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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. The 2 only guys Studio from Shark Attack Deathmatch 2 just added this new feature . I think all games should have this
  2. From Voltex YT channel mx4MXEm642A
  3. Alaska: Not Ababdonned ..its just is my first map so ..very slow + working on and off..been few months un touch now
  4. HAHA ! my fraps was off and I didn't know ,was coming back from my game crash I heard my mines killed someone ..whent in PP to check.. first door was ok ..didnt see anyrhing on the MCT (mb my brightness was too dark ) ..second door my mines was gone ..I started remined and then ..lol..saw you in the corner making you small hiding just at my right.. lol .. then everything blow and I dont remember if you killed me just before .. Something similar happend at wall PP when cheking PP ..didnt go inside just open doors saw mines at the two doors ..so I was telling everything ok to my team ..then PP blow ..WHAT!!..I guest the mines at one door wasnt ours my bad ..Again ..Bad day !
  5. Was far from my best gameplay ..I didn't play much the last months. Oh ..and Didn't get all the quinc3y stuff ..coz I crashed once and forgot to reopen fraps lowM43svDJo
  6. Xtractor

    Snapchat ?

    Wondering if Snapchat could be a nice app for the community ?
  7. I might be there ,as it could be a rainy day tomorrow here
  8. Oh why I didnt see that right box explaining all lol. Guest my browser wasnt show me all the pic
  9. Can you define the circles color eg green=defense ?
  10. Drying a SBH on the rock
  11. Wishing these guys come work/help/game consulting/parthers with RenX
  12. Please make a You tube video on How to
  13. I bought it today Notice the similarities with renegade without EA approval just saying
  14. http://store.steampowered.com/app/427250/
  15. Very nice
  16. Im waiting for a rainy saturday to play PUG ..no luck, sunny forecast for tomorrow again
  17. would be fun to have an infantry/rep repairing tanks with this instead of the usual rep gun
  18. Not my cup but wouldnt mind of it ,if there was one ^^ I would prefer a co-op genre like this liquid's video ux4K545y58Q
  19. wondering what it could do if : When a building is under attack , a tech come in that building core terminal and actived the repair (the wrench on top of building will go on) and he could leave the building and go in offense .when the repair is done wrench disappear and the same will have to be redo under another attack .Same principle as in RTS
  20. That was fun to watch :0))
  21. what kind of things ^^? Anything simple we could do to begin with?
  22. Are you suggesting to Bring more mechanics into RenX ? Do we have to Be Necessary a C&C mode ..can we be just a RenX mode? Including any Mechanics we want ,mixed together. I sure would like to see Buildings rebuildeable ,mb only at the orginal place of the destroyed one. And any Side objectives like buidable bridge or other cool stuff community/Devs might think of.
  23. Thanks!
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