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Congrats Ren-X team for making a splendid, original remake of Renegade, a game i played for...years. First on n00bstories, then towards exodus when the other servers went wacko.

Seeing renegade players again is great..But seeing some people running around in absolute chaos.... Its just worthy of a million dollar scientific research.. But for now, i think we ren vets should all post and share our advices, tips and tricks for those who are currently in need of it.

Vehicles and engineers/hotwires/techies: New players often dont understand that you always have to go engineer/hot/tech when you grab yourself a tank, arty of APC. Emergency repairs can asure your safe return to base and when your vehicle is destroyed, you can go out and repair friendly vehicles. This is Key in surviving the battlefields of renegade/X.

DOCTOR!!= Fighting in those tunnels with infantry? one hotwire/techie can act as the medic of the team keeping everyone in the fight. This was something often overlooked in the origenal renegade, but it was something i did Alot and it kept the team at the front lines, not shippering back to the base to refill their precious character wich they just spended money on

Do not underestimate the Free classes= They are free, fun, and they give away very little points when you get killed. 15 IIRC. All of them can quickly deal 15 points of damage and it helps you save up for important stuff later

Snipin's a good job= Most of the folks went havoc/sakura in the origenal renegade because they were overpo...i mean powerfull. Some brave man, found it their purpose in grabbing a deadeye/black hand sniper and hunt these bastards down by killing them with one placed headshot. Humiliating them in the process. Its important to win, but its more important to have fun and humiliate!

Shotgunners= Barracks down? hand wiped out? You are all scum! maggots! cowards! If you choose to abandon all hope... Change tactics...Grab yourself a shotgunner....And let them come to you.. Because at close range, No infantry class is going to survive that shotgun blast in the face.

Stealth black hands and nukes= They are not OP. People in origenal renegade were efficient and effective SBH counters...So you can be one aswel. One disarmed nuke delivers 300 points...And i have won many times with points as GDI because Nod went spam ga-lore with nukes. SBH and nuking requires teamwork. Because Even one hotwire defending the base can stop a single SBH/Nuke and you get nice points out of it. This is not Battlefield, nor call of duty modern whorefare. Teamwork is essential. Be that one man who scouts the base with a female hotwirez (wait whut) to hunt down those nasty SBH's. Use those mines to make sure that they cannot enter the building. Organise a friendly neigbourhood watch to take down those pesky bastards.. Improvise! For example...Buy an APC..Place Remote C4 on it. Refill and start scanning the base. Found the nuke? No SBH in sight? exit the APC, blow it up (or let the SBH enter it and THEN blow it up!) and defuse that nuke!

Size matters= One mammoth tank can wipe out an entire Nod battalion

Size does not always matter= A mammoth can be quickly killed without support tough. Dont be egocentric around kills. Join the mammoth repair crew today! What do you need? no experience! just grab a hotwire and jump in that cozy second seat.

Organize rushes=Sometimes, it is key for nod to win, by organizing a rush. In Renegade, stealth tank and flame tank rushes were very effective if properly excecuted. Especially when nobody on GDI expected what was coming towards them. Just now on Walls_flying, we destroyed the entire base with flametanks with merely 4 flame tanks. Stealth tanks have big advantages aswel. They can even destroy the AGT with 4-5 Stanks.

Do not post suggestions for radically changing the games mechanic= New players are often posting stuff in chat and forums about "improvements".. Improvements wich lead to clones of already existing shooter games wich are already very unorigenal and saturating the market(and pretty much destroying it). This is renegade X. the remake of Renegade. We do not want another Battlefield/call of duty game. We want this game.


Just from playing a small game last night with a few random people.

Do NOT get out of your vehicle unless you know zero enemies are around. Several times players would try to jump out and repair only to allow me to walk right up and grab the vehicle.

To alter that general rule for GDI, if they have a Hand of Nod, make sure base defenses can see you when you get out. Stealth Black Hand love to steal those vehicles that people are repairing.


Here are my tips:

Sniper classes (Deadeye, Sniper blackhand, Havoc, Sakura) are incredibly effective against MRLS and Artillery in addition to Orcas and Apaches.

One engineer can change a game. If your tank dies in the field and you're an engineer, repair your allies. In addition, if you're close to your base and there's a beacon, don't be lazy. Go run back and check. I've noticed that teams are very bad at sweeping for beacons and disarming them and that's why people think they're OP.

  PermaGrin said:
Just from playing a small game last night with a few random people.

Do NOT get out of your vehicle unless you know zero enemies are around. Several times players would try to jump out and repair only to allow me to walk right up and grab the vehicle.

