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Everything posted by Agent

  1. Neither of these points are true. Some people (myself included) had extremely poor connectivity to the download server due to it being located entirely in Europe, on a single, centralized server that was easily overwhelmed by multiple simultaneous downloads. The in-game downloader could admittedly be improved by utilizing a geo-based DNS service and adding additional points of presence. 1) The downloads are not "slower" -- by default, they're actually pushed from the very same hosts responsible for pushing patch data. 2) Again, we're using the CDN to push this data instead of a single FTP server by default -- thus the in-game downloader actually has a drastically better distribution model than the launcher one did (since the launcher-based downloader used a centralized FTP repository). At the absolute worst, if a server host decides to use an HTTP host that's backed by a single point of presence, it's on par with the old model assuming the servers are of equal quality. 3) Technically you'll download whatever packages are currently loaded by the server, and this is actually the ideal solution -- you don't need data that you might not use. The actual problem of getting bounced back to the main menu without rejoining is being looked at. 4) Nobody should be hosting public-facing game servers on their home network, ever, especially if they don't have the infrastructure to support it. This is for a host of reasons: the bandwidth pipe size issue that you mentioned, upload speeds are generally far lower than download on residential connections (whereas data-centers tend to have symmetrical connectivity), bandwidth allocation (data caps) in general will be far lower on residential lines, it's likely against your terms of service with your ISP, and it leaves you extremely vulnerable to denial of service attacks since your home IP address is then exposed. It's one thing if it's a LAN server or for a single event, but the above issues should discourage anybody from attempting to host any public-facing game server on their home network -- and none of that is specific to Renegade X. We're not bringing the launcher-based downloader back under any circumstance.
  2. Self-patching code 2 is relatively common. General solution:
  3. Agent

    Low FPS

    Do you get the same FPS for every graphics preset regardless? If so, then it sounds like UDK might not like your processor? What was your old processor? Have you tried benchmarks or other UE3-based games?
  4. When it comes to YouTube videos, it's honestly probably better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. Worst that would ever happen is the video getting taken down.
  5. Attached are some old and non-functioning classes I had written for a mutator on my server some time ago. These used to be included in RenX_ExampleMutators but were removed because at some point they broke and weren't worth fixing. This isn't quite what @RypeL had attached, but should serve a decent enough reference. It used to add an RCON command and timer to turn off base defenses. SuddenDeath.uc Rx_Rcon_Command_SuddenDeath.uc
  6. Please ensure your antivirus application is not blocking the launcher. That exception is thrown when the launcher is completely unable to connect to any of the patch mirrors, which an antivirus program may prevent it from doing.
  7. Yes it works, and there are no additional steps. Just download and install it regularly.
  8. It it makes you feel better, the crash was triggered when I went to start a surrender vote. You can blame @Ukill for his mutator causing the crash, though. So you could say the crash was literally caused by surrendering. NONE THE LESS, IT'S A DRAW.
  9. Confirmed replacing all of the characters in-game with Overwatch characters so we're free of EA and replacing them with Blizzard, for the hell of it.
  10. @Fffreak9999 manages the default/public repo, which is set by default. You should be able to just plop it in there and play.
  11. Nerf Officer speed on both teams, buff damage. Attach jetpack to patch and increase speed 4x.
  12. I think he'd almost be on even ground without a keyboard actually lol
  13. Just don't let @MonkeyBoy play in that tournament lol
  14. Tempted to re-enable down votes just to down vote it.
  15. 2 GB is far from the whole game and is hardly a large amount of data; why is your bandwidth so limited?
  16. An SDK build was pushed to the CDN mirrors yesterday (March 5). The link in the downloads section was also updated.
  17. There was nothing special about the link I gave you earlier; it was just the launcher. I asked for installation & OS mostly because I wanted to see if perhaps it was installed to somewhere other than C:, to see if it was a problem of the sorts like that. The .msi file literally just installs the launcher; it should overwrite your existing launcher. If it doesn't, then you can try to download and replace the files manually using the most recent launcher version, which is currently here: http://cdn.renegade-x.com/site/launcher-4297.zip If you want to manually update your launcher, all you have to do is replace the files in /Launcher with the files inside of that zip. That should be all you have to do. Note: The contents of the zip are what go into /Launcher. Do not copy the folder named launcher-4297 into /Launcher; copy the contents from launcher-4297 into /Launcher. Once you've updated it, that's it, you're done. It may still however prompt you to update your game client, because there have been game patches pushed recently.
  18. Question: Where do you have Renegade X installed, and what operating system are you using?
  19. RA2 was developed by Westwood and published by EA, not developed by EA.
  20. You could try adding code to PostBeginPlay in the controller.
  21. Please at least attempt to install or patch using the launcher first and report any issues before downloading the full builds. If anyone has issues with patching through the launcher or installing via the MSI file, please post in Technical Support first.
  22. Original thread that was accidentally deleted is attached as a PDF. Videos from original thread: How to fix Renegade X Bandwidth problem.pdf
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