Xtractor Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Advancing 1Hour tonight here ..Please advertise on this week teamspeak PUG about new hour PUGs
boxes Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Tunnels - Nice back and forth tank fight with equal harvester trades. Nod gets the upper hand and deals perma to WF/Bar and infiltration kills GDI PP. GDI surrenders. Canyon - GDI saves the second harvester and overwhelms Nod with meds. Ion cannon on the strip was about to go off and perma to ref before the server crashed. Under - Nod starts out strong but gets pushed back and fails to regain field control. Meds kill strip and OB while SBHs kill PP. GDI then wraps it up with veterancy advantage. 2-1
Moderator Quinc3y Posted March 11, 2017 Moderator Posted March 11, 2017 I liked the vehicle warfare on Tunnels. The field is really nicely done, no side with any sort of advantage. No easily-campable spots for arties like on most maps. Killing the harvester is neither too hard nor too easy. Can't really lock any team in base, because of 2 entrances. It's been a while since I enjoyed driving my med this much. It's just the opposite of Under, when I think about it. There I just really have to force myself to buying a tank... A small fact I found interesting: on Under, just before airstrip got destroyed, I got a marksman spy. Since I thought it's rather useless in the current situation, I decided to just run in the Nod base from the main entrance. I made it in and that was just when airstrip started going down. I managed to kill one of the technicians running to airstrip and it barely - really barely - got overpowered and destroyed. I can bet that if I hadn't gotten that crate, made a fast decision and hit these few shots, airstrip would have survived (at least for a while, since Nod's situation was grim by that point). Details, luck, luck, details. 1
HuskerDoggo Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 please say someone recorded on team 1 36 minutes ago, CampinJeff said: Canyon - GDI saves the second harvester and overwhelms Nod with meds. Ion cannon on the strip was about to go off and perma to ref before the server crashed. 2-1 aw cant we just say canyon was draw and make the pug a draw
boxes Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 6 minutes ago, HuskerDoggo said: aw cant we just say canyon was draw and make the pug a draw I would have if there were mines down or if you guys still had a large number of tanks, by the time the crash happened we had 5+ meds with repairs on your front door shooting ref that wasn't being repaired
HuskerDoggo Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Just now, CampinJeff said: I would have if there were mines down or if you guys still had a large number of tanks, by the time the crash happened we had 5+ meds with repairs on your front door shooting ref that wasn't being repaired ;(
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted March 12, 2017 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted March 12, 2017 Canyon was a draw. 2 devs have spoken, and the Renegods [Even those tyrannical crate gods] are in agreement.
Hohndo Posted March 12, 2017 Posted March 12, 2017 Canyon was a draw due to server crash. Isn't over till it's over. I'd make that argument even if I were on the likely-winning team.
boxes Posted March 12, 2017 Posted March 12, 2017 Nod had no tanks, and was about to lose ref with veterancy from the ion cannon. We had two dedicated campers, and mines were still full when the ion was going off. It's a draw when the building count is the same or similar, not when you're 1-2 down with meds getting stuffed down your throat. Also I won't be around tomorrow and next week @Fffreak9999, things came up. Remember that if you have daylight savings, PUG starts 1 hour later
SMayhew Posted March 12, 2017 Posted March 12, 2017 Fun games last night, Tunnels in particular was a good one. Canyon was clearly our victory, team 2 purposely crashing the server was very petulant.
Crowsy Posted March 12, 2017 Posted March 12, 2017 (edited) Pug was good. Tunnels had really good vehicle warfare indeed (for both sides). Complex was pretty much a massacre of Nod. Under was somewhat interesting. Nod had the field but GDI kept poking Nod's base through tunnels and pipeline route ( I think this is how GDI kept up in veterancy with Nod). Edited March 12, 2017 by Crowsy
Fffreak9999 Posted March 12, 2017 Posted March 12, 2017 FYI - I will not be able to help with the set-up of the matches tonight, due to work. I will give the server password in advance to the CT mods, but just note that the organisation of it will be less than normal.
