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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. @Madkill40 is just restarting the server to fix that
  2. ok, let's put it in other words then: Nod can get in exactly that situation on ANY map. steamrolling meds on / near airstrip it's not a map related problem (though map design can attenuate that) but a building related problem
  3. Oh, it doesn't? Well, that's your opinion. For me, it's part of the gameplay of this map. (same with OP Arties/Flamers on Volcano - hey let's change all the maps then!) Anyways... there are other units/tools Nod can buy to get rid of sieging meds.
  4. *lol* do we need to fix that? doubt that. Yeah, Nod is vulnerable to that, but can easily put GDI under pressure by buying full vehicle limit of arties (+healers) at start, then switch to either flamers / stankz or just keep arties up +some LTs. It's easy for Nod to dominate that map, and it's hard for GDI to get enough enough meds out to "killspawn" incoming Nod vehicles. And the only reason that GDI was farming spawning vehicles at this PUG was due to maxed out VEHICLES (meds mostly). So what exactly is the problem with that? about b2b - both fractions can b2b. as it's against the rules on almost every server... the original mapper is inactive... and I doubt anyone will change that. Cuz if you want to prevent both fractions from b2b you have to change the whole middle part of the map (unless you just add invisible blockers, which suck). and that needs relighting etc blabla. Not worth it. Regards, Sn4ke
  5. no Quincy commanding tomorrow
  6. @TK0104 it's fine it's a tank related problem... and not a big one. the chance to get a TickTank is not that high that it would be worth fixing.
  7. just make the concrete roof thicker?
  8. @TK0104 please check the whole area behind the airstrip. There's a to-get-out-of-the-map-spot. + some screens from Try (old map version though, but it still might help before you release the new one) Regards, Sn4ke
  9. whap happened there?
  10. did you take part in any public Islands_fly match?
  11. post a beta DL link and Try will probably test it right away
  12. well bibi, not everyone got your skilllevel but about changing playerlimit. even if I didnt read the whole topic, I dont think anyone wants to limit the max. player amount to 30. (guess most of the 60 playerslot objectors want the 40 / slot servers back) e.g. I just posted that I like 15 -vs- 15 the most.
  13. ### Update @Ruud033 ### Misc.: Glitched Beacons: Out-take: Regards, Sn4ke
  14. Mesa Pit feat.: @Gliven & @Norc Thanks for your selfless soul donation!
  15. this is all I know how stats get calculated
  16. @Madkill40 I farmed the harvy for ~ 45 minutes while chatting with Try yesterday. The no-dmg glitch is real. Same with the double shot. I think enough players can confirm this. And I don't think it's due to lag. For the no-dmg... maybe it's comparable with the Grenader doing no-dmg (which is still not fixed in my opinion)
  17. well, that's what I meant with "random" @yosh56 if you don't know how something really works many people (incl. me) consider it as "random" regarding language use. but these two quotations 6 minutes apart from each other
  18. Preliminary Bug Report: Under [created by: @Nielsen ] [ @Ruud033 / @Henk / @kenz3001 ] Hey guys, it's time for me to muck out my screenshot folder again. Somewhere I've written down the initial harvester drop times, but I can't find 'em anymore Doesn't really matter anyway. There's hardly an Under match without one harvy getting destroyed at map start. And I think the initial droptimes just vary a few seconds and the Ref->TibField->Drop times are pretty equal. But again... it's too theoretical anyway. I just like to mention it here for the record. Stuck spots: Note: I'm pretty sure I missed various stuck spots. At least one near Silo - maybe someone else can post it here? Other collision related stuff: Glitch Nukes: Misc.: Regards, Sn4ke
  19. Well, Mammoth -vs- Infantry is.... absolutely okay in my opinion. Just keep in mind: - never try to do a headshot with alt_fire (rockets) as the rockets will fly above the infantry unit then (depends on distance though) -> aim for the gound instead to get the splash dmg. body hits are hard to get on a running unit - you won't outrun any unit with a mammoth. but the double cannon and intelligent driving are effective weapons against close combat infantry (e.g. chems or flametroopers) And - all in all - the mammoth is an anti structure / vehicle tank. A solo mammoth is useless, you need healers and other support units as Snipers & APCs to effectively use a Mammoth. Every vehicle has it's weakness. The teamplay & mix of units make the difference here. Edit: about the double shot & no dmg glitch - can't really say if this just happens randomly or if there is some kind of triggering for that. Also have no clue if it's client or server related
  20. don't think so. with 2.2k+ games... you should have the amount of points Ukill got. and if you play against bots, you usually have SPM 300++++ Just check the daily ranks from time to time and you'll find a couple "PvE" players only on the leaderboard with SPM 800 - 1k+
  21. apparently I'm wrong. Welcome back Anubis.
  22. 15 players per fraction is the most balanced amount of players for RenX (my opinion ). If Jessica can realise that I would really appreciate the mentioned soft max. player addition
  23. 37 38 screens (though some are double, as both fractions are affected) So far just a copy-paste from Trys FTP. I'll comment the screens later. (or you just check the file-URL to see Trys file names ) Happy fixing @Madkill40 Regards, Sn4ke *edit: another stuck spot found
  24. I'll upload em when Trys FTP is online again
  25. I get your point jeff, really. But at the moment I just don't think that anything should get changed (again). Airstrikes & Snipers are good to deal with healers. Also MRLSs cann still handle them if they avoid to lock in on the vehicle. But as this is a general discussion, we (or let's say: the devs ) should definitely consider your point for future changes.
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