Ryz Posted October 14, 2015 Posted October 14, 2015 This why I am glad about last weeks PUG. Teams were balanced, the week before it was like Russian Roulette with 6 bullets in a 6 bullet chamber... We'd either lose or lose.... Can't wait for the footage of this week, I think Eyes will be so cool to see us lose after we tried everything. Was so intense!
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted October 14, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted October 14, 2015 This why I am glad about last weeks PUG. Teams were balanced, the week before it was like Russian Roulette with 6 bullets in a 6 bullet chamber... We'd either lose or lose.... Can't wait for the footage of this week, I think Eyes will be so cool to see us lose after we tried everything. Was so intense! Just funny that I wish I'd released 5004 already... we would have won Eyes by score then
Ryz Posted October 14, 2015 Posted October 14, 2015 Just funny that I wish I'd released 5004 already... we would have won Eyes by score then Still it doesn't matter. I like the way we lost and were so focuses on getting points.... But why not release the next update like uhm now?
[TmX]Super-Kh Posted October 14, 2015 Posted October 14, 2015 maybe not ready ? ALSO PLEASE MAKE MAKE NIGHT VERSION OF WALLS :3
Ryz Posted October 14, 2015 Posted October 14, 2015 Super-Kh":2tl7b85j]maybe not ready ? ALSO PLEASE MAKE MAKE NIGHT VERSION OF WALLS :3 Than make it ready and safe the rest for the patch after the next patch? Walls Night might be fun, but even easier for NOD I guess?
Xtractor Posted October 14, 2015 Posted October 14, 2015 Super-Kh":4baogpwu]maybe not ready ? ALSO PLEASE MAKE MAKE NIGHT VERSION OF WALLS :3
Henk Posted October 14, 2015 Posted October 14, 2015 Super-Kh":2q0nq2wt]maybe not ready ? ALSO PLEASE MAKE MAKE NIGHT VERSION OF WALLS :3 Than make it ready and safe the rest for the patch after the next patch? Walls Night might be fun, but even easier for NOD I guess? I think the stealth effect would be better visible at night, wall is quite bright, especially on medium(or high?) to ultra graphics settings. If it's darker, that stealth material is easier to see i think. But the stealth radius can be set differently on the night version of course.
Ruud033 Posted October 14, 2015 Posted October 14, 2015 Just funny that I wish I'd released 5004 already... we would have won Eyes by score then Nooooo I needz more time!!
boxes Posted October 14, 2015 Posted October 14, 2015 On eyes, we should have done a fake tranny rush along with a gunner rush. 5 empty trannys circling hon while the rest of the team takes out the ref. That most definitely should have worked, but points still might not be enough. Or while our orca rush, we shouldn't have attacked hon right away. Instead try to take out all adv. infantry, and then a building.
Xtractor Posted October 14, 2015 Posted October 14, 2015 On eyes, we should have done a fake tranny rush ..... lol I thought the same ..After
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted October 14, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted October 14, 2015 On eyes, we should have done a fake tranny rush along with a gunner rush. 5 empty trannys circling hon while the rest of the team takes out the ref. That most definitely should have worked, but points still might not be enough. Or while our orca rush, we shouldn't have attacked hon right away. Instead try to take out all adv. infantry, and then a building. There are a lot of things we could have done differently on Eyes.... but we had like 4 minutes left so it was all sort of panic plans XP
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted October 15, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted October 15, 2015 Alright, that time of week where I actually contemplate playing the game. ROLL CALL
RoundShades Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 Right now or saturday? Either way, good lord willing, i'm trying to be here.
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted October 15, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 15, 2015 by this rate ill video for the next 3 years lol might as well post this
Ryz Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 *Coffee checK* *food check* *Beer check* O fuck it's 2 days till PUG...
Bananas Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 Yah yah. Probably be there since I'm a loser and have nothing else to do.
Ryz Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 I canceled my appointments for the past 5 weeks to be there, serious....
boxes Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 I'll try to be there, but I'll be playing on my laptop
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted October 16, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted October 16, 2015 I'll be there You have no choice
DoctorB0NG Posted October 16, 2015 Posted October 16, 2015 I'll be there You have no choice I'll be there
Moderator Quinc3y Posted October 16, 2015 Moderator Posted October 16, 2015 o7 Let's hope for a lot of people after last week's epic PUG.
