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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. process has changed a bit since then. if you cant work it out from this i can provide a more in depth guide.
  2. Strike down votes with voting
  3. IIRC, that basically means almost all of the packets (data that is sent over the internet in little chunks) are not making it to your computer. If it happens on every server, then it's most likely an issue with your router or your ISP. if it only happens on 1 server or some from the same datacenter, then you'll probably have to work that out with the server hoster.
  4. Perhaps while you're ingame, do the console command (f5 or ~ to open the console), net stat It will show connection info, take some screenshots, and look for stuff specifically like the packet loss.
  5. "Will not share", don't have, same thing. There are a few "raw" assets in the SDK, but only a few vehicles and char rigs, and the Weapons factory. And the auto rifle. ExampleAssets.rar
  6. NodSaibot


    cant remember if i ever uploaded this meme or not
  7. In terms of code, it's pretty easy. But rather or not it adds a layer of complication that's necessary or intuitive, is up to personal discretion.
  8. Sent some code in that will be in the next patch, adds a boolean option to enable or disable stealth spies within the crate settings. It could be fashioned into a mutator if you don't want to wait for the next patch, whenever that is. I'm sure one of the devs would be more than happy to provide, as the code is already written for it.
  9. AOW just means timed match, if the game reaches the time limit, whoever has most points wins. You can still win by conquer (base destruction)
  10. V for making the camera not move?
  11. I'm pretty sure ctrl has nothing to do with lock on
  12. It's possible the mutator is deprecated. Functions change and if you compile it on a specific version, it could just completely break on the next update for the game.
  13. 800 dpi on my mouse and around 5-8 sens ingame
  14. I suggest watching this video if you haven't already.
  15. Consistent hits matters the most, of course. Try to find a comfortable sensitivity that lets you track smoothly but can allow for closer, faster tracking if required is my best advice. You don't want your aim to be twitchy or too sensitive in RenX, characters usually have smoothish, predictable movements, depending on who you're going against. If you can aim around the neck or chest area, Doza has higher hs dmg than mobius, and if you can land consistent hits with at least a few HS in there, you can surely take down a Mobi. Play your strength, doza has a pretty good movespeed. Try to sprint while aiming, dodging between bursts of fire. Dozas ammo is relatively limited, so if you're not hitting many shots and you cant finish in oneclip, try to save some sprint for reloading, and dodge while reloading. He has good burn dmg, consistent dmg and decent hs dmg. He has higher armour, but slower movespeed than a doza. Mobi and Doza are both hitscan, but mobi has higher clip size, however they do less dmg per shot, but it allows more room for error, i believe. If you can just land consistent shots, you should be able to take down most players, at least ones that cant rip you with headshots. from what i can see, vehicles consume 3 piercing power per shot, not 4. crosshair colour is different to the hitmarker colour. when you aim at something, green is friendly, red is enemy, yellow means reloading or out of ammo. hitmarker white means you did dmg, red means it was a headshot.
  16. We have 2 testing sessions weekly, if you want to see how a testing session looks, we did a livestream of one not too long ago. The plan is to release this year, we have no specific date or time period for that. RenX and FS will both be playable, we are not disabling or getting rid of regular RenX gamemode when FS releases.
  17. I think the FPI/EKT discord would be a better suited place for this discussion. This and other reasons are why we don't force balance people in the Official servers.
  18. I removed the sound for team-disarms a couple patches ago, if it still does that, it's a bug.
  19. People have been banned?
  20. Was solved on Discord, but you need to verify game integrity on the launcher.
  21. If you donated on this page, it will make it to us.
  22. What exactly are you wanting to know?
  23. We can probably add a UI thing to show what queue your vehicle is, and something we have in Firestorm that we can translate to RenX is a commander-like marker that shows where your vehicle is when it is still "locked" to you at the beginning (30 seconds i think), and you haven't entered yet.
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