hold up the most basic of rules. If they don't know how to mod, they need to leave the team. Simple as that. You and others say it's because of the headshotting, but then you "back down" from your claim. If you're going to make a statement, stand behind what you say. Don't back down the first second it's challenged by someone. It seems this post of yours and the original/first reply of yours just has the intention of taking needless and random personal attacks for some reason. I'm glad we are all staying professional here though. If 10% is a vast majority... I don't know what "vast" means to you.
  15. I don't really see much behind this statement. How have they? Also, we are some of the most active players in the community, so I'm not really sure what you mean here. This has yet to be proven as an issue exclusive to stacking. If we want to use some real life examples, imagine poi and I are on the same team, and jpj on other team. This couldn't be defined as stacking, as no matter what there is 2 teams, and 3 of us, so it is impossible to divide us all separately. Either way, lots of kills are going to happen. As it has happened many times this week, whichever team has the 2 on it will end up annoying the 1 person, and they will go do field or something else. We get a lot of kills, no matter if the teams have all 3 of us on it or not. I notice a lot of mod activity on IRC when de-stacking teams is happening, but I see none when I and others get called barrages of names, and hackused. I know mods are active on IRC, there's no reason to modrequest. Mods are even in-game with this happens, yet nobody stops said harassment and hackusations. Not only that, but there has been a specific player everyday who calls his team "autistic" and "retarded" nearly every game, yet nothing has been done still. There needs to be consistency between mods, they need to know what is acceptable and what is not. I've noticed no real change, as this doesn't really do much. I really believe this has been a good example of the placebo effect. This issue can not be solved with any amount of code. This is a side effect of having a small playerbase and a large skill gap. ~~~~~~ I wasn't going to respond, but since I was told to, may as well comment on the original post and others. Who are these other elites, besides us 3? We went by your 3 game rule, then you guys suddenly removed it and disabled team swapping with no warning. I think it's kind of funny how you paint this picture of us, as if we don't care or as if we want the game to die. We are all long time players, and we love the game. While obviously we only really play to have fun, and it's less fun when we aren't on a team, I'm fine with "limiting" games per day together. Don't straight up lie about this. We are not the only people that stack, but it seems that we are the only ones who get attention on it, just because we are well known under our names or for other reasons. I know that other people stack and "dominate", as it's easy to see, and they also tell me that they do it. Possibly related to the fact that there's no tutorial, the launcher doesn't work for half the community seems, and the game is filled with people constantly complaining and whining about x y and z. Alienating your veteran playerbase with the hope of getting a few new players doesn't really make sense to me, especially when we have never tried to run ads or get new players. Trying to explain lack of player growth or basing stuff off of nothing doesn't do anything for anybody. The game isn't ready to be advertised, that's why we aren't doing it. This is the reason why the game doesn't grow. Yes, because the game we've invested countless dollars and hours in should be ruined by some people not on the development team. /s This literally makes 0 sense, and I guess if that was the case we can just change the ToS if you really wanted us to. While we care about our community, we don't need your "clearance" to make changes to the game, no matter what it is. While we are always open to community feedback and ideas, we do deserve some form of respect for our decisions, and I would appreciate if you would stop acting like you guys are invulnerable to changes just because you guys run your own server I've been working with people in this community for a long time, but attitudes like this don't help at all, and are just toxic. We are all on the same boat, we all want the success of RenX If you want an example of this, we were on Field X this last week. In Discord we had me, poi, jpj and SMayhew. I was with poi on Nod. jpj attempted to go in the tunnels but continually died, so eventually he just went anti-tank and played tank along with SMayhew in the field. GDI ended up winning. This is just one example of many, as this happens occasionally, especially since we don't stack every game. I've only ever seen it complained about in-game occasionally in the past. I think it's become more of a culture thing recently to complain about stackers, even when there isn't (this has happened many times in the past weeks), and just blame that for the reason their team is losing. This is just another bullshit reason and another thing to complain about in this game, just like calling everyone hackers. These people will always exist, there's no changing that, but enabling them and encouraging them doesn't help the community become more friendly. I don't really see what you mean here. This has nothing to do with personal opinions, and it comes down to what WE want RenX to be.
  16. The last person to hit someone who committed suicide is credited the kill.
  17. Not exactly, its just harder, lol. It's still not allowed, but there are other methods.
  18. 0% is relative to how much is left. the 99% that was already done is not shown in the percentage. when it starts at 0 and goes to 100, it's the last 1% of the 99 that was there before you restarted it. not sure if that makes any sense, but i dont really know how to explain it
  19. No, we entirely lack the resources for that unfortunately. If our team consisted of more than 5 active developers, it might be considered.
  20. What version are you running? Are you sure UDK.exe is not blocked by firewall? (UDP)
  21. I don't think they shoot each other, but you can always try it out in the SDK
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