Agent Posted March 12, 2017 Posted March 12, 2017 4 hours ago, SMayhew said: Fun games last night, Tunnels in particular was a good one. Canyon was clearly our victory, team 2 purposely crashing the server was very petulant. It it makes you feel better, the crash was triggered when I went to start a surrender vote. You can blame @Ukill for his mutator causing the crash, though. So you could say the crash was literally caused by surrendering. NONE THE LESS, IT'S A DRAW. 3
Moderator Quinc3y Posted March 12, 2017 Moderator Posted March 12, 2017 Whiteout GDI loses the harvester battle and gets stomped by arties while bibi snipes every GDI repairman who leaves a building. Mesa Nod loses the harvester battle, but still manages to take control of short side and take ref down to 20 health. Quickly gets pushed back by meds & mrls, loses 2nd harvester and while Nod refinery is under great pressure, hotwire takes down PP. 20 headshots by bibi later, Nod base is destroyed. Lakeside Flametrooper rush destroys barracks while both harvesters survive. GDI is left without any hotwires & mines for the whole game. Orca rush destroys refinery while stank rush gets spotted & dealt with. A few orca/apache rushes/SBH nukes later GDI is left with only 1 AA tower while Nod still has 2 turrets and a sam site by strip and HoN is badly damaged. One more orca rush destroys HoN, but meanwhile something (SBH?) destroys WF and it's down to strip vs. ref. GDI rocket rush gets intercepted by 5 apaches who in turn get intercepted by more rocketmen. Finally, Nod went for ground vehicles and destroyed GDI ref while another rocket rush was approaching airstrip. 3-0, ~10v10. 2
Ryz Posted March 12, 2017 Posted March 12, 2017 On 7-3-2017 at 3:34 AM, Gliven said: Improvise how? arties are all we could afford after we lost the harvester. If we went long route, our airstrip and ref would have been bombarded by meds mrls and gunners. We wouldnt be able to replenish our tanks because they would have been shot as soon as they landed if we didnt contest the short route. If we went rockets or chems through the center we would have no tanks at all. boom game over. They ended up controlling both sides because we couldnt keep our tank count up. Sorry, forgot to answer this, but I think that the only logic thing to do (when we lost the harv) was a massive rocket rush. Anyways, it happened how it happened, so can't change that now.
Xtractor Posted March 12, 2017 Posted March 12, 2017 1 hour ago, Quincy said: Lakeside Wish I was there..that nice description. of lakeside sound like its was a pretty GG 😎
Ryz Posted March 12, 2017 Posted March 12, 2017 (edited) On 7-3-2017 at 5:46 AM, CampinJeff said: @Ryz In the end PUGs are about winning. Going for standard tank rollout is the most common strat because it's the most substantial. Teams can go for any silly rush they'd want, but pulling one off without field control first would mean almost certain death. You'd get spotted, enemy tanks roll in and overwhelm your defenders, and you lose. ~ Also want to point out the definition of "keeping the tank limit up" to everyone. It's not just selecting the vehicle on the PT; that doesn't at all make me think you're a significant player. It's more so about staying alive. I often judge players on their skill level on how they behave with a tank, sometimes more than their aim with infantry. Common annoyances I see is people rolling out with 0 repairs and ending up getting mauled, throwing away tanks into an overwhelming ball of enemy vehicles, not utilizing cover in the field and wandering in the open, not protecting field repairs, driving certain tanks forward and not backwards, or not falling back behind healthy tanks when low on HP. As soon as I see people learning how to stay alive with a tank, they become one of the better players in my book because that knowledge translates to