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Everything posted by Agent

  1. I should probably get around to revoking delete permissions, since flag as spammer hides them anyway.
  2. Rx_CustomContentPackager was actually for something else, and was going to be used in the in-game downlaoder I was writing (which is now unnecessary). HTTPDownload files are added to the cache which is temporary storage, whereas the loading movies and INI files are not -- it would be strange at best to extract permanent data from temporary data, which would then get stored permanently (even after the temporary data / level data gets pruned). I think a decent idea though would be to somehow give the user a button (or similar mechanism) to save a level permanently from in-game, which then instantiates an HTTP client to a level's download loading movie and INI file, as well as moving the level out of the cache (and probably renaming it). Even then, this isn't a critical issue. I'm also generally against adding the loading movie to the packages, since this would simply increase package and installation size when there are alternatives which don't (even if they might require slightly more development work). Regarding removing INI files: I think these were added specifically for the skrimish menu, so that the menu doesn't have to load the entire package to just preview the map. I don't think it'd be a particularly great idea to remove these. The multiple map issue can probably be fixed very easily if a specific error is thrown anywhere; if you're kicked from a server for lacking data, automatically attempt to rejoin from the main menu. Just need to find that error, more than anything.
  3. My message was actually directed at @Snappy, sorry! The current launcher version has 2 known issues regarding progress: Download progress on a file is not reported until finished -- this results is weird display changes from 0 B/s to ridiculous figures beyond your network's limitations Downloads pause for a short period of time after an individual file finishes downloading -- this is because it's verifying the hash of the downloaded file before proceeding to the next Both of these issues are addressed in the next launcher build. In the mean time, you should be able to just "let it run" for a few minutes so it'll make progress. You can't have this build right now unfortunately, because it introduces a compatibility breaking change regarding game patching (we're switching from SHA-1 hashes to SHA-256 hashes), which requires a game patch to coincide with it. You can actually expect a launcher and game patch sometime in the near future (likely within 48 hours).
  4. I've already removed it from the launcher on my local copy @Schmitzenbergh, and I'll commit that sometime tonight. We don't need to retain and maintain unused/deprecated features.
  5. I think you're using the launcher version with the goofed up the version number that was posted on the forums sometime back. Please reinstall the launcher. Here's the current launcher in the form of a zip: http://cdn.renegade-x.com/site/launcher-4287.zip If someone comes across this thread in the future and the above link turns out to be a dead link, please download from the link labeled "patch_url" under "launcher" here: https://renegade-x.com/launcher_data/version/release.json
  6. Honestly a fresh install is going to be way easier than debugging the issue. Plus most of the files in your game client probably have to be fully redownloaded by now anyways.
  7. No. Not sure if you recall but there was a mirror of yours on CloudFlare. Might remember if you check Skype or IRC logs (idr which we were talking on).
  8. There has yet to be a full discussion on this (I think there's been a short one, but I haven't participated in it yet on account of being busy). I do completely agree with @RypeL however that there needs to be an automatically enforced limit -- starting with 64. The mutator being posted up particularly rubbed me the wrong way -- I wrote that for the particular purpose of being used in the PUG and if I recall correctly, @DoctorB0NG, @yosh56, and myself agreed that it shouldn't be used on public/regular servers. It was then later decided not to be used during the PUG, because it negatively affected gameplay. Nothing has changed since then. Taking my internal/private work and posting it publicly, claiming they had anything to do with its authoring, and then using it for a purpose that's clearly out of the original scope definitely irritates and offends me @Ukill, @Fffreak9999.
  9. I've removed the mutator from the downloads section. I had written that mutator originally for a specific purpose (experimenting with high player counts in the PUGs), and specifically intended that the mutator not be publicly available for other usage. We'll raise the MaxPlayersAllowed if and when we desire it. Player counts above 64 are ignored by the launcher, and servers with player limits above 64 will be dropped by the server list in the future.
  10. The launcher's self-patching hasn't been touched in over a year.
  11. This issue should be resolved with the new launcher version (at the very least, it resolved it for myeslf). @poi ❄, @toOt, @medicrtcw, and anybody else (especially those with download issues) who is willing to test out the new installer/launcher, would you please do the following: Backup your game installation somewhere Download the Renegade X installer (do not use an old version which you may already have downloaded) Install the game client using the installer/launcher Post your results Thanks!
  12. @Ruud033, update the SDK every once in a while you slow poke! Gosh! We used to maintain a GitHub copy of /Development (and therefore /Development/src), but I quit updating it at some point.
  13. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    I should probably just update the OpenSSL library/binaries I'm using; I'll poke at that.
  14. This issue definitely isn't isolated to the Czech mirror (I've had it myself with multiple mirrors). I don't really know what causes this issue, but I'll see if just switching mirrors when progress ceases will fix the issue.
  15. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    Like I said: very experimental build. I refactored a lot of old trash, but thanks for the report; I'll glance at it eventually.
  16. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    I will fix this at some point when I have access to my desktop again.
  17. This can't realistically be done in the form of a mutator -- it requires some minor out-of-game networking work. Some people have real life things to contend with.
  18. It's certainly possible, and shouldn't even require that much code. That said there's no chance that I'm going to be working on it anytime soon (as in, the next couple weeks).
  19. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    It's easier for me to just zip up the binaries and dump it as an attachment. Attached is a build based on what I just pushed to the master branch. Jupiter Bot Binaries.zip
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