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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. did you download the game or the SDK ? the game is the bottem sets of links on this page http://renegade-x.com/download.php you can not use the SDK to play on servers
  2. some good ideas there ... i look the recolouring to a new level tho
  3. if you d click the csg/bsp in the level you will get a texture modifier up you can tile u or v inderpendently this should help get rid or the stretching
  4. making meshes comply
  5. block them all !
  6. just added a new tutorial (adding your maps to the game) this includes adding mine and vehicle limits to the game and SDK "this may change in future builds"
  7. size does matter !
  8. the static mesh and material you are using need to be in a "loaded package" the same custom package or the map its self and the mat needs to be re-refracted tot he static mesh (use the arrow in the foliage editor to replace meshes)
  9. will do in the next one already had this one recorded
  10. I heard that too. Did a search the first post he made about it to make sure. There hasn't been any talk about it. Neison didn't seem to mention he was doing it in a thread he was in that mentioned it, Kenz is definitely doing something else, I don't know who else could be doing it, but I both wouldn't mind doing it as a community effort nor would I want to do it if we are tredding on a devs work or backtracking over work already in progress... wait what am i doing ? ... i never said im not working on stuff officially only thing im showing right now is an unofficial map (a map that will not be in the base game) city is a cursed map ... and as it is so cursed we had to get a "few Spiritual Cleaners" in to remove the curse but its been hard work as the curse in on the interwebs and moves around all the time ... we got 10% of the curse removed and are working on removing the other 90% you never know it may turn out to be a good thing its been cursed all this time on a side note im on my way to making a good day night cycle but with any day night system the FPS will take a hit
  11. yer i kn ow about these problems it just a starting point ... im thinking about doing something completely diffrent just need to work out the kinks well see if i can insert some code
  12. its vehicle spawning kismet time
  13. the mesh and the material need to be in a "loaded package" witch means make a copy of them in to your map package or map file then re add the mesh using the arrow in the foliage editor (dont forget to re reference the material to the mesh in the mesh editor or you will have the same problem)
  14. well here ya go episode 40
  15. Feedback forum
  16. simple cave
  17. Good idea ... ill go into a bit more detail tho with mats and collision will do that for episode 40
  18. paths and moar decal stuff
  19. set up is key to good things
  20. so many fails
  21. culling will help a lot
  22. Decal short cuts
  23. the decal process
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