Crowsy Posted October 17, 2015 Posted October 17, 2015 Is there 1 more place for a noob like me? (got ts3 ready)
Ryz Posted October 17, 2015 Posted October 17, 2015 Is there 1 more place for a noob like me? (got ts3 ready) Everybody is welcome. The fact that you are willing to participate already excludes you from being a noob. Cu tonight on TS!
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted October 17, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 17, 2015 there at the bloody air ! AIR ! AIR ! HON ?
Schmitzenbergh Posted October 17, 2015 Posted October 17, 2015 I wont be able to come I'm not at home and Renegade-x wont run on my Phone Gl hv y'all
boxes Posted October 17, 2015 Posted October 17, 2015 Pug 11 - Incorrect config, was still fun. bong/yosh 3-0 Walls, Islands, Canyon, all wins by good D and tanking.
Ryz Posted October 18, 2015 Posted October 18, 2015 I wont be able to come I'm not at home and Renegade-x wont run on my Phone Gl hv y'all Get a new phone But serious. This PUG wasn't as good as last weeks one, but still very much fun. Yeah I was on the winning team, but we had to fight HARD for it and even won on a map by surrender while the enemy still had a (small) chance. After all the teams were pretty balanced (like last week), but last weeks PUG was just the top of the bill. For some reason things have changed in the last 2 PUG's and it isn't the easy winning team vs the hardly existing competitor. People have to do a lot off effort to make the most out off the game and I like it!
Moderator Quinc3y Posted October 18, 2015 Moderator Posted October 18, 2015 Well, it was far from last week's PUG. This time team Bananas not only didn't manage to destroy a single building, but also didn't do a single coordinated rush. On Walls and Islands, I was sitting in a light tank and med tank for the bigger part of the games, defending and trying to gain control of the field, but we never managed to control field for more than 2 minutes Similar story on Canyon after shuffling the teams a little bit. In all 3 games my team was always on defence and I didn't really see any moment where we could turn the tide. Not much fun!
Xtractor Posted October 18, 2015 Posted October 18, 2015 Would had join prolly but didnt see the server in the S.list
Ryz Posted October 18, 2015 Posted October 18, 2015 Would had join prolly but didnt see the server in the S.list Yeah, cause we want to prevent people from joining without being on TS maybe? So tip for next week!
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted October 18, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted October 18, 2015 Pug 11 - Incorrect config, was still fun.bong/yosh 3-0 Walls, Islands, Canyon, all wins by good D and tanking. Got 'dat good D. Granted I'm pretty sure DCG proved how broken Islands is with infantry tunnels though I don't even remember Walls. All I remember about Canyon is casually driving an APC right behind an Arty without them noticing.
Bananas Posted October 18, 2015 Posted October 18, 2015 Ah yes. One vehicle entrance and one infantry entrance makes for fun times.
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted October 19, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted October 19, 2015 Nah brah... GDI IMBA on Islands, so we had no chance of course. Didn't you see how totally unable to take the field we were!?
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted October 19, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 19, 2015 ^ Sarcasm
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted October 19, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 19, 2015 one of the better Filed games
Ryz Posted October 19, 2015 Posted October 19, 2015 This time team Bananas not only didn't manage to destroy a single building, but also didn't do a single coordinated rush. So tell me, I understand losing isn't fun, but for us it felt like pretty balanced. We had to fight hard to make it to a win (but last week was indeed more fun). If people do not cooperate, what is the reason? And if this happens every week than I am in for some blaming and shaming (in a polite way) so we can approach the people ruining the teamplay in order to advice them to cooperate next week. And if it doesn't work we might as well ban / kick them. I am not up for that now and I don't decide about it. Any specific players blocking / ignoring teamwork?
Mystic~ Posted October 19, 2015 Posted October 19, 2015 Ah yes. One vehicle entrance and one infantry entrance makes for fun times. Islands needs a ladder cannon! Or maybe to connect the infantry cliff routes into the field.
