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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. dont even wonna know what the fps would be on this map
  2. ahhhh oasix ... find all the dead six !!!! see what happens :D
  3. seems like there should be a link or an image to this
  4. wow cnc 5 / renegade 2confirmed ? hope this is legit and not fan made
  5. nice to see more peeps taking on the challenges of making maps ... looking good keep it up
  6. ahhhh its imperial all over again
  7. would of helped if he had indeed made it, but he didnt lol, he just made it playable ... its a hidden map in renegade that was never used like 70% of all the assets in ren lol
  8. i have every version of xmountain from the first to the new night version should of asked lol
  9. dx9 shaders some times act strange in dx11 have you enabled dx11 ? or ya using opengl ? as that can have the same effect
  10. i beleve you need to use a plugin called actorx but i only know of the ds max version (i could be wrong)
  11. disable texture streaming, unreal dynamically controls texture quality depending on available memory when texture streaming is enabled
  12. no pics no stuck spot ! amazing i can retire
  13. wow that model is still in game i made that as a place holder a long long long time ago nice one for adding collision you could of used perpoly its not all that expensive or is it lol
  14. go to ya local tech shop and have a play then what ever one you like go online and find the cheapes thats the only advice you need ... every one hands are different
  15. i was a keen unreal player, one day wile playing ut3 i got board and decided to look for some skins / mods and came across this project that was remaking a old game called renegade ... well i played the shit out of ren back in the day so i took a look and to my amazement the bloody thing was still being made but i kept track of it to see if it came to be ... well some how its got made (blah blah blah mod came out blah blah black dawn blah blah blah udk MultiPlayer) and is still in active development 11 years on ... and some how i became a bloody dev. funny how things turn out
  16. fog is a key part of map design... its used to control line of sight, snipers distance and it makes things look nice and pretty as well as some other stuff i cant think of off the top of my head if you remove it you are technically cheating as you have a advantage over other people. ive been trying to get it forced as well as some other cheaty settings for a long time, if you wonna bitch at some one bitch at me, but i no longer play PUGS so i couldn't give a flying if you didnt want me to be there or not i might turn up next time just to rub it in that you cant change ya cheaty settings any more i dont need to be forgiven im content with being hated by a single person (i know there are more of you but at least they dont make a public arse of them selves) your unforgivenly the guy that pissed you off look some nice fog
  17. i remember playing black dawn in multplayer (janky as hell but worked back in beta might even work now) but all the majics in that worked ... but as i said on discord there would need to be some code for the server and client to save the picked random building for new players to load and having the game mode pick up the building in the hud if any one is interest in what this majics is .... well its dark majics call LEVELSTREAMING where you take two or more maps and have one or more load on top of the base map this can be used for more then just swapping out buildings
  18. no hax i can use a udk feature to make things majicly appear from another realm this is just a test and has no relevance to the game right now as its only took me 5mins to slap together lights haven't been built coz this is just a proof of concept EARS MAY BLEED
  19. wellllllll .... you know there are always ways of faking dynamic things ... the majics of the udk is vast indeed ... as long as you know how to tame the majics that is majics is a majical word that could mean that its not possible but then again i could be pissed as a fart and talking out my arse You shall never know untill i post some MAJICS
  20. i could but we dont have the blackdawn source files any more to find out
  21. this is why we need a Editor button in the launcher @launcherdevs but yer ok ... find Binaries\Win32udk.exe ... make a shortcut to ya desktop ... right click the shortcut hiy properties ... in the target box add editor to the end like this Binaries\Win32\udk.exe editor
  22. i did Kanes for him it was a bit off the chart
  23. we made what we want but EA wont let us show the world
  24. make a mutator that shrinks players and vehicals .... problem fixed sort of may be what the hell it will be a laugh anyway
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