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Everything posted by RoundShades

  1. Details Pl0x?
  2. Whatever madness Beacons do, should apply to Airstrikes apparently. Aren't airstrikes essentially an aimed deployable anyway? Could be wrong, never had reason to stare directly at the airstrike code.
  3. Yeah, that's my voice calling out the rocket soldier rush, so this is definitely dat pug doe... Moving this to the PUG topic, it's been scarce this week anyway so no biggie. We could use more recording the PUGs anyway, so it's always appreciated, BlueZone!
  4. Not sure about the others, but @TK0104 has done work to Training Yard but everyone still questions how it'll play. I honestly thought it was a perfectly functioning map from the beginning, just a reliably short one. I hope he keeps "versions", because the original release of TrainingYard was a perfect 10-24 player map for if we ever get player-count based map selection.
  5. That was me, and it was killing structures in 4 salvos against some repairs. It just pisses a stream of rockets.
  6. @yosh56, no sweat just making sure.
  7. Did nobody do the match-by-match? I wasn't there for all of them. For Walls, we lost early ground with the field, but kept sneaking in and blasting MCTs with laser fire from a scantly populated base, until we got an engineer in to help, nobody reacted to GDI PP mines missing, and it died, following the Ref shortly after. GDI stayed in the game, buying mammies, until they committed to a rocket rush at the same time an apache rush finished the remaining buildings. For Tomb, GDI got early field, and on silo side, the flamers were parrying GDI meds at the door until the meds rushed in on both sides of the flamer, splitting their attention, killing the repairs, and then doing damage to the PP, then Air, and then Ref. They chose to let go of the ref, and since it was no more than 8 minutes into the game, it led to a surrender due to lack of funds, and Schmitzberg firing bottomless MRLS salvos into the remaining buildings. Volcano, GDI got early field while Nod tried lucky infiltrations, I got into an unmined WF several times with flame and chem, but 12 engineers responded every time. After mines and meds were established, there was no coming back, Nod base was full of Meds most the time, the harvester never returned from any of it's trips. I had to leave at that point, time to leave for work.
  8. Depends on the map. On Walls, the Weps Fact roof with sniper cover, is a nuke beacon kiss of death. If a PoiBoi happens to be on that plateau with anything hitscan past 3000 ingame units, then it's simply not getting disarmed. In any case, Nod has plenty of options for multi-jeopardy on flying maps. GDI simply gets a "porous floodable HoN". That hardly changes the situation with EMPs. If anything, it just means on Under, Nod should be able to reach the gosh darn Weps Fact from the infantry path without a smoke and with acceptable AGT damage.
  9. The Nod Airtower is also a single door really, considering mine limits don't allow you to doublemine it, meaning you mine near the MCT, a single spot anyway. I don't see why it should arbitrarily choose 2 out of 6 mines in the area, disarm them, and then you can run randomly into some that were in-area but didn't, and explode anyway. How do "multiple EMP" react in that case? If the same EMPs pick the same mines, can 3 emps diffuse 2 mines, and 4 mines STILL BE ALIVE after 3 emps? EDIT: Also, we've been through this in another thread, but AirTower ease is balanced because lack of stealth, Barracks bottlenecks are balanced because of stealth, HoN and WF are balanced against each other, but Air and Bar are balanced against each other in GDI's favor because GDI can't be invisible.
