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Everything posted by RoundShades

  1. Can the Frag Grenade, or specifically the Patch grenade shot, do some splash btw? Before I upgrade my computer, record my regular matches, and make a compilation of bullshit grenade failing to damage a target. I may be bad, but when discussing horseshoes and hand grenades, it should NOT be my fault for not landing a ringer with a hand grenade ffs.
  2. Still waiting on a download link for this.
  3. This thread was interesting on a personal level, as someone who dabbles in fanfiction writing.
  4. Will need 1 more version to add minimap if one is not already added, because I'll make one if so. EDITED: It has one, either the old one I made still works, or was amended. Either way, it's cool.
  5. Best-est case scenario: I'll upkeep good quantity and quality of graphic and short-clip video production. I'll start recording and uploading retro games to personal channel. I'll start doing some longer parody videos of various series I have in mind. Only did 1 all year last year, and the partner I organized with is very absent, so can't hold my breath. I'll maintain my presence in Ren-X. I'll increase my presence to former peak levels in Planetary Annihilation. I'll buy myself a motor vehicle finally, possibly upgrade to a new job since I can commute. I'll drink enough to accomplish things, but not drink without accomplishment, nor become an full-time alcoholic.
  6. Wait, you mean... this PUG will have a very limited playerbase...? ...I might show up after all. Worse case scenario, it'll have enough people to play without me, and I divert to original plans... or it'll not have enough to start even including myself, and I'll... divert to original plans. Perhaps I should order a pizza, and make myself a New Year's Eve drink to go along with it. EDIT: Still ordering the pizza, but it's to eat at work, car horn for car inspection took until an hour into the PUG, so sorry guys.
  7. Would be nice to know for sure ahead of time, but I already know it's not for me. I'm blowing up a couple left-over premium firework shells that night, even thought it doesn't conflict with the PUG, it does conflict with getting comfortable before work, and that used to not bother me, but fool me 12 times, shame on me, I'm using that time for tea and chill.
  8. Wasn't it on 4.0 multiplier in 5.004? It's 4.1 now, I thought that provides 0.1x c4 damage worth of overkill (not too much overkill, can still be saved) Again, even then, it works with a complete surprise detonation, it works with any veterancy whatsoever, it still gets perma-damage, it fixes few engis insta-killing structure by remote, and honestly it'd also be nice to reduce remotes damage to SAMs (or slightly increase health) because the instakill threshold for a SAM is pretty easy.
  9. I'm glad you have your year figured out. I nary hold my breath that this year improves my life in any way.
  10. Wouldn't hurt to have said nerf. Alas, the situation is, this doesn't stop them from sneaking, this just requires them to have veterancy for insurance. It reduces the spread with a close margin, it can probably be out-repaired if 2+ engis repair the mct with 2 seconds left or something. It mainly prevents 3 engis from remote-wiping a building from apache/apc with a large margin of overkill even at recruit. As always, you get perma-damage, so accomplishing remotes or sneaking guarantee critical levels of permanent damage. You just no longer wipe a structure from mass apache passengers, early surfing humvee, mass apache passengers, post-wf/air apc rushes, apache passengers... really, it's most important reason is no secret, it's another layer of "air nerf", and statistics show it's welcome. If a team saves a building from a sneaker, it'd have to be a pretty big repair response and pretty early game; by elite, the gap grows and repair does not.
  11. With toggle-fire, I actually wouldn't mind condensing their role. Fucking aye. Then again, that would mean autorifle bullets move faster, marksman bullets move slower, do less damage, but are more spammy. Actually, just leave them alone.
  12. With a stamina boost, I wouldn't mind actively dodging arcade-style, to consume more stamina. Here is some code from the Pawn: // Variables for sprinting var float Stamina; var const float MaxStamina; var float SprintSpeed; var int StaminaCooldownTime; var int ExhaustionTime; var bool bSprinting; var bool bSprintingServer; var bool bExhausted; var float SprintStaminaCost; var float StaminaRegenRate; var int JumpStaminaCost; var int DodgeStaminaCost; var bool WasInFirstPersonBeforeDodge; var bool bWasInThirdPersonBeforeIronsight; var float WalkingSpeed; var float RunningSpeed; var float IntendedGroundSpeed; var repnotify float SpeedUpgradeMultiplier; var float JumpHeightMultiplier; Dodge is redacted from the game, and I reckon StaminaCooldownTime is already adequate (I find it cumbersome enough already), and exhaustion time is also cumbersome (and isn't there a speed penalty for walking while overencumbered?), so I suspect the SprintStaminaCost should definitely be reasonably increased (maybe MaxStamina too)?