To alter that general rule for GDI, if they have a Hand of Nod, make sure base defenses can see you when you get out. Stealth Black Hand love to steal those vehicles that people are repairing.

First off, I have ran through base defences to get a mammy before. Barely made it. Was a suicide run out the tunnel

Second off, so far I have had the fun of parachuting off the plateau on walls to steal a mammoth tank.

sooo, MY ADVICE FOR NEW PLAYERS is f3 and f4. Seriously. Chat all the time. At this point, I'd rather people talking smack more often then they are, than so many servers void of any communication whatsoever, no idle chat nor tactical discussion.

Posted (edited)

Its better to put 3 mines at the doors of building then trying to keep enemies from getting into the base. Yes beacons are annoying but they have warning, where a group using timed c4 doesn't.

Edit: It is also a good idea to mine the ramps of the war factory and power plant. And the ramps on the hand of nod because they can be used to jump into the building.

Edited by Guest

One timed C4 will kill MRLS, Artillery, Buggy, Humvee, Transport Helicopter, Orca, and Apache. Make sure if you're out in the field and someone doinks one on you that it gets taken care of. Engineer classes can hit them with their repair gun to remove it.


Get used to always aiming at the head. I cant tell you the number of times I've fought 3 enemies and I end the fight killing 2 or sometimes all 3 of them because they are shooting at my body while I'm shooting at heads.

Get good with the free units. When a game starts if you've gotten good with free units you can really snow ball your score and effectiveness early by buying a higher tier unit or a tank before your enemies can.

When the game starts you should try to get to your enemies harvester with several team mates. Killing the enemy's 1st harvester and defending yours can significantly help your teams odds or winning the game. The first harvester is probably the most important unit in the game.

1000c units are not the end all be all. Especially snipers. In a lot of cases I prefer buying the 500c snipers. If the enemy has a lot of orca/apaches/mrls/artillery I will buy a 1000c sniper since they do good damage to those tanks. Also if the enemies HoN/Barracks is down I will buy a 1000c sniper since basic units are 1 shot kills.

And my favorite: Humiliate your enemy by throwing times c4 on them if they dont know you're there!


If you feel you have to get out of your vehicle to repair in the field throw timed c4 on it. If your vehicle get stolen mostly it wont be at full health so chances are they wont get it to the safety of their base, and if it doesn't get stolen as soon as you hop back in it wont take damage when the c4 explodes.


Don't be afraid to die/lose your vehicle. If you have 5 mammoth tanks and 2 mrls sitting outside the enemy base and someone calls in a good airstrike, don't waste it sitting there. Move in with your team while you have the opportunity.

And from that, communicate with your team. I know the chat system is a bit pants just now but communication is key. Try to coordinate your attacks with your team so you can actually move in on the enemy base.

Don't underestimate flame tanks. They have short range but they do a ton of damage. A group of flame tanks will do a lot of damage to anything, especially structures.

While stealth black hand helps you get into the enemy base better, a technician can defend a beacon better. Place mines on your way up the ramp before placing the beacon. Put remotes around the beacon. The enemy will either kill themselves getting to the beacon or be considerably hurt. Finish them with the remotes or pistol/SMG/whatever.

Heavy pistol is a pretty good and cheap anti armour weapon. It can easily to 10-20HP of damage in a single clip and it can be bought without a barracks/hand of nod. Have a team carrying the heavy pistol and you can make a pretty decent defence.

Posted (edited)

There are two types of characters: free and non-free. If you are playing a non-free character you should generally be looking to preserve your life as much as possible, meaning retreating for a refill/heal whenever badly hurt. Of course, ignore this if you have the chance to make a much bigger difference with your character in the current situation (killing a building or a more expensive character/vehicle). Free characters should absolutely be aggressive at every opportunity. Your objective is to deal enough damage to a high-$ character that it forces them to retreat, and to get your C4 on an enemy vehicle. If you can do either of these you are a massive credit (pun intended) to your team.

Some essential info for weapons vs. buildings. Time to kill building from the outside assuming building isn't repaired:

Flame Tank: 30 seconds

Mammoth(both weapons): 35 seconds

Stealth Tank: 40 seconds

Arty/MRLS/Mammoth(main guns only): 45 seconds

Light Tank/Medium Tank: 60 seconds

Here we see why Flame Tank rushes can be so merciless. If 4 flame tanks get inside a base (which probably means an initial rush of at least 5 or 6) then a building can be dropped in just over 7 seconds. The enemy already has lots of engineers inside repairing? No problem, call a new target and have everyone switch to a different structure. Your enemy can't have enough engineers in every building, and they sure can't run back and forth between buildings fast enough to keep up with your ability to shoot somewhere else.