  10. Quality assurance? It's a hand-me-down engine, with some fan content, but I'm sure they're aware that gamebreaking bugs are bad, even "nuisance" bugs are bad. Support? There's a lot of community here, as far as inter-communication, and even additional future content. As far as specific milestones, from what I've seen, what it needed in content (maps), it got, and what it needed in gameplay evolution, it wasn't planned ahead until someone stumbled onto some idea down the line, a la veterancy, infantry armor, surrender vote, the subtle touch on mines, building armor, airstrikes, ect. I'd wager more will be discovered and added to improve the experience later on. For example, to improve on server playercount, game playercount, and game positive experience, and throw in some flexibility with niche maps like infantry only, the map rotation could be made to use maps only when within the map's ideal playercount (valley/deck 2-20, under/mesa 16-28, field/complex 24-48, articstronghold 24-60). That kind of thing was discussed in another thread, but wasn't on any to-do until ShrewdTactician suggested he'd consider prodding at it. Speaking of, it wasn't on any list, to make the executable 64bit, to make the server-bandwidth engine-cap higher, to make the game run under it's own name instead of UDK, or to finally figure out how to fix the in-game engine-based map/mutator downloader 30-second timeout cap. It literally happened because ShrewdTactician stumbled onto it and came here to fix it for us, unexpected and out of the blue. Just like when Yosh started heavy bug-fixing and balance and gameplay-progression patches, making patches as frequent as monthy rather than as seldom as yearly, out of the blue and unexpected until one day it happened. Do they have a list of specific milestones though? I've definitely laid eyes on a "to-do" list, they do keep one in the background, to be worked on over time.
  11. Wuutt??? 6 mines at a single entrance, was bad even for EKT Marathon pre-minebuff. If the range was nerfed, it couldn't diffuse 2 doors at once. Maybe Barracks, which is essentially one double-door if you think about it. If there are 6+ mines at a single door, the EMP is doing it's one job. A RepairGun is asking a lot of someone to get through the mines, and so is a "6 man team with 3 players sacrificing on the mines so 3 more can get in". That's over 1/3 a team in most instances.
  12. Rather the range, than the wall penetration. Unless it ignores at LEAST doors, and even then, hugging one mine to each side of door, means one mine always survives. Range was buffed, before it ignored walls. Now that it does for realzies, it probably doesn't need all that range. Really, it's disarm range, needs to be it's disable range. It's disable range, needs to be like 1.5 of it's disable range. EMPs make little sense to me, they were having trouble finding their place, but that was before they worked right. Now that no impact-detonation, no instant-detonation, and no wall-blocked disarm, it doesn't need a short-arse disable range and a long-arse disarm range. Btw, with it's disable range as it's disarm range, it could still diffuse 12-mine minefields from structure-door to MCT, as long as they are clustered from door to MCT or in front of a grassy chokepoint like in Under or XMountain or Field. If it had limited mine number of effect, it wouldn't be able to clear last-structure-standing cluster-fuck minefields (EMPs were the half-arse solution to them, rather than reducing mine limit per structure killed).
  13. Factually, you have received Yosh's nudge. It'll come, but I fear the possibility that it take any longer to go from finished to imported, than it should. It was a nudge, for when it comes, to push it into default game with default values. Most servers, use default until they feel otherwise, so making it default and giving it default numbers, takes any guesswork away from the server as to "which maps, which numbers".
  14. Nothing special, but you do see that there's the "possibility" of "splitting" the base-front into 2 paths instead of 1. Anything with 1 tends to be cancer, XMountain makes it work with 2 midfield paths and a lot of infantry cover to handle vehicles from up top. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxV7twU3YaeUcDVCRU9Ta2hjQzQ/view?usp=sharing
  15. I... think I have the file around here somewhere. It's definitely not a fully fleshed map, but it's playable? Did you want a copy of it or something? I also had a forum thread about it, with pics of what I did to it. You can check it out too. Will edit with link.
  16. Before base defense changes, I was working on an adjusted Under. Believe it or not, if you move WF and delete the most initial rocks of the GDI/Field rockwall, you open up more of an angle compared to AGT, and can hit it from GDI Field-Bunker too. It really works. Another thing that had me interested, was extending and flattening the WF Infantry HillPath, with a few more rocks at the end of it's rock-wall, to reach the WF with reasonable AGT gunfire (not enough to kill, enough to do ~100 damage). One last thing that had me interested, but took more landscape sculpting, was creating a snow-hill to both base-field walls, and putting a sloped opening in the wall. Thus, 1 vehicle opening, leading directly to top of hill, and 1 leading to tib field. That way, siege can be flanked or bypassed or surged through just 1 opening. The holes I made, barely fit vehicles (1.5 mammies), but gave a vehicle opening without an additional "structure hitting angle" because the openings go straight to the advanced base defense line of fire. However, the holes are entrances CLOSER to the advance base defense, making them great for APCs or a rush on the base defense itself. I consider start working on it again, but it seemed less and less necessary over time.
