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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. As you will see its going slowly,I hope to finish it before the next century Id decide not to go with Obelix and AGT ,they are too game staling. instead I will go with small ground/air defenses without them map is too easy. I think the map will bring many tactic (vehicules and infantry)due to many routes so it shouldnt be predictable and boring . Orca tour around and in Nod Base under ground/air pressure. Still A lot to do and i hope im on a good track..let me know if you want k5cu6P8rw98
  2. Miss it came late and server was full so i went back to work on my map
  3. God Im so anxious/eager to read that new Topic from TA Devs ,cross my fingers ..had to say..sorry
  4. You probly right Edit: I can try to get more infos like emails or stuff from EA Montreal if TA devs want
  5. Here some EA names and title of EA guys you can try to reach http://www.ea.com/executives the CEO (Andrew Wilson ) is in Australia I think send mails guys
  6. Mb we can start a BIG cruisade via a Youtube .Like a pro video about the game and our goal to get one Steam and get EA attention ,to get Help from all the web community .And Spread this all over the social medias .Give to big names that might have link with EA or been follow by EA.(Like TBiscuits guys or others you may think ) One day Someone from EA will see and start discuss..Hopefully!
  7. That First contact with EA telling TA its was ok ,you cant contact him again ? lost the email ?
  8. they wouldn't do nothing if TA don't get money for it because TA kept their word. One thing I'm asking myself is do STEAM (even if its a free game ) ask devs money for been on STEAM ? If they do its means a third party make money out of it ? which wont work, nobody should do money out of it . If they don't ask money then if something EA would contact TA or Steam and ask them to take out the game from STEAM. Like you said Zephyr ,TA can tell them how hard they had try to contact them before without any luck . plus you will have that contact to discuss anything further.
  9. If TArts doubt that they wouldn't have the Blessing from EA for STEAM .they should doubt also for ,twitter,facebook and any others medias that offer RenX as a free game and close them .
  10. I think we don't need more from EA to get on Steam.They already had said what was the condition : .Obviously they approuved that the game was going to go public via renx website ,twitter, facebook ,servers,and other medias ..Going on STEAM is just another media,so I don't see any problem going STEAM,just stay in the prime directive ..don't make money with it
  11. Another way could be to contact STEAM and telling them that you want to add Renx on STEAM.And asking them a contact to Ea.
  12. Someone that might help if you can reach her https://ca.linkedin.com/in/janice-thoms-7336b519
  13. A reskin would mean a different game ,RenX is good because its base on Renegade ,Having a reskin we would lose renegade Fan players ..would we gain these back by STEAM ..not sure ..imo. Best would be stay Renegade and go STEAM if possible
  14. You need to capture the War Factory and then you can buy the ship Oh shit... I kicked my whole team which was repairing the enemy MCT there... Now I get why they hate me (among other reasons), what have I done! I didn't play that map yet but make me think that would be nice to get a direction of what to do on special map like this (in the waiting time) .something like 'An space ship crashed ,get acess to it before the other team for...' (in voice or text) would be nice for new players.
  15. Thats all voyaging through satelite ,there no under sea cables .. right? France --> London --->Beauharnois Edit : found this ;http://mentalfloss.com/article/60150/10-facts-about-internets-undersea-cables Wasnt sure that was existing
  16. Oh that's the cable I was wondering what it was behind my PC
  17. Because you want to see it Not really how I want it to look yet but it's getting there: these look nice Do you use RenX meshes or some from and other pkg ?
  18. oh, its far from me (Quebec Canada) but doesn't feel too laggy ,just sometime in orca when its start waving usualy when I hit a wall or smthing
  19. Wall PUG 27-02-2016 I think we dominated Most of the game until.. And I shouldnt had enter in that Tranny ;( Wibw6PuRc3A
  20. Idk if it would be possible to offer as a non STEAM and free game to place like https://www.indiegala.com May be worth a try to discuss with these guys if possible
  21. Painting it "cloaked" would be the real trick. :=D Already Have one like that ..but.. but.. I cant find it
  22. Yep cool .I always wanted a SBH figurine could this be done with that ? can they be paint ?
  23. If you could contact Joe Kucan (Kane) and have it on your side ,Surely they will listen to him ..and he probably knows to whom to talk .
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