other game mechanics, particularly field repair. Sorry, also had to react to this reaction for a few days, but didn't. I have some issues with your judgement in this specific case, although I agree with you most of the time. What is true is that it's better to play (at least a bit) on the safe side. PUGS shouldn't be like PUBS where you find out that 'all the good names' are with you in an attack and that the other half is AFK / wandering around thus getting your base killed with 1/4th of the people accountable for joining the rush and 3/4th of them doing... no clue. But let's take Under on yesterdays (Saturday 11-03) PUG. The most interesting game of the evening and although we lost it I really, really, liked it. Sure we had to keep pressure on the enemy at the game start. And sure we had to kill the harv over and over again. But once we got locked in our base it took to long to switch to different plans. I had in mind to: - use the tunnels more - attack their repairs in the back - use 3/4 SBH to kill the harv over and over again But we sticked to vehicles and noticed 'them' (GDI) gaining veterancy more than we did. Playing 'on the safe side' makes sure you last longer, but eventually our repairs got outgunned by the allready veteranced enemy units. When they lost the PP (and we the oby at the same time) it wasn't over for me. I am sure the SBH squad could have (outside) killed the WF. Instead we kept repairing. First with 3 people, later with 6, than with 9 and even later with almost the whole team. Ok, I am making this a bit larger than it is. But in the end we could have won by taking a risk, or either lost earlier by taking the same risk. I understand and agree that you have to 'level up' when the enemy does to keep the defense in balance of the attack or vise versa, but I do think that some risk (after a 30 min stalemate) would spice up the game! Just my two cents @Jeff Edited March 12, 2017 by Ryz
Guest Gliven Posted March 13, 2017 Posted March 13, 2017 1 hour ago, Ryz said: Sorry, forgot to answer this, but I think that the only logic thing to do (when we lost the harv) was a massive rocket rush. Anyways, it happened how it happened, so can't change that now. Why the hell would you rocket rush into a bunch of gunners and humvees? You either go through the middle and maaaybe get the pp. or go long route and take the long ass walk, get caught from people trying to kill/save second harvy, while also losing the short side and have your base seiged. or you go short route and run into w.e they had at the short side. That match they had humvees and gunners. if we went rocket soliders like you and thommy did. We would have all died and no one would have been able to afford artillery. once we had the little amount of artillery that we did have. we managed to get perma on the gdi ref.
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 13, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 13, 2017 (edited) Renegade X - PUG - March 11th 2017 Round 1: Tunnels Edited March 15, 2017 by TK0104
Ukill Posted March 13, 2017 Posted March 13, 2017 3 hours ago, CampinJeff said: Who was commanding on sunday? Quincy and i did select teams, after the game started we had different commanders.
Moderator Quinc3y Posted March 13, 2017 Moderator Posted March 13, 2017 6 hours ago, CampinJeff said: Who was commanding on sunday? I was commanding the losing team.
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 14, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 14, 2017 (edited) Round 2: Canyon Edited March 15, 2017 by TK0104
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 15, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 15, 2017 (edited) Round 3: Under Edited March 15, 2017 by TK0104
Guest Gliven Posted March 15, 2017 Posted March 15, 2017 If i saw a wild Crowsy coming at me, id drive over my own team mates too.