  17. When @ShrewdTactician ever gets the player-count based map rotation working, you should totally add it so snow is a 12-24 player thing. It really can't handle much more than that without some map expansion.
  18. Not that i'm a particularly influential entity in the PUGs, but my friend's wedding is Saturday. Priorities. Too bad there isn't usually a Sunday one anymore, if I can, I just might play a Pub a little on Sunday instead.
  19. Team Fortress 2 adds damage when scoped. Not sure if I like anything like that. I was just suggesting why we need a mechanic, to balance something that already has numbers. Just wondering if 500 and 1k, should even be able to 1 hit kill equal cost classes, and I know I'm saying this for the umpteenth time. Engineers and hotwires have exceptionally low health, but why do they headshot kill everything else from full hp?
  20. This existed for a single patch. It wasn't beloved. It was even very small spread unscoped, and it was hated nonetheless. Most people would probably prefer any other solution. They no longer have kevlar, that's a good start. Their bullets could be bullet-based (reduced damage to kevlar). Things to make them vulnerable in close-range. I noticed last I played, that a marksman more than dings their health now, marksman outright destroy sniper health. Spread is likely not necessary, nor wanted.
  21. Libertarian Logic: I can't stop you from hardwiring the rotation and removing the map vote, but you can't force me to play maps I don't like either. The average RenX map lasts conveniently long enough to blast through a standard length television episode.
  22. You know what? Fuck it. In regard to that traumatic memory, I must also confess, that I too have had moments I considered how awesome it'd be to have Wolverine with a repair gun. That'd work, in my mind, mini walking mechsuit with repairgun. Weak to tank fire. In my mind, that'd make perfect sense for the role. It just also opens up a whole nother box, where it's weak to a different "kind" of sniper fire, like someone else said. Everything's weak to something. If snipers are that strong, I still say they should be weaker to kevlar targets. Their main anti is flak, they aren't anti-kevlar anyway, kevlar is anti-kevlar, and if there is one thing I think should be emphasized, it's that officers should work better at their range even against a sniper, and a sniper is supposed to work at the range an officer cannot work at.
  23. I don't know, I've done the following, in order, in response to a sniper, on X-Mountain: 1) Field Repair. 2) Only repair from direct cover. 3) Hunt down sniper. 4) Organize manpower 4 times more than the snipers in the bunker, to rush the snipers. 5) Airstrike the sniper spot, hoping it'll land randomly onto the snipers. 6) ??? I don't really know what else to do, maybe I'm an idiot and aren't thinking of the obvious... f5, q, u, i, t, enter. Open youtube, play song.
  24. Late in old ren, modded maps contained "repair tanks" using a shiny untextured model of "prism tanks" from Red Alert 2. However, I wouldn't support them. You have EMPs to destory tanks despite repairs, you have airstrikes to get at the repairs and vehicles, and you have snipers. That's already enough options. Engineers just need to work with tankers for cover. Maybe available sniping spots shouldn't be so damn sky-eye high in some maps like X-Mountain, Under, and Field? It's no problem on Islands.
  25. Was under the impression servers had a specific config to set to "fixed rotation", which removes map voting and plays maps in an order. I liked the voting, and reducing map vote options should reduce how often Walls is played. I did notice frequently only displaying 3 vote options, despite being set to 4. I don't know how that maths whatsoever, because it'll be 4 right after having been 3, meaning the "8 maps disallowed from vote" aren't causing the absence of 4 to vote for, it's just happening randomly on it's own. Bug?
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