I heard that too. Did a search the first post he made about it to make sure. There hasn't been any talk about it. Neison didn't seem to mention he was doing it in a thread he was in that mentioned it, Kenz is definitely doing something else, I don't know who else could be doing it, but I both wouldn't mind doing it as a community effort nor would I want to do it if we are tredding on a devs work or backtracking over work already in progress...
wait what am i doing ? ... i never said im not working on stuff officially only thing im showing right now is an unofficial map (a map that will not be in the base game)
city is a cursed map ... and as it is so cursed we had to get a "few Spiritual Cleaners" in to remove the curse but its been hard work as the curse in on the interwebs and moves around all the time ... we got 10% of the curse removed and are working on removing the other 90% you never know it may turn out to be a good thing its been cursed all this time
on a side note im on my way to making a good day night cycle but with any day night system the FPS will take a hit