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Everything posted by Ruud033

  1. If I have all the animations done I'll post a video! Im also including sounds and emitters! Including sounds Huh? I guess we'll see if it becomes another map that crashes randomly. I now know why you said this. It turns out that, (knowing this since my experimentation).. If you toggle-play a sound faster than it's own length, the game will crash. For example, if I have a sound with a length of 1 second and I will keep toggling this every 0,5 second, the game will crash. If I have a sound of 1 second and toggle it every 1 second.. it's a near-crash, sometimes-crash-ish. If I have a sound of 1 second and toggle it every 1,5 seconds, all is fine. I've been creating a lot of prefabs today, all ready to be implemented. Kismet is working 100% and is unbreakable, unless you can move faster than 0,01 second! (H4x!!!) Prefabs: Will do a 45 degree angle as well, then i'm off implementing these
  2. Np! That's really weird though, try and find out what kind of projectile the SAM site actually fires by searching it's code! Also, try checking the tickbox @ "Block Rigidbody'
  3. Cool! Maybe you could add some animated movements?
  4. Yeah I think it's the only solution for now ..will do that. ty Check the landscape collision properties, set that to blockall ??
  5. Thanks all, and thanks Henk for the wiki quote! Meanwhile the interior is also coming together, Me and Gabriel are not sure about the tunnel layout yet, if anyone has idea's please come in! I don't want island-like suggestions, because that is too much of a stalemate! Think more of natural selection 2, that sort of tunneling system where you can always go around somewhere.
  6. If I have all the animations done I'll post a video! Im also including sounds and emitters! Including sounds Huh? I guess we'll see if it becomes another map that crashes randomly. I like that positive attitude Meanwhile ive been making the door fool-proof because I know you guys will try to break the kismet sequence on this.
  7. If I have all the animations done I'll post a video! Im also including sounds and emitters!
  8. Yes they are modulair, we can go in any direction with these. Nope these are all the meshes you have, but, the example Ive posted here is only the beginning of the endless possiblities.
  9. Yes there are! I've made many small changes to ensure proper gameplay in the map, and the biggest improvement is that! *drumrolls..* THE TUNNELS ARE FINALLY HERE FOR DEPLOYMENT IN THE MAP !! That took a really long while, but was worth the wait. The ship also had some updates by @Action_Hank. He is still finishing it though, he needs to do it quickly
  10. So that's interesting.. Wouldnt you say that 1 team will eventually get the benefit of having a large time span with a decent amount of vehicles? So won't you agree that instead of it becoming less effective, your proposed measurements would become more effective since the non-airdrop-having-team would have no vehicles at all after a while and become defenceless? That the tech building is away from vechs might be interesting tho, but that's up to a mapper to do that I think. The other two propositions you've made are gameplay based.. Btw, running around a tech building with med chasing you on an infantry only route is never gonna happen right? nothing personal here:P just noticing:P
  11. There is no such thing as a final version.. Lol
  12. I will look more into creating custom content rather than creating a new map when my current map is finished. Tech building is one of those subjects.. I do think it's cool, however, the way you explain it isn't really how I personally would do it, I'd say the building would be standalone and not toggle the air drops of the team, as I personally think it would cause a serious unbalance. Imagine only one team having vehicles And air drop, how would the non vehicle having team ever recover from that? Push with rocket soldiers? Mobius and Mendoza? I think you need to much coordination for that. Imagine that at every given moment in the server, 50% of the players in a server is a lone wolf or not willing to do a coordinated strike. This phenomenon leads me to the standalone-ness of the building. This way we only add to the game play and not change it fundamentally So, /on topic, I've got an enthusiastic content developer at my side, I personally know about UDK, kismet and a bit of scripting, so if you also like to help, reply here, reply now. Also tell in what way you're willing to help and what skills you have. If you have no skills (no hard feelings) are you willing to learn and invest quite some time in it?
  13. If you're still having issues, run RenX in compatibility mode for windows 7. Yesterday I've helped someone with the SDK in win10. He also had to run it in compatibility mode.
  14. Ask nicely. Dear development team member Yosh56, Would you mind to implement this new super-awesome-omg-roflcopter-amazing-muchwauw-feature in the renx_game.u please? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/akuee9rzd8dk ... 2TJWa?dl=0 I also want to talk to you about changing the capturable MCT, I already have those scripts set, I just need to talk to you before you implement these because they ONLY compile within Renx_Game. No worries, it's not changing anything, only adding. Unless you choose to modify the existing MCT. I've added a piece of code from HandEpsilon, and a couple of new sounds AND re-referenced them. Why? Because the native capturable MCT didnt have support for the 'captured' and 'neutralized' event PLUS it still outputs: "GDI tiberium silo under attack" or "Nod tiberium silo under attack" when ever an enemy shoots at the capturable MCT. This is kind of silly when you don't have a silo.
  15. Ruud033