  13. The downside, of course, is rapidly taping it activate-deactivate, will rapidly consume it over a short distance, but once you figure that out, you won't intentionally do that (maybe dodging sniper fire at best).
  14. Will tell the avid RA2 fan I have as a roomie, about this. They'll love it. I of course will play it myself as well.
  15. To be fair, it already does consume "some" stamina upon activation, and it already has a "stamina regen" pause by simply activating it at all. If you use it, you will save stamina, but will not regen it, and will slowly consume it. I think they should reduce sprint consumed by run, but as you said, increase consumption of activate-deactivate to the average duration of a jump, if you were sprinting during that jump. That way, sprint cost the same during a jump, as it does during the walking distance.
  16. Crowd control is better for McFarland. AOE is at least double in radius. Mendoza is good for corner cheese, his dps is better if they all hit, but they only all hit stupid corner-huggers. Good for tagging someone fleeing at low health, admittedly.
  17. @DoctorB0NG @Fffreak9999 Can somebody quickly insert this into the cyclical messages in-game at the CT server? I don't know why I didn't ask before now. Make sure to specify "Vote Ren-X for Tactical Shooter in Top 100 at indiedb.com! Ends Dec. 20!".
  18. 1) ADS IS ALT-FIRE. Nod lacks this the most in many units... probably because GDI's trope is military munitions??? 2) Two types of projectile per weapon, GDI's trope is military munitions. They have grenade mounts and junk. 3) Mobius has been through 3 alt-fires for his weapon. I'm starting to think the current one isn't a keeper because it adds nothing but cheese. Mendoza has it because Mobius has it, but needs it more because the two actually damages two different targets. Mobius does acceptable damage to all armor with his primary fire. 4) McFarland is OP, is getting a nerf, and is the only giving GDI a chance on low-income infantry-only maps. Officers can't win in tunnels against Chems, Officers can't win in tunnels against McFarlands, but SBH are pretty cheap too if people would stop standing the fuck around with them and group up on buildings.
  19. Sounded good. If I were clairvoyant, I'd have joined, but I don't know which ones PUGs are going to be good in advance, and which ones aren't, and had real uses for that time slot instead. Family matters, the holiday coming up, I won't have free time on the holiday so I'm setting it up during the span of the week that I do have time. Am happy for the rest of you that attended, that it sounded like it was good.
  20. No, fuck that. Wearing a suit and talking like a proper fucking lady being deemed mandatory, is probably how the US incarcerates 1 out of 3 black men in their lifetime, but only 1 out of 100 white women. If you judge a book by it's cover, then not only will you burn some books that were honest and harmless, but you'll spare some convincing deceptive pieces of shit as well. Like the cops who let those 2 girls who flipped a car doing 120, go, because they were young and well dressed and innocent, just to turn around and find out the car was stolen. Good clothes and asskissing proves nothing. I'm not saying nothing you don't already know, either. This is literally cyclical in history, where the pompous and ritzy class people, push their weight around until they make enough enemies, and then the common blunt folk rise up and knock that shit off. Recently, you have Trump. Before, you had Churchill, and Roosevelt, and Jackson. To the worst extremes, you even had the French Revolution. Class divisions, are like automobiles. You don't realize how dangerous and lethal they are, until you start neglecting their danger.
  21. Nope. Just Max. And really, we did give him way too many chances, for him only to prove his worst. Had more issues, with snipers sniping from outside the map on Goldrush.
  22. Why did you use my old name? Heck, why'd you use my name at all? I don't mind either, but mind you, I am usually a forum moderator to remove spam message at night when I'm active, and to bug test. My stance, is that I am not empowered to moderate on CT, and the powers that be would never allow me to, for a laundry list of reasons, all of which are invalid as I wouldn't abuse my power. I would hardly ever use it, but at least if I were on and it was needed, as rare as that'd ever be, i'd be able to if I were, which I'm not, and likely never will be, so I'm essentially irrelevant in regards to this. Though, I must confess, I say much grosser yet creative things in chat. Skin color or class based remarks? Petty. Instead, I prefer to question their mother's species, and call them "frothy genital discharge". Either way, not looking to be an in-game mod, and not looking to insult frequently/seriously enough to get a ban myself. Max deserved his ban though. Whoever taught him a method to communicate with other humans, made a severe lapse of judgement.
  23. Either way, single-channel IRC client would be nice indeed (as well as launcher auto-closing when game is opened). I am unfamiliar with (good) in-game queue implementation, but you sound confident and eager and are the person to do such a thing.
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