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Everything posted by Ruud033

  1. Hey Thommy. Many people are complaining about lag in your map. Nobody really could understand why, so I took a look at your map. I see you're using the foliage collision volume over the whole map. That's not what the volume is designed for. We use the foliage collision volume for small batches of trees. So we have a lot of volumes in our level. For example, on this one batch of trees, I've created 4 volumes. Why 4?? Because I don't want the collision on the far end of the tree batch to spawn, when I'm only colliding with one tree!! To clearify: the collision only spawns if a VEHICLE is touching the volume. There's no need to spawn any other collision if you're not touching. -------- /offtopic Considering the small amount of trees you have, you can also just replace them with static meshes
  2. So meanwhile, while I wait for the continued development of the interior, I'm optimizing the map and looking at line of sight.. One thing i'm facing is the Hand of Nod, it's getting buttraped because of the 'hand' sticking out. I'm looking for creative ways to overcome this issue, have you guys got some idea;s?? This is one idea of mine:
  3. Aha okay.. well, i'll have to see this in a test server to solve things. The solution might be that we add some static meshes to the outer borders of a piece of forest for ex. The remaining trees would be foliage (in case air units land in them, they still get collision) First, implement this in 5.005 and then we'll talk about this again
  4. The Ren-X Official EU #1 (Czech Republic) mirror didnt download correctly for me (yes I have tried several times). It ends up in about 600MB every time. Really strange.
  5. I figured I'd post an update. I've added several nice decal's in the map for you guys to find out! (no screenshots ) I've also done lots of optimization, culling everything that's not needed... If the map still performs badly (will notice soon enough when testing) I'll completely remove air units and even cull some more -or- lower the middle area. I've added and aligned the GDI tunnels I'm still awaiting the development of the middle room before map release I'm still awaiting the implementation of my added code via patch 5.005 (already passed on to yosh56) At the moment Im also really busy in real life so I don't have that much time working on the map, but then again, at the moment I rely on other people the most.
  6. The lag issues depend on the map and the mapper, the bigger the volume the bigger the lag, the smaller the volume, the better the distribution , the smaller the lag. It's always better than static meshes so. What do you mean exactly with getting collision 'late' ? It checks for any actors derived from the 'Vehicle' class.. so any vehicle should trigger the volume?! That's great That means I've done something right.
  7. You can also use a MIC (Material Instant Constant)
  8. Ah nice, looking good! But since you're making a remake of CNC-City, maybe you should call it City_Redux or something.. not "CNC-City" due to your own implementations..
  9. News on the interior: vdGGDTbsnvA
  10. We also need these features in the game for it to work between the SDK and the game.. If you could already bring that in 5.004 that would already be set
  11. Please take this in patch 5.004 viewtopic.php?f=138&p=155263#p155263
  12. Hey people, hello Yosh56 This post is gonna be about the features I made in collaboration with other ppl (special thanks to HandEpsilon) for the next patch (It's up to Yosh56 to implement this now or later on. I need these features in order for my map to work properly. They also add some stuffs to the game. So what did I do? A quick summary: [1] - I've created a new volume that's called the FoliageCollisionVolume. This volume created dynamically spawned actors once "vehicles' have touched it for any foliage that: .1 already has a collision mesh in the static mesh the mapper has added to the foliage tool (trees, tiberium for ex.) .2 is within the FoliageCollisionVolume. So any class derived from the 'vehicles' class should trigger the collision mesh spawn. (it searches with: If(Other.IsA('Vehicle')) ) Note to mappers: THIS DOES NOT CREATE COLLISION FOR INFANTRY!! You have to manually set the foliage to block stuff as you always do in the foliage tool. This is only an ADDITION for vehicles, as vehicles don't get blocked by default. If you want infantry to get blocked as well, you must set that in the foliage tool properties. [2] - I've created a new purchase terminal class that can be modified via kismet (you can even edit it on the fly and it'll still update properly) You can update the following properties: .1 The tooltip that gets displayed in your screen (Press E to do shit) .2 The PT name (the name that's displayed in the HUD on the PT) .3 The accessibility of the PT (whether you can enter the PT level or not) .4 The team number of the PT (so when you aim at it, it shows the proper enemy, neutral or friendly team HUD) In actor classes: In Kismet: In action: [3] - I've edited the existing Master Control Terminal to have a new event, that's called captured. The event fires in Kismet, so when ever we capture / neutralize the MCT, the event fires, so we can hook up other kismet to that (for example, a team change) This way we don't need the memory expensive clocks etc. anymore! In Kismet (example): [4] - In addition to this new Master Control Terminal I've created new sounds for a Tech Building Capture. The 'old' files still always reference to a silo. For example: I've got a destroyed capturable weapons factory in the middle of Crash Site. When ever someone from the enemy team starts capturing that, you'll get notified by EVA that the 'Silo' is under attack. Weird isn't it?? In the content browser: 1. The Foliage Collision Volume. This is a standalone piece of code. Unfortunately I think it broke from patch 5.003 to 5.004, during MP testing in my map Crash Site I found out that I suddenly could drive trough trees. I think you changed something within the packages or re referenced something in there.. Yosh56 needs to look