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  • Totem Arts Staff

Think we should just make it official like PUGs and therefore have a topic that tracks these things.

I say we agree on one time that we'll use for every week, and then every week we'll have an established set of maps to test on.

I'm personally pushing for a Friday/Saturday time-frame. Once established I'll just update it like the PUG post.

This week: Tomb and Uphill

Meet on ts.constructivetyranny.com for info

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I'd prefer them to be before the PUGs. These (hopefully) won't be a super long thing because as we know, the PUGs can take plenty of time too.

If we agree on a time/maps to play, I'll make sure I have a server and download links set up prior to the testing sessions.


Agreed I think a time set before the PUG would be good, I would also make sure people know these sessions are for testing purposes only and make them abit more serious not just sessions to piss around in and get to see new maps before hand.


If we are doing 3 maps at a time, might be best to do ~1hr before pug, set time to 15 minutes, and start people off with 800 credits. If we have actually 8-12 people a team show up, it'll be good testing even if short.

If we are doing 3 maps at a time, might be best to do ~1hr before pug, set time to 15 minutes, and start people off with 800 credits. If we have actually 8-12 people a team show up, it'll be good testing even if short.

Who said we would do three at a time? I was thinking of doing 1 and making it a quality test with normal starting creds etc

If we are doing 3 maps at a time, might be best to do ~1hr before pug, set time to 15 minutes, and start people off with 800 credits. If we have actually 8-12 people a team show up, it'll be good testing even if short.

Who said we would do three at a time? I was thinking of doing 1 and making it a quality test with normal starting creds etc

I also would say ~1 hour so max 2 maps (depending on the maps), otherwise I think a map could fall short a bit.

If we are doing 3 maps at a time, might be best to do ~1hr before pug, set time to 15 minutes, and start people off with 800 credits. If we have actually 8-12 people a team show up, it'll be good testing even if short.

Who said we would do three at a time? I was thinking of doing 1 and making it a quality test with normal starting creds etc

I also would say ~1 hour so max 2 maps (depending on the maps), otherwise I think a map could fall short a bit.

I think it's best to test one map at a time. Even if the map ends, it should restart.


I think there should be 2 play sessions per map. One for just playing the map and getting feedback for the overall play style (Is the map playable, B2B problems etc.), and one for the technical aspect where you try things on the map without getting killed by other players. (Getting stuck bugs, boundary problems etc.)

The technical one could be with less players, but the gameplay one would be ideal to put before the PUG.


First testing session will be this Saturday (January 16th) at 18:00 GMT.

Please make sure you're ready before 18:00. Please be on TeamSpeak (ts.constructiveTyranny.com) and either have the map downloaded before hand or make sure you can auto-download the map.

The maps we will be testing this week are:

1) Snow (Henk) http://maps.constructivetyranny.com/data/public/snow1.2

2) GoldrushTest (Bananas et al.) http://maps.constructivetyranny.com/dat ... ldrushtest


I can make it upcoming saturday, the 2 saturdays after that I can't. Crash Site would be awesome, if it's ready to test by then.

Haven't checked out Grassy-Knoll in game yet, would like to test that one too.

yer about beach head lol im going to update it soon

Is the code to allow the capturable helipad added to the games core yet Kenz / Yosh?

  • Totem Arts Staff
yer about beach head lol im going to update it soon

Is the code to allow the capturable helipad added to the games core yet Kenz / Yosh?

no its all done via kismet right now

I'm down for crash site and grassy knoll if the map makers want them tested.

GrassyKnoll_Ion is waiting for testing. It's available on the renx.constructivetyranny.com site and my OneDrive(See signature, or topic in releases).

  • Totem Arts Staff
I'm down for crash site and grassy knoll if the map makers want them tested.

GrassyKnoll_Ion is waiting for testing. It's available on the renx.constructivetyranny.com site and my OneDrive(See signature, or topic in releases).

......is there one without the Ion storm?

I'm down for crash site and grassy knoll if the map makers want them tested.

GrassyKnoll_Ion is waiting for testing. It's available on the renx.constructivetyranny.com site and my OneDrive(See signature, or topic in releases).

......is there one without the Ion storm?

There could be one, Ill have to disable the kismet and rebuilt lighting. If that is what is preferred.

EDIT: Now 2 zips are availabe, CNC-GrassyKnoll and CNC-GrassyKnoll_Ion. Havent tested the one without Ion storm yet,but all the config files are changed. Will test later today. Only difference is Ion storms are disabled

EDIT2: Updated the non ion version, it could crash the game due to faulty config files. Should all be good now

  • Totem Arts Staff
In b4 it takes the whole testing time to compile shaders on crash site

YES! For the love of God EVERYONE make sure you run Crash_Site at least once.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Thankfully I have, lol. :D

It loads significantly faster if you ever played the earlier version. It still took long to compile the custom meshes. Thank God I've followed through the map or I'd be loading for 1 (and probably half an) hour :D


Here are the links to the proposed maps taken from Rudd's map-testing server post updated earlier in the week.

Updated CNC-Crash Site




Could somebody confirm the link for the correct Grassy Knoll version? I'm guessing it's labelled "Release" as the other one has Ion in the name.

Should the PUG/Map-testing posts perhaps be moved from General into Community & Events?


Which map(s) are we testing today? I think it is Crash Site's turn now.

If it will go down like this, is there a chance that the testing server could be up a bit early that the attending player can compile the map?


Could somebody confirm the link for the correct Grassy Knoll version? I'm guessing it's labelled "Release" as the other one has Ion in the name.

There are 2 versions: CNC-GrassyKnoll_Ion and CNC-GrassyKnoll. Use the one without ION.

So use this file:




Both can be found @ : http://1drv.ms/1MKkzcB

Both are the same maps, only Ion storm mechanic has been disabled in the ION less one.


Is there another location to download the latest Crash Site from? It's downloading really slow and as I type this it's just timed out with a network error.

Update: I had better luck with "Save to Dropbox" instead of downloading as a zip file.

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