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 16, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 16, 2017 (edited) PUG - March 12th 2017 Round 1: Whiteout Edited March 16, 2017 by TK0104
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 18, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 18, 2017 1 hour ago, Norc said: 7:45 You monster M-m-monster kill! 1
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 18, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 18, 2017 (edited) Round 3: Lakeside Edited March 18, 2017 by TK0104
boxes Posted March 18, 2017 Posted March 18, 2017 Goldrush - Back and forth tank battle, sydney rush kills HON around the 20 minute mark. Meanwhile a solo stealth tank almost kills AGT, but after stopping a Nod rocket rush, Nod surrenders Walls - Nod goes heavy on Apaches while GDI goes mostly tank. As a result Nod controls plateau and GDI surrenders after a failed orca rush and some perma damage done to their buildings. 2-0
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 18, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 18, 2017 Was a quite crappy PUG - Walls NF got updated a few days before without an announcement. Everyone had to download the map again - After we discovered 3/4 of the people didn't had the map, we switched to regular Walls which we actually didn't want. It's good only stock maps are added! Custom Maps that are added by patch, could be added aswell (except for Fort and Reservoir) Valley or Snow could be a good warm-up round
Moderator Quinc3y Posted March 19, 2017 Moderator Posted March 19, 2017 One of the worst PUG experiences that I had. Teams imbalanced from the start - for some reason two players with the godly aim are put in one team with no counter on the other team. I point that out at the start to avoid this situation but am assured all will be fine. Then when my team gets outplayed and I am raped by these two and complain about it Im told by enemy team to "stop bitching" and that im "mad cuz bad". Ridicilous shit. Zero team morale and we couldnt even take control of field with 3 players advantage. Felt terrible. 3
Fffreak9999 Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 9 hours ago, TK0104 said: -Walls NF got updated a few days before without an announcement. Everyone had to download the map again I was unavailable to let people know to download before the PUG, but that still doesn't mean there was no forewarning, Also the files were made available in the In-Game downloader so it shouldn't have taken many all that long to download it. Very rarely will maps receive announcements as to their updating. But I did make the files available via the RenX website about 3 days before, since it fixed a bunch of issues regarding the vehicles spawning in the plateau (Vehicle Crates on top fixed). Since the map is not a stock map (one included in the default game), the maps are capable of being updated without warning and that can mean people have to redownload it. The map did not receive an update since it's initial release by me which has been more than several months, but has needed to be updated to fix a few issues and I chose a downtime period in which to push the update. Most of the community who are playing in these PUGs do read the forum, will have seen the post by me regarding the map showing the download page, and a good portion of people play mid-week and would have downloaded it already since it is played frequently enough on Marathon.
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 19, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 19, 2017 (edited) @Fffreak9999 Yeah you're right. I was yesterday tired so I was a bit critical Goldrush match of Team 1 (Team Thommy) will be uploaded on Monday and WallsNF on Tuesday Edited March 19, 2017 by TK0104
SMayhew Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 7 hours ago, Quincy said: One of the worst PUG experiences that I had. Teams imbalanced from the start - for some reason two players with the godly aim are put in one team with no counter on the other team. I point that out at the start to avoid this situation but am assured all will be fine. Then when my team gets outplayed and I am raped by these two and complain about it Im told by enemy team to "stop bitching" and that im "mad cuz bad". Ridicilous shit. Zero team morale and we couldnt even take control of field with 3 players advantage. Felt terrible. Well I do genuinely apologise if my criticism of it was excessive, but I found the moaning about this incredibly unnecessary. From what I gather your commander had a few opportunities to pick Cannuck at the start and chose not to. And you guys had ks.ol, who’s a really good sniper, so one of the teams would have had two good snipers anyway. I found it very strange that Cannuck and Poi were asked by some people not to snipe because they’re too good at it. Well they are good, they’re playing to their strengths. If the commander wants them to be snipers they can be snipers, we can't just tell each person what they can and can't do in game. I’m not going to lie, obviously if I was playing against really good snipers I’d find it frustrating, but the complaining about it was unnecessary and damaging to the morale of the PUG: this was stuff to be discussed after the PUG but not during it.
RoundShades Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 7 hours ago, Quincy said: Teams imbalanced from the start - for some reason two players with the godly aim are put in one team with no counter on the other team. I point that out at the start to avoid this situation but am assured all will be fine. I'd have broken the rules and quit the second stomp in. It'd not have balanced teams probably, and caught you hell, but aside from 4 "VIPs", nobody'd blame you for doing what comes naturally. I was unable to attend because daylight savings and because work schedule creeping backwards. Same problem this week. Will wait to see if it changes on it's own, before I request them to not do it. I'm the "weekend bitch", they ought to at least push my arrival forward a single hour to compensate. Alas, dem's personal problems and aren't related to the PUG itself.
