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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. we saw your arty rush coming, so our gunners shot at you a.s.a.p. and I jump down to remote c4 one of the arties. with gunners on top (same side as the arty rush) and no LCG / Sniper cover thi rush was bound to fail
  2. hmmm, pretty much the same as every Saturday PUG, imbalanced teams. Kryp 3 : 1 Voltex Xmountain & Volcano was... annihilation of Voltex's team. I think we lost Islands because the team didn't really care anymore and everyone just did their own thing. And Whiteout... well. Black Power.
  3. @Madkill40 Well, if Lakeside (hopefully) becomes a Tanker map, this is no longer necessary
  4. This is no Silo bug, but a tech building bug. Can happen with any kind of tech building.
  5. true,, forgot about that
  6. T.O.'s screenshots [-> I didn't test the map myself yet..]: Storm on higher graphics Storm on low graphics Missing bullet collisions [all blue containers..] All Silo flags move in the wrong wind direction see above Blue tib shines a bit too strong Pane not really fitting in Nod soldiers bringin too much dirt! T.O. wanted to go for a piss.. but hey how to get to the toilet? Most of em are slightly floating Regards, Sn4ke
  7. it's the mappers job to make good maps, not the devs.. personally, I doubt that the devs (apart from the mappers among them) would work on City as it's just extra work
  8. indeed!
  9. this is already the case think 10 seconds is the default setting for that
  10. wow, looks awesome
  11. love you guys
  12. nah, for flying vehicles he has to fix the map. too many "getting to unitended places with aircraft" spots left
  13. Not sure if I remeber it correctly, but I think that in the original Renegade it was much easier to control the field against Apaches / Orcas on City_Flying. Imo the Ramjet Rifle did more dmg to flying vehicles (didnt play Renegade for ~10 years so I might be completely wrong ^-^) With the current City version I'd prefer a non_flying City. But both could also be an option (as in the original Game with all flying maps..)
  14. I doubt that many teammates will grasp that fast enough... it's so much easier to write in teamchat "Do NOT attack HoN!!!"
  15. Do you (try to) join via launcher or ingame?
  16. is it that bad?
  17. suicide spot origin: Lava Bubbles char flickering [?] stuck under hovercraft bad collision on WF top (emplacement) due to missing collision... I blame Gliven for that glitched c4 taking no dmg log spam after destroying CCTV MCT Wanna know where the lair is? Go and play the map to find out Regards, Sn4ke PS: sorry for the late posting...
  18. that's been fixed the map is "ready to play" but... as you can see here @Ruud033 had so many ideas that @Madkill40 might be busy until Christmas But then he can finally release a nice present to th RenX community (at least I hopse so..) and yeah, from what I know the map will be included in the next patch so no noob can complain about "how to dl / install a custom map???!!??"
  19. Stuck spot update: all spots near the Silo
  20. Yup, Complex was the best
  21. nice PUG. we got annihilated on Whiteout: 1:0 Team Gormomma But Team Tony kind of dominated Walls (Nod lost HoN after a couple of minutes) and then a "draw" match on complex. All buildings got destroyed but Nod was ~10 seconds faster :-) so: Gormomma 1 : 2 Tony
  22. ...:\...\Renegade X\UDKGame\Screenshots\Win32
  23. can we expect a release with fixed lighting? I know the darkness was intended... but.... you know
  24. @DoctorAnubis ok, there are 14 bug / glitch related Paradise screenshots on T.O.'s ftp... mainly collision things & killing sec MCT spawns log permanently. I'll post the screens until tomorrow midnight... if I don't do that - slap me ok?
  25. 5.3 update from T.O.: B2B still possible floating tree #1 floating tree #2 stuck spot #1 stuck spot #2 stuck spot #3 LCG can drop beacon inside that tree Regards, Sn4ke
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