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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. If you talk to me and I dont answer its probably Id didnt hear you ..you may have noticed in my YT videos some voices sort very low ..sometime i hear my name but not the rest ..sorry
  2. I love that show room Great idea!
  3. I think Pug are not like clans .where every body know the full potential of each other. That's make the commander job harder ..more pugs ,more xperience, more games and Pugs will go better and better ...just saying
  4. I like teasers For what saw its look nicely done There some previews (videos or SS) That when you look at it you can tell if personnaly you will like or not. And I think I will like cliffside Gj!
  5. Id try your map and i must say that my prefered spot is the middle cave ..its look very cool with the different colors and the wide space in it . The outside surrounding need more tuning ,many things are incomplete or need to be fix .I think you can fall out of map at some place and some places tanks and character will get stuck. Could do a very good map but imo (no offense) it need to be tuning .GJ
  6. I wasnt wrong Beautifull! Nicely done ,Great feeling about this map
  7. Id learn to never trust these rough paint sketch ...they often end into something ...AWESOME !
  8. OH!!?? its redoing or still cancelled?
  9. saw this guy did a YT tutorial video 2 years ago and been watch almost 4000 times idk whos he is here but that's pretty good numbers for a YT video I might do a little something someday with all the videos I already recorded from pug
  10. Bus rush (all team in it. lol) > APC rush
  11. May be like me some people was their first time in that map ..idk Cant complain really about the lay out ,i must first explore it ..I think the fartest I went is at the silo in front of our base :0)))
  12. When SD did Etqw they took as one of the source of inspiration ..Renegade . They didnt worry about it because they knew they would make something different. What Im saying is until you unstick with c&c stuff from EA your are at Risk. anydays EA could change their mind and say . Enought ! and stop using anything from C&C universe as templates. I encourage anyone out there to look for doing a new Game that as similiraties of renegade and etqw without using c&c stuff like any Games studio would do . And go STEAM without any restrictions. And I quote fobby in this video or Start from scratch but dont use existant games as Base ..it can inspired you but dont used them. Thats all !
  13. But compare to Renx now its looks old but for me it was what was closer to renegade at the time and was fun
  14. I did also came into ETQW like with Renegade in the drop down period ..Id never been in the glorious days of renegade with many many server running But the time id play it I was addicted. Id start playing video games with things like Warcraft and starcraft but now im not reallly no more in the top view type games .Im FPS at ground level Testman there is some true saying that a second game might split the players base but How much the second game would gain been on STEAM and Renx might stay into the incertainity..unless its gain some players also knowing it by the second game and im with HATE saying this below
  15. added one YT Subscribe 42,963,355 but not sure that he will do it ..worth the shoot tho
  16. Agreed and think the same ^^ except we shouldnt make a big deal of parts of Renx that need to be fix ..if possible..if there fixed ..nice..by who ever.. its nice also .Never the less these has to be pointing without hard talk to be noticed and potentionaly fixed.So easy on the Devs they are voulunters and i want to keep them
  17. Edit:And btw ^^ not fun your gif and off topic ------------------------------- I guest you dont know the potential of Comiccon to reach people ..its HUGE ...anyway back to your topic
  18. Wtf..I cant beleive id just read that i was offtopic
  19. I was thinking That here in Montreal in july we will have the 8e Comiccon of Montréal .That could be a great occasion to pass a Flyer at the entrance with RenX infos on it or having a small space inside I will try to get in contact with http://multijoueur.ca that are partner wit comiccon if they can do something either at comiccon or on their website
  20. yeah :=)) noticed every similarities ? Orcas, Titan from TS, APC ,tanks ..nuclear/ion look a like stuff..GDF instead of GDI..Some official maps have even the same names ..Island ,volcano ,Canyon http://guides.gamepressure.com/enemyterritoryquakewars/ Dev from SD told me that they used to play renegade a lot at the time ,and they got their influence by it
  21. I think the trick is after the building is on flat ground you past an invisible paint inside(under it) the building
  22. Tbh i like your short version more than the detailled one that named Real Countries and conflicts
  23. well you asked Edit: Blend Etqw with RenX and go steam
  24. Well Nielsen is not transforming Renx because its would be a second mod and original RenX stay the same . We try to find ideas ..it has to be a start somewhere A Steam version of RenX
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