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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. use the command "open mapname" and when in game add bots ither with the voting system or command "addbots number"
  2. well having them in the air for an air map is like having them on the ground for a normal map lol .. im going to be tweaking the cells soon any way let there be rage trees
  3. right now im trying out some other stuff ... but ill give that volume a go soon in the mean time 60fps ! (well sort of)
  4. yer might just have to do that for the next vid RAGGGGEEEEE noting went right
  5. cool will look into when i got time but for no here is the last how to on the day night (other then post processing) for those who are only interested in the final thing and not how to do it
  6. you need to play on pc and change the setting to ultra
  7. would like an over view of the map
  8. cool might have to see if its better then using static meshes ... but anyway let there be morning again
  9. your better off just using normal actors
  10. Ahhh this is complicated
  11. i dont know what happened to the mic i dont know why you are getting massive drops wile using light function, might be that the function is material is a bit too complex ... but a function should be better to use then a matinee dynamic light as a function is a GPU shader wile matinee uses a lights properties to get the same effect as for the cull volumes well i never use them i use groups with cull settings in the actor properties ... i have never seen the advantage of using a cull volume but there very we might be one lol
  12. its that time of day
  13. trial and error if it dont work change it test test and test some more dont have to look good only play good (can always pretty it up later on)
  14. mehhh something about bush and line of sight
  15. "the FoliageCollisionVolume script has a bigger impact then using normal static meshes ... thats why we didnt use it
  16. i plan to do alot of what you said lol ... just haven't had the time ill go over line of sight soon anyway here is todays vid
  17. yer well to late ... the team has stopped working on it
  18. more random stuff
  19. Yo Thommy, I really suggest you rename your map to something else than CNC-Tutorial, along with your map package Rx_Custom_Tut. Kenz might use these names but that does not mean you have to use them. I can only imagine that your current name policy will result in future confusion among server owners.. It's a great looking map and to me it seems to have nice gameplay but, please rename it. i plan to rename everything at the end CNC-BeachHead and rx_env_beachhead or want ever i decide to call it (still need some good names )
  20. you can make a harvester spawn with the harvester vehicle factory if you use the factory in the map and dont you kismet it will re-spawn after getting destroyed as for the 0,0,0 spawning you cant turn that off just yet with out destroying the refinery there is one other method by having a spawning platform @ 0,0,0 and having the map above it or away from it (but this would mean the harvester would be looking for a path all the time and could add too lag)
  21. distance tricks
  22. seamless landscape transition for tunnels that you can pass under and over
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