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Everything posted by Sn4ke
uhm.. you can see that in the background (end game cam)
Engi reskin would be cool and maybe a doza reskin (though in the original Renegade it was Raveshaw who got that tiberium mutation look!) But Havoc = sniper. He's never been a commando unit like in the single player. So I think a "commando"-reskin wouldnt fit him very well. EDIT: I'd prefer if they remove the damn McFarty char. he's no Renegade character but some spawn from cheater-hell this is an img of Deadeye - http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Dariel_MacInnis while he is ofc GDIs light sniper, he could get some cool assault weapon... or let's reintroduce the "light sydney" with "light tib rifle" as in the original game
looking forward to play the new version. I'm absolutely fine with a non_flying city version keep it up Thommy!
if devs implement that please set a striking color for something like that.... or place the announcement somewhere else chat is already spammed with Q-spotted "Attack this structure! / This building needs repair!" whatsoever
@IllumZar uhm... I'm not fond of infantry only. but as soon as there is a WIP version that you consider as "ready for testers" release it and T.O. & me will have a look
It's no addition but hitting Q multiple times shouldn't *spam* the ingame chat. Make it bigger / change color instead (turn up the sound even) so mates notice that this time the "Defend the Refinery!" call is urgent but team can still read the sneakers call for help in chat "need you to hit structure x in 15 seconds for distraction" PS: think there was another topic about this, can't remember if it wasnt possible whatsoever
I'm fine with Nod having laser fence technology. GDI got this: good & detailed explanation by Madkill
River is an interesting map, but the current version is well... plain. With your growing experience as mapper the next River approach will definitely look better same problem with City: it's too plain / too linear. and NO! people do build vehicle ramps.... erm on PUG warmups nah we just wanted to test the blocking collision height. We could rebuild the ramp with some Mammys at the side for extra stability & height, but that would have been even more goofing
Okay, if you're taking me that serious.. Think we're just talking past each other but thats due to 100% opposite views on the mining subject. As you've posted: you won't even discuss with the current mining system supporters. But... please don't think that I think of any one else as an idiot. That's plain wrong. Just as you I took my chance to state my opinion [even explained them..] @j0g32 yeah, discussion is getting out of hand so Sire opened another topic. It's still ok to discuss different viewpoints here. EDIT: hehe, by editing your post @Axesor you won't get away from the initial statement
33 active forum members voted. so "people" decided that devs gotta change the game?
Dear @ThommyK0104, congratulations for finishing Horologe, we couldn't find any more bugs / glitches / whatsoever. Just a few more remarks: - Try-Out checked the latest (hopefully final version) for FPS drops. While he was behind the containers (both sides) looking into the direction of the CommCentre he suffered slight FPS drops. - With Nod once dominating the hilltop GDI might have a hard time to re-conquer it as: flamers / arties can easily control the top & if meds push up flamers just push down. Due to the rise of the hill most Nod vehicles will block almost any GDI vehicle (same vice versa). Just for fun we tried to jump across the fixed collision... this is the result: With Horologe finished you might have time to give City another try Maybe start from the scratch? Nah, we know you're also busy with TY / HL. Regards, Sn4ke & T.O.
Hi JLamna, this seems to be a resolution problem. Did you check if you got the latest graphic drivers etc.? http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2759841 one suggestion on steamforums is to install latest DX9 maybe that'll help you. Regards, Sn4ke PS: I'm no dev!!!
In my opinion this is definitely wrong. Because - following your logic almost any ingame action can be considered as "done by a bot". Human players make intuitive decisions or decisions based on experience. As the RenX maps / the fractions don't change while playing (unless there is an update...) I'd say ~90% (maybe more) of the avg. RenX players use the same set of 2-3 different strategies per map. That means most players will keep repeating the same pattern (for attacking the enemy). So do you think they are bots or do you consider them as unimaginative?
