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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. Id done this little Containers cover space to ease Sneaking Nod into GDI base on this south side GDI entrance.
  2. I Have the same with my voice when I recorded idk why. Your video quality is very nice. What do you use and on what setting ?
  3. That is foliage. It's a tool what we mostly use to place grass, bushes and tiberium. How to use It? Simple! Open foliage tool by clicking on the plant button (right next to landscape tool button) You can drag a static mesh from the content browser and drop it in the foliage tool. From there you can edit stuff like scale and distance Ah Cool Thanks
  4. How to use these? .They arent individual Crystals ,They like a premade field ,I cant click on them to see what they are
  5. Some New stuffs
  6. its sooo cooooll (Jaw dropping) ..come help me after ...Im so n00B
  7. Limiting the map to 3 flying units each side and the rest ground units and you have a new gameplay flavour
  8. How do you place snow on the rocks ? I used already made one only (copy and Paste) I used the one that already existed, and tweaked values on the big rock in the center, it already had the sand on top so making that into snow wasn't a lot of work. All of what you see is just replaced materials and different lighting colors btw. Oh its make sens whats the name of the snow you used ? the one I used is a snow one but look more like a plain white color Idk how to know to find whats been used on other maps (original and custom)to used the same
  9. good points: Though of this also yesterday when working on my map. Would be nice if I could limit the numbers of flying units like to 3 only to avoid base sweep by air and balance more to other ground units
  10. How do you place snow on the rocks ? I used already made one only (copy and Paste)
  11. I like this ^^ Better
  12. I like
  13. Xtractor


    Good points Ryz
  14. Xtractor


    What if Surrendering wasn't permit until one only building is left ?
  15. What if for every building lost your Hit points goes -% (?)
  16. DeVitto was with team Bong ? Just asking Because hes very good to get points ..a Key Player..just saying
  17. Xtractor

    map time

    Wish we could see on final score the time it took to complete the game ,like in old ren ,specialy in marathon
  18. (when credits arent a problem)How many time do we carry ion/nuke just in case we have a window to planted it. Knowing that there is a probability that you may die without been able to armed it and that will give points to the other team,General Gameplay may change and ion/nuke will probably be less used or when a window is open for placing an i/n ,nobody will have one coz they wont want give points to the other team . Apc Rush carrying i/n will suffer also ....imo
  19. if you kill someone that has a ion/nuke you have your reward :1000 creds lost from the opposing team
  20. Yeah Ryz you're usualy very easy to hear mb once the teams are locked ,Commander could do a quick voices check: Eg :named each guys and see who answers and advise the ones that are too low speaking to ajust their mic volume or talk louder.This will also help to put a nicknames to a voices
  21. Again didn't you guys thought that mb when no answer from someone is mb because he haven't hear you ? Some voices are loud and clear and some other are barely to impossible to distinguish .Repeat yourselft Louder or someone else repeat the same command if you think it can be the reason
  22. ^^ this ,was thinking if the Textures for the buildings was like the WTCenter ,it could look nice . like rooky said..Base is great .Just the texturing need to be improve and few little things here and there
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