    [MAP] CNC-Snow

    I know. I have just been testing a bit, and looking at the Silo script file, and I thought to myself, I don't even need to write a mutator, because we don't need to replicate this stuff to the client. Creditgain is always determined server side, so, we can use modify property. I've used this setup in kismet; setup my own server (to verify that it works online) and it works! no need to write a mutator. And we set the creditsgain in the modify property node, you can determine the amount of credits per second in the value. I've set 50 for testing purposes.
  16. Ladies and gentlemen, after applying the last fix, I can announce that, with the amazing help of HandEpsilon (kudos for that guy) we managed to: GET IT WORKING!! Now go and implement this in 5.004 Yosh56. Got meself some nice kismet using this new actor
  17. Ruud033

    [MAP] CNC-Snow

    make a mutator in code.. can't do that in kismet
  18. I'm not a big fan of this. You sort of force people to entirely give up on a server and also don't give them a chance to even invest in mitigation.. I'd say: Having that said, you forgot to mention that the official servers have permanent mitigation!
  19. Okay, now ontopic: It doesen't work in MP.. :( In the server the actor does not spawn or does not work somehow? Very strange. You can see it in the picture above, there is no HUD there. As in singleplayer (below) you can see it does work. and after the capture event (and thus, after the variable changes: ) I wonder why it does not work? I've pre-placed the actors in the level in the SDK.. By testing online and offline, and making the mesh visible, I've determined that the mesh was NOT spawned ONLINE, however, OFFLINE it was spawned.. my brains are coming out Differences,, Online: Offline; Code used: class TestPT extends Rx_BuildingAttachment implements (Rx_ObjectTooltipInterface) placeable; var CylinderComponent CollisionCylinder; var StaticMeshComponent PTMesh; var repnotify TEAM TeamNum; var repnotify bool bAccessable; var repnotify string tooltip; var repnotify string PTname; replication { if(bNetDirty && Role == ROLE_Authority) TeamNum, tooltip, bAccessable, PTname; } function OnModifyPT(Rx_SeqAct_ModifyPT FireAction) { local int KismetTeamNum; local string KismetToolTip, KismetPTName; local bool bKismetAccessible; KismetTeamNum = FireAction.TeamNumber; KismetTooltip = FireAction.Tooltip; KismetPTName = FireAction.PTName; bKismetAccessible = FireAction.bAccessible; `log("Updating PT through Kismet"); TeamNum = TEAM(KismetTeamNum); PTName = KismetPTName; Tooltip = KismetTooltip; bAccessable = bKismetAccessible; } simulated function string GetTooltip(Rx_Controller PC) { if (PC.GetTeamNum() == GetTeamNum() && class'Rx_Utils'.static.OrientationToB(self, PC.Pawn) > 0.1) return Repl(tooltip, "{GBA_USE}", Caps(UDKPlayerInput(PC.PlayerInput).GetUDKBindNameFromCommand("GBA_Use")), true); return ""; } simulated function bool IsTouchingOnly() { return true; } simulated function bool IsBasicOnly() { return false; } simulated function string GetHumanReadableName() { return PTname; } simulated event byte ScriptGetTeamNum() { return TeamNum; } simulated function bool AreAircraftDisabled() { local Rx_MapInfo mi; mi = Rx_MapInfo(WorldInfo.GetMapInfo()); if( mi != none ) { return mi.bAircraftDisabled; } return true; } simulated function StartCreditTick() { SetTimer(0.5f,true,'CreditTick'); } simulated function StopCreditTick() { if (IsTimerActive('CreditTick')) { ClearTimer('CreditTick'); } } simulated function StartInsufCreditsTimeout() { SetTimer(5.0f,false,'InsufCreditsTimeout'); } simulated