@Madkill40 I can't remember who, but someone suggested gunners indeed
Vanilla Mining - RenX Improvements & Revisions
Sn4ke replied to Sire's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
You don't want to change Grenadier & Flamethrower's abillity to destroy a building on their own within 40 seconds? In regard to the other suggestions I don't understand that -
@Axesor whats your problem then?
Believe it or not: I change my mining / map quite often. Yeah 3 mines per door n stuff. But the exact spot where you put those 3 mines makes the difference. Do you place them directly next to each other so 1 tech / hottie can disarm em within 4 seconds? Do you place them directly at the door so rushing vehicles can disarm them for their teammates? Do you place 1 mine further away from the door to prevent SBHs with repgun to disarm mines in one go? Do you put them on each other? (some guys do that) Do you mine inside the strip or outside on the stair (nonflying maps with stairs)? etc. etc. it's the details in my opinion that make the differenes And if you change your mining system even slighty / map you might be able to surprise a sneaker
Well, to my knowledge knabis64 got mine-baned forever for FREQUENT teamhampering. I personally complained about him several matches because he fucked up my mining / anyone elses mining on purpose!!! e.g. he placed multiples mines at the harvester dump spot on Field or just put mines at spots noone really goes to. And don't tell me this got something to do with being a "pro" miner. knabis64 only did this to annoy his teammates.
with the current system mining is definitely part of teamplay. even on public servers there are many dedicated defenders that take care of the mining & those attacking rely upon them. And on organized games there are always 1-2 players (depends on teamsize) as active defenders. It's an automated system in the way that they are triggered by enemy infantry, but still players have to place them and defenders have to decide where to place them and how many. Especially on big maps or flying maps multiple defenders have to communicate so they dont fuck up each other minings. So why is mining not part of the teamplay?
oh, didn't know this is possible. but this leads to discrimination as server owners / mods would have to decide whos a "pro" (and imo there are only very few players worth being called "pro" at all ) and whos a "noob". and i doubt that server owners would like more work "energy mines"? well, tbh I'm not sure what you're talking about. are those the "energy mines"? If so, I don't support Jeff's idea / suggestion. Mining has been a part of Renegade since I started playing C&C Renegade 14 years ago. An automatic mining system that denies the player to decide where to put the mines would ruin my personal gaming experience. Yes, an automatic system would make the game more noob-friendly. But at what expense? Renegade was never an easy ego-shooter, but a f*cking hard teamplay based tactic shooter experience. And the proxy mines are part of that.
well, to be honest, I was surprised of the TS atmosphere with Tony as CiC. It was relaxed. Maybe too relaxed. "The most important thing is: have fun! I won't scream. Nah, really. I don't care if we lose or win. Just have a good time! And do whatever you're good in." [semi-quote from Tony on TS] I expected more panic screaming or whatever.. It was just a bad map choice and... bad communication / team not responding as mentioned before. poi repeatedly sniped the Nod techies and told us via ingame chat... but noone really reacted fast enough, or there were just 3-4 meds rushing out cuz we NEVER had 9-10 meds at the same time. I was repair bitch the whole match and got #1 on my team in the end..? no way!
and I want a choclate bar, a SBH suit for real and a RenX version of Glacier_flying!
@who_ever_mapped_Lakeside: Do you consider to change the map to non_flying or not?
To all developers: Do you generally consider to change Orcas / Apaches or not? 55 % voted no, but with only 20 votes this is not really significant. @yosh56 / @Henk posted their view as devs, but there was no response that clarified the initial request. Maybe you're already discussing this in private but I guess we all would like to know
@poi ❄ did I say the mining system should be changed in regards of how it works in general? Nah. I just mentioned the "remove team mates mines" issue. e.g. we all know our good friend knabis64 - who's permanently mine-banned on all CT Servers - usually there's a moderator online to take care of overminers.... but if this is NOT the case and if some players are blocking a mining-ban-vote there is nothing you can do about this. So currently 1 player is able to ruin the gaming experience of 9 others. (with 20 players per team the mine-ban-vote usually passes, but not on low population servers)