at the errors during the compiling due to the fact that it does compile well in my current (old) SDK, which is still at patch 5.001 I believe? Link to FoliageCollisionVolume: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wtl04zyqfzax ... -21aa?dl=0 2. The Customizable Purchase Terminal This is a standalone piece of code. It's working perfectly after a shitty testing period. Nothing much to say more about it really, it's only an addition to the game rather than a change. It has always worked perfect for me. Link to Customizable PT: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tpd2fdyh1y06 ... C89Na?dl=0 3 & 4. The Capturable Master Control Terminal This piece of code is a bit tricky. Yosh56 (or someone else from the coding team, if they decide to handle this) can choose whether to edit the existing Capturable Master Control Terminal code (preferred by me, since the existing capturable MCT is not much of an added value due to crucial missing AND wrongly referenced pieces) or create a new captureable MCT class By the wrong referenced pieces I mean the sound files. After looking at the code I figured that the existing capturable MCT is using outdated sound files. The sound files ALWAYS reference to the Silo sound files. In other words, EVA will always say that the 'silo' is under attack, even whilst we have a completely different tech building. Link to new sound file package: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dcuau05hu755 ... XHnKa?dl=0 The sound package file goes to: ..\SDK\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Sounds So, in order to fix this, I had to go up the code hierachy and re-write a piece of code that the old capturable MCT was based upon, and then base the new captureable MCT upon that new base. The new base is called: Rx_Building_TechBuilding_Internals_NoSilo Basically, everything is the same as Rx_Building_Techbuilding_Internals, except for these lines: `GdiUnderAttackForGdiSound = SoundNodeWave'RX_EVA_VoiceClips_Extra.gdi_eva.S_EVA_GDI_GDITech_UnderAttack' `GdiUnderAttackForNodSound = SoundNodeWave'RX_EVA_VoiceClips_Extra.Nod_EVA.S_EVA_Nod_GDITech_UnderAttack' `NodUnderAttackForGdiSound = SoundNodeWave'RX_EVA_VoiceClips_Extra.gdi_eva.S_EVA_GDI_NodTech_UnderAttack' `NodUnderAttackForNodSound = SoundNodeWave'RX_EVA_VoiceClips_Extra.Nod_EVA.S_EVA_Nod_NodTech_UnderAttack' The capturable MCT implements an internals class. By default this is "Rx_Building_TechBuilding_Internals", I'd like to see this changed to "Rx_Building_TechBuilding_Internals_NoSilo" due to the new sound files. This is for the developer team to decide themselves. I have only added a new internals class, so the existing Silo code won't be bothered Link to new internals class: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qttljom0kdxi ... VSpAa?dl=0 Note: This piece of code HAS to be added to RenX_Game, else it will not compile. So, based upon this file come the following MCT files. Again, it's up to the development team whether to add this piece of code to the existing code in the SDK, OR replace the existing piece of code with this new one. Again, I prefer to have the existing code replaced I can say a lot more about this piece of code, but you'll have to see for yourself what's going on. Do note, when actually processing this piece of code, look for the class references!!!!! It's based upon the existing piece of code right now, so if you choose to replace the existing code, re-reference the class extension! For example, right now it's like: Keep that in mind whilst recompiling Link to new capturable MCT class: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/o7ccvomumcdi ... pDima?dl=0
  13. I hope so too, however, realistic thinking makes me doubt that. Edit: it'll be patched in in 5.005, along with all the custom assets and a new SDK version
  14. Added (only!) 2 lights to make some things a bit nicer I hope you like it They're only 2 spotlights, so no fear about performance. Meanwhile Im also working on the tunnels.. the middle section is also being developed as we speak
  15. Nooooo I needz more time!!
  16. Looking good! I like the green-tib-water as a detail
  17. I try to make the best of it. I have really aggressive culling (not visible) and I use the foliage collision volume! That saves a lot of CPU power! Furthermore I don't use decals so much as other maps and don't use many lights.. Most of the lights are pre baked. I'll optimise it all and we'll see what I can do if you guys (who already need to buy a decent PC anyway ;p) can play it better
  18. Today I've updated the prefabs with lights, now everything is into place. I've placed the lights at seperate layers, so we mappers can select all the lights we want to change at once. Groups are preselected in: - Ceiling lights - Wall lights - Doorway lights - Intersection ceiling lights As for the doors, - Moving door lights (green) - Static door lights (red) All the materials are swappable, I use MIC's everywhere so we mappers can swap out colours on the fly. If you first change colour on the MIC, you can easily set the RGB to the lights as well by selecting the lights via the 'Find Actors' tool
  19. Ladies and gentlemen, the ship is in!!!! Big thanks to Action_Hank for modelling this ship!!! See also: Thanks!
  20. Good to know.. I have 1 ambient sound which can use this optimisation. Will implement this, thanks
  21. As long as you don't overlap the sounds you should be better off I think.. And also, if you use kismet to play the sounds, be sure to first stop 1 sound and then play the other.
  22. Vehicle factory is the best and easiest way to go for testing purposes
  23. Will take a look at this later on.. Meanwhile, progress today:
  24. Rework your paths. The harv system is fine.
  25. I don't believe we can compress like that. I can only use .wav files for certain sounds. It wouldn't import otherwise. Maybe you can look into this HandE, but I'm sticking with the current .wav setup, since it's working for me. I know that I need to be cautious with the sound. First preview of the tunnels being built into the map: lx5YAK8hevA
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