function StopInsufCreditsTimeout() { if (IsTimerActive('InsufCreditsTimeout')) { ClearTimer(); } } defaultproperties { SpawnName = "_PT" SocketPattern = "Pt_" CollisionType = COLLIDE_TouchAllButWeapons bCollideActors = True bAccessable = false tooltip = "Press [ {GBA_USE} ] to access the PURCHASE TERMINAL" PTname = "Hacked Purchase Terminal" TeamNum = 255 Begin Object Class=StaticMeshComponent Name=PTMeshCmp StaticMesh = StaticMesh'rx_deco_terminal.Mesh.SM_BU_PT_Visible' CollideActors = True BlockActors = True BlockRigidBody = True BlockZeroExtent = True BlockNonZeroExtent = True bCastDynamicShadow = True bAcceptsDynamicLights = True bAcceptsLights = True bAcceptsDecalsDuringGameplay = True bAcceptsDecals = True RBChannel = RBCC_Pawn RBCollideWithChannels = (Pawn=True) End Object Components.Add(PTMeshCmp) PTMesh = PTMeshCmp Begin Object Class=CylinderComponent Name=CollisioncMP CollisionRadius = 75.0f CollisionHeight = 50.0f BlockNonZeroExtent = True BlockZeroExtent = false bDrawNonColliding = True bDrawBoundingBox = False BlockActors = False CollideActors = True End Object CollisionComponent = CollisionCmp CollisionCylinder = CollisionCmp Components.Add(CollisionCmp) //RemoteRole = ROLE_Authority //bCollideActors = True //bBlockActors = True //BlockRigidBody = True //bCollideComplex = true //bWorldGeometry = true } and class Rx_SeqAct_ModifyPT extends SequenceAction; var bool bAccessible; var string Tooltip; var string PTName; var int TeamNumber; event Activated() { local SeqVar_Object ObjVar; local TestPT TestActor; foreach LinkedVariables(class'SeqVar_Object', ObjVar, "ModifiedActor") { TestActor = TestPT(ObjVar.GetObjectValue()); if (TestActor != None) { TestActor.OnModifyPT(self); // 'self' is to pass the SeqAct to have the rest of params } } } defaultproperties { ObjName="Modify Purchase Terminal" ObjCategory="Ren X" Variablelinks(5)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Int', LinkDesc="Team Number",MinVars=1,MaxVars=1,PropertyName=TeamNumber) Variablelinks(4)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Bool', LinkDesc="Accessible",MinVars=1,MaxVars=1,PropertyName=bAccessible) Variablelinks(3)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_String', LinkDesc="PT Name",MinVars=1,MaxVars=1,PropertyName=PTName) Variablelinks(2)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_String', LinkDesc="Tooltip",MinVars=1,MaxVars=1,PropertyName=Tooltip) Variablelinks(1)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Object', LinkDesc="ModifiedActor",MinVars=1,MaxVars=1,PropertyName=ModifiedActor) bCallHandler=false } Edit: Solved!! Missing RemoteRole = Role_SimulatedProxy
  20. That's a different subject but yeah, you can, its very easy to write a mutator that does the job there. However, it's not in the piece of code you provided in that quote.
  21. Meanwhile the ConstructiveTyranny server has mitigation that doesn't blacklist legit clients (like EKT) and has survived countless attacks already. We unfortunately don't have a group of dedicated monkeys to seed our server though. Yes, I did. I have a solution and IT WORKS! Weird, huh? This game is dying because of the stubbornness of the current communities. Instead of working together on a solution, they're too busy pushing their servers just to feel good when it gets players on it. There isn't going to much to feel good about when nobody's playing the game because it's too shitty of an experience getting DDOSed all the time. I support this statement.
  22. I'll be happy to be his colleague And I'd be happy for you to be mine!
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