Moderator Quinc3y Posted October 19, 2015 Moderator Posted October 19, 2015 @Ryz I think there was teamwork. Just that we didn't do anything special in all 3 games, just defending and struggling all the time. I'm not sure how to explain the fact that we couldn't push out of the base... I guess it was because team Bong was very well organized or maybe I can blame the maps a little. On Islands it's really hard to break the artilleries + flamers combination - especially with the ref down. The one time we managed this and started the siege of Nod base, we had to return to base because of the triple nuke and lost field again.... On Walls, GDI is usually dominating field, because they have the tools for it. I really dunno how to counter MRLS + mammoths with support from air... we had to defend and couldn't really organise a rush. Some guys mentioned stank rush, but somehow it never happened. On Canyon it's also not easy for Nod to control field and we didn't have enough vehicles for that and got swarmed. But I can't blame anyone since I myself was tired of driving the boring med/light tank for the past hour and played infantry instead. Seems I wasn't alone. And I agree Islands need some change/expanding. It's a predictible and boring map, very campy, too. Just the infantry area is nice, I guess it's a cool map for snipers.
boxes Posted October 19, 2015 Posted October 19, 2015 Islands, not too much GDI can do once Nod gets a strong foothold in front of their base. I mentioned before that airstrikes will help a lot, but I didn't see many of those in the pug. It's just that: Artys are almost half the cost of meds, and can almost work as a frontline tank as long as they have techs backing them up. MRLS don't stand a chance on their own even with hotties, and APCs get absolutely wrecked. Once GDI can get meds up, their ref is probably already being hit by like 5 artys, and Nod by then should be rolling out flamers. Walls is a reason why I really want a stank buff. If they had the ability to more effectively deny orcas in a larger area and had better anti-tank capabilities, Nod can get a better hold in the field. I feel that the best strat for Nod is a combined SBH C4 and Arty rush in the early game. If that fails, Nod should do a mass tech+buggy rush, or whatever that is possible to at least destroy any one of GDI's buildings. Late in the game (assuming GDI has a full base) when GDI starts rolling out heavy armor and air, it'll be too difficult for Nod to anything in the field. Canyon is one of the best flamer maps, and is pretty decent for Artys too. If Nod controls the silo and gets a harvy ad, they can roll out flamers before GDI can get meds, and there's little GDI can do if that happens. Nod on the other hand, can counter meds with an Arty wall.
Xtractor Posted October 19, 2015 Posted October 19, 2015 I dont understand why ppl hate island ,imo if tunnels entries are well mines and guarded, all the actions/battle should be on islands with Vehicules and GDI with Mamoutha is a a Beast
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted October 20, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted October 20, 2015 I dont understand why ppl hate island ,imo if tunnels entries are well mines and guarded, all the actions/battle should be on islands with Vehicules and GDI with Mamoutha is a a Beast .....Mammoths are terrible on Islands, and that's not even factoring in their main gun being finicky as hell. Seriously they're the only tank you can counter with a smoke grenades. Toss them in front of them and while their blind you can just light up the smoke cloud since you know that fat ass tank can't get out of the way. Seriously we just kind of laughed when we saw one coming Also thanks for continuing to remind us all that when it all boils down to it, there's only about 2 or 3 useful infantry in the entire game =p
Ryz Posted October 20, 2015 Posted October 20, 2015 .....Mammoths are terrible on Islands {...} Seriously we just kind of laughed when we saw one coming Yeah I rembember that, it's like a big board saying 'shoot me.' The mammy is too slow the evade anything, and the range is too short to hit anything when arties outrange you... But thanks for the comments, If the team didn't organize anything than maybe other people can stand up and try to do it. We had games where 'team B0NG' had B0NG as a teamleader, but also where the team just fluidly worked together. And if this didn't happen some else tried to arrange teamwork.
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted October 20, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted October 20, 2015 They actually did have a really good Med rush to push out into the field, and though they broke the wall of flames, we wrecked at least 3 or 4 of those 7 tanks. We kind of had ourselves a very fortified setup with repairs and flames going, though I think if they'd have rushed us down with meds earlier we'd probably have been pushed back.
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted October 21, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 21, 2015 the epic battles start now
Ryz Posted October 21, 2015 Posted October 21, 2015 the epic battles start now It doesn't play Kenz...
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted October 21, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 21, 2015 it does ... youtube is a bit buggy at the moment (just need to wait a little bit)
Henk Posted October 21, 2015 Posted October 21, 2015 Doesn't work in Chrome for me, does in Firefox though.
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