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Everything posted by Agent

  1. That sounds certainly possible.
  2. I made some minor edits to remove the fluff someone else must have added. Yes, that script works and I originally wrote it for the PUG server some time ago.
  3. Let's avoid any long discussions about this. We all have access to the news and there are plenty of other (better) outlets for politics.
  4. There were some Renegade community maps with a construction yard -- its function was essentially just providing the base with automatic repairs. If we added a construction yard to Renegade X, it would probably be tied into building reconstruction in some way as well.
  5. Apparently Diogo is Kaiser. Let me know if that becomes/remains a frequent pattern.
  6. From what I can recall, the initial rationale for reducing the player limit from 64 to 40 was for performance issues that occurred at higher player counts -- this was originally meant to be a temporary change. I'm not against raising this hard limit back up to 64 whilst leaving the default value at 40, thus eliminating the need for a mutator. I'm also not against refusing servers with player limits above 64 from the server list, though. Much of the game's UI (launcher included) assumes that there will be at most 64 players at any given time in addition to balancing issues.
  7. I did say player count rather than limit, ya know
  8. Any server with a player count exceeding 64 will not appear on the launcher.
  9. It's funny because I didn't suggest that, unless you're suggesting that Japan started nuclear bombs and the US started 9/11.
  10. It should just work, if the game was already installed and you replaced the files correctly.
  11. The tea goes in first, obviously. And what about WW1 @ Germany?
  12. Did you try getting in the Harvester?
  13. This has been mentioned before, but the launcher seriously needs to at least attempt to switch mirrors when a mirror is down @Schmitzenbergh. This could be done by simply replacing the ping-based selection with download-based selection (i.e: first one to successfully finish "GET empty_file" or "GET 10kb_file" with 200 OK).
  14. I've removed frankfurt1.tyrant.gg from the version files. Please try again.
  15. It's funny because I caught that typo immediately after posting and thought I edited my post. I must have forgot to save it.
  16. As freak said, we don't actually have much we can do about individual servers. The only oversight we actually have is the ability to ban individuals globally, and the ability to delist servers (which for reference, no servers are currently blacklisted).
  17. Would be much shorter to just do: if (Rx_InventoryManager(Other) != None) { if (Rx_InventoryManager_Nod_Shotgunner(Other) == None && Rx_InventoryManager_Nod_Shotgunner(Other) == None) Rx_InventoryManager(Other).SecondaryWeapons[0] = class'Rx_Weapon_Shotgun'; } Instead of your extremely long if chain.
  18. External links are restricted to Administrators. This is intentional as we absolutely do not want dead-links on the Downloads page, and may eventually add additional processing for certain uploads (i.e: scanning for dependencies on UDK packages, compressing, and uploading to a repository). The only files that use external links are the ones in the Renegade X section, which use cdn.renegade-x.com. We also need to support a single installation method well to keep the installation experience consistent between clients, rather than supporting multiple methods okay-ish. Issues with the current download system should be reported so either @Schmitzenbergh, myself, or somebody else can poke at resolving them. That said, I'm not entirely against temporarily adding a link to a torrent file to the bottom of the description of the Renegade X installer on the downloads page. The torrent link would need to be unchanging across multiple versions so that the link need not be updated after every single update.
  19. Thanks for uploading these mutators danny; I've changed authors to reflect the original authors of each mutator.
  20. Version 1


    This mutator enables Infinite ammo on most weapons.
  21. Rx_Mutator_InfiniteAmmo View File This mutator enables Infinite ammo on most weapons. Submitter Agent Submitted 01/05/2017 Category Modifications
  22. You can manually download the launcher package from here to apply the launcher update: http://cdn.renegade-x.com/site/launcher-4115.zip
  23. @Schmitzenbergh, those are actually pretty common errors and are generally not indicative of an incomplete/corrupted .Net framework. Rather, UDK's error reporting is awful. It is possible that your computer's specs are simply too low to play this game, and that's probably what's actually causing your issues. It is possible that you may lack enough RAM to play this game, or it could be a graphics card issue.
  24. It sounds like a file download may have been corrupted. Try deleting both of these files and verifying integrity again: G:\renegade\patch\download\full\D17862F26A0D42BD52DC3032DCB724AE582C1C32 G:\renegade\patch\apply\PreviewVids\CNC-Gobi.mp4 and then let us know if it works. If it doesn't work, try deleting the entire G:\renegade\patch directory, and verifying game integrity. It's also worth making sure there isn't a ghost process of the launcher running in the background by opening Task Manager and killing all instances of Renegade X Launcher.exe before opening the launcher to do these things (also let us know if this is the case so we can see if we can fix this issue in the future).
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