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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. I think Both Defense was too good and that made the Battle more in the middle ground mb thats why it felt more boring.(Volcano was easy /Fast NoD Win) Nothing Epic happened
  2. Xtractor

    SDK update

    So I Install the new SDK in a New location and move my things to the new SDK ?
  3. Xtractor

    SDK update

    How to we update SDK without losing any previous work ?
  4. and why not ? this isn't old renegade .Been able to transport and engy on wall plateau its nice ,or to be able to Xtract (that's where my nick come from ..xtractor )someone in trouble is fun teamplay
  5. Ah Nice the Last made thanks. https://countingdownto.com/countdown/re ... down-clock
  6. Sorry for the low HD quality ,Im trying to find a better result. VQs73wsVNu0 Select HD ^^ PART 2- ISLAND-https://youtu.be/NV-AFNXqM3k NV-AFNXqM3k PART 3 of 3 - Complex QoahCyUD2H0
  7. Demos are those used to do the officials renx trailers? Can I do one ,what do I need ? Apart doing my little ingame videos (Fraps) never done something so nice .Wish I could do (and btw last pug videos coming very soon..just need to get it right with an old vers of Sony Vegas..used Window movie maker before but last video was too big got corrupted )
  8. although the one in PUG thread look nicer .Webpage wasnt responding halft the time and 2 of 3 the clocks was set to something else ( now the all 3 set for the same )and page is full publicity. The other one http://goo.gl/Ezu7kx is older look but has no publicity.. but there is a 1 hour difference from the 2
  9. Nice I will use it ..Just reedit the first post Pug because you didn't use the same link ..Link here ^^ is good and is the one i will use .Thank you BroT.
  10. I think its a nice idea But (Imo) some reviewers are very neg critics for the sake to be different from other. Althought Renx community is not very large at the moment ,The ones that play renx like the game . I'm more in Favor of 'mouth to ear' way..slower but Better with a Serious reviewer once a while . If every present player Bring 1 New player that realy like RenX ..Goal is ..GGed !
  11. My files (MP4 video) is corrupted, anyone knows a good free repair tool ? Grau GmbH Video Repair Software ,do the job but its too much$$
  12. EDIT: Upload video Failed for unknow reasons (Mb bad rendering) ..starting all over again
  13. well I was thinking to included the link in my YT description ..if you update it regulary .
  14. Middle path is so not fun ,Camera view, probably because of low ceiling ,its bad. I always lose direction in there .I dont remember that Old ren was like that
  15. Update Timer and first post of PUG thread Please ..Thank you
  16. Will update it for beta 5 slowly. No real plans to change much else drastically (that I know of), so it'd be safe to write it up again. Do you sleep sometime ? I'm amazed
  17. I like the fact that we can mine anywhere on the maps outside buildings ( and no obligation to where),this bring some strategic mining .Mb give a limit of mines for each tech to deploy with a max team total mines . I think mines should be able to be deployed anywhere outside buildings .. Mining IN buildings doesnt seing right to me For inside Buildings yes a new mechanic can be very interesting .If Buildings had motion detector, if an intruder enter, the team get an warning in wich buildings , But anyhow building should be infiltratable..And i can see ceiling turrets ( destructable and repairable) in each buildings in the MCT zone
  18. Q spot ,first you have to spot it just a little/tiny green led on it not a big glowing stuff
  19. I joined late somewhere in Mesa and frozen 2 times trying to open FRAPS .couldnt get my game back in first plan So havent no videos only 1 ScreenShot http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... E005A4369/
  20. I find them often hard to find on Vehicules ,Wish they would be more visible ..little flashing led on it would be my prefere choice ..
  21. I was there only for the last 2 games (BONG team) How the others maps was and went ?
  22. I love 3,5,11,14
  23. AMD Radeon 6800 serie ..but before I modified the pic it was similar to my other one ..I did on that PC Bcoz i remember that i had an old Graphic card that used to give me shity colors pics ..thats a long time ago ..mb you can tweak your colors in your Gcard options check that
  24. My Pic ,from and other PC & different Graphic card, modified full saturation with irfanview .Starting to look like yours
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