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted March 19, 2017 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted March 19, 2017 DieN00b and Cannuck literally sniped for a grand total of like 5-10 minutes between both games yesterday... You didn't lose to snipers... you lost to a Sydney rush, and being total base camping whores on Walls. Also, wasting 3 people on a Chinook in a PUG, then not even actually taking the plateau is a bad move in and of itself. 2
Moderator Quinc3y Posted March 19, 2017 Moderator Posted March 19, 2017 (edited) Ah, I probably should have also mentioned jeff, who's aim is comparable to bibi's and canuck's and who's apache was wrecking us on walls. So that's 3 against 0. @SMayhew With all my respect & sympathy to ks.ol (of which I have a lot), he's nowhere near these 3 aim-wise. I complained during games because 1) I wanted to rebalance before PUG ends, 2)I was annoyed (sorry) 3) I wanted to highlight how stupid the rule that some players are not allowed to play some classes are. Yes, I think the "deal" we had was stupid for the reasons you mentioned. A much simplier fix would be to swap canuck to our team... Also, players with amazing aim don't have to snipe to give their team a big advantage. It's enough if they run around with a patch/lcg/officer (not to mention mobius/mendoza) or drive a buggy/apc/apache. In the beginning of the game, even soldier is enough. Cuz how are we supposed to win the first harvester battle on walls if we face jeff, bibi and canuck and have no answer to them? Obviously each of them will take down several enemy soldiers before going down themselves. @yosh56 "You didn't lose to snipers" - see last paragraph above. Well goldrush was mostly all right... but even before the sydney rush, we were already pinned in base. It would require a lot of struggle (or luck) if we actually wanted to win that one at that point. @YagiHige But I wanted to play the game Edited March 19, 2017 by Quincy
Calvin Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 I get it must be very frustrating getting sniped over and over again, but the pugs is all about fun in the end. the commanders picked teams and people need to learn to deall with how the teams were made. and make the best out of it, i bet with some better communication you guys had a chance to win, Meds were literally driving into our base on walls without getting noticed. You guys should have taken advantage of that and win. But no instead the whole pug that was "meant" to be for fun turned into a complain fest only because 2 players were on the same team, just get over it next time and play the damn game people. Try to not take this game too seriously. GGwp tho 1
Ryz Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 (edited) 2 hours ago, yosh56 said: DieN00b and Cannuck literally sniped for a grand total of like 5-10 minutes between both games yesterday... You didn't lose to snipers... you lost to a Sydney rush, and being total base camping whores on Walls. Also, wasting 3 people on a Chinook in a PUG, then not even actually taking the plateau is a bad move in and of itself. Goldrush: We lost due a defender / defenders not being in place and particularly ONE defender noticing mines gone after at least 3 minutes, in order to announce some expensive inf. rush only to than find out that we lost HON.... Rest of the games it was total anarchy for most of the time on 'our' team. There were some good things going on at other moments, but we lacked in the details so these plans failed. Edited March 19, 2017 by Ryz
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted March 19, 2017 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted March 19, 2017 1 hour ago, Quincy said: "You didn't lose to snipers" - see last paragraph above. Well goldrush was mostly all right... but even before the sydney rush, we were already pinned in base. It would require a lot of struggle (or luck) if we actually wanted to win that one at that point. WE were pinned in our base for the entire first half of that fight. You just lost field control to excessive med spam and flanking.
Sn4ke Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 (edited) On Goldrush a Patch/Havoc combo wrecked the field healers all the time. And apparently Nod had no answer to that. Edited March 20, 2017 by DarkSn4ke
Xtractor Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 (edited) Why My apache Stalled at 29:10 ? (Walls) https://youtu.be/ZJNazA6ooi8?t=29m10s Edited March 19, 2017 by Xtractor
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