Mammoth Tanks have very impressive DPS, but their immense size and slowness really screws up their ability to concentrate fire. Whenever you see mammoths you absolutely need to deal with their supporting engineers, once that is done they will die almost as fast as anything else.

Infantry don't have enough ammo to kill a building alone and need to use two:

2 Gunners: 45 seconds

2 Chem troopers: 60 seconds

Now these numbers don't seem that impressive at first glance, but the numbers obscure the important fact: getting 4 or 6 vehicles together to do a rush is a very time consuming task, involving driving across large stretches of open ground where you WILL be spotted, and their size makes it harder for them to quickly gang up on structures. Infantry have neither of these problems, and you can easily rush with huge amounts of infantry no problem if your team works together. Had a game yesterday as GDI where we pulled off an 8 Gunner rush on Mesa immediately after being able to afford the 400 credits. Both the refinery and the airstrip didn't stand a chance.

Time to repair (when hitting MCT):

Engineer: 40 seconds

Hotwire/Technician: 20 seconds

The main take from this is that Hotwire/Technicians are really, really good at their job. Just having one quick responder is usually enough to make sure any building stays alive long enough for a team to react and send more help. If the enemy Barracks or Hand of Nod is destroyed put the absolute highest priority on killing them above all else. Not only will the enemy team lose their much improved healing ability but also their ability to place proximity mines.

C4 vs. buildings:

Remote: 5%

Timed: 10%

Remote on MCT: 20%

Timed on MCT: 40%

1 engineer can deal 80% damage to a building with both types of C4. 1 Engineer + any non-engineer class (with their 1 timed C4) can deal 120% damage to a building. 1 Technician/Hotwire can deal 120% damage to a building with both of their types (effective if you can be a real ninja and sneak into the base alone). 3 of either class can deal 120% damage with just remotes. Ideally APC rushes don't need to waste the expensive technician/hotwire class as all since both classes have the same amount of remotes.

If you are using both remotes and timed C4 to kill a building, place the timed C4 first and then only activate the remotes either at the same time as the timed C4 or to (hopefully) kill the engineers attempting to defuse the timed C4.

Theoretically an APC rush with technicians could even kill a building by placing C4 on the outside, thereby avoiding any proximity mines on the entrance. I've yet to see it done but I'd like to try it.

Wow, this post escalated quickly.

Edited by Guest
  Valor said:
Drive your tanks backwards. It gives the enemy less area to hit it. Especially true for the artillery.

I think i should clarify that a bit, meaning driving it so that the rear with the gun is the first thing to go around objects so that you don't have to wait to shoot and expose less of your vehicle. Useful for artillery, MLRS, medium, and light tanks.

  Mrcod said:
Pay attention to the mine limit. If you go over, they're going to start disappearing.

This one reminded me of something from the old renegade, so before I added to it. I tested it and remote mines count toward the mine limit. So it would be a good idea to not use all the mine limit for proxy mines.


The GDI Grenadiers are incredibly useful for harassing the Nod Harvester. Slap some timed C4 on it and then blast away.

In general, early-game Harvester harassment is a sound strategy.

If you're an Engineer, you can use your Remote C4 as pseudo-grenades.

Don't waste prox mines trying to kill vehicles. It takes far too many to be worth the effort and detracts from defense of your buildings.

SBHs are NOT invisible, they are merely harder to see. Keep basic stealth tactics in mind, line of sight, go from cover to cover, etc.

This is so basic, that I think we've been neglecting to mention it...the Tiberium fields are poisonous xD. Stay out (unless you're putting C4 on the Harvester).

An early-game APC rush - load an APC up with Engineers or Technicians/Hotwires and go to the enemy base with the intention of jumping out, running inside a building, and blowing up the MCT with C4 - can be devastating.

The Nod Light Tank has a lower profile, which mean it's harder to hit. Use this to your advantage.

The Nod Artillery takes far less time to shoot its one shell than it takes for GDI's MLRS to deliver its six missiles. Exploit this when popping in and out of cover.

Spend a little time in Skirmish mode learning the maps, how vehicles and characters handle, and develop basic tactics for each.

PLEASE: Take a little time to watch the tutorial video, if you haven't already. This game will make so much more sense once you're done. You can access it from the game launcher, or search "Renegade X Command and Conquer Basic Tutorial" on Youtube, or just click on this:

  Agent Smith said:

SBHs are NOT invisible, they are merely harder to see. Keep basic stealth tactics in mind, line of sight, go from cover to cover, etc.

What do they look like when cloaked in Renegade-x?

  perfectblue said:
  Agent Smith said:

SBHs are NOT invisible, they are merely harder to see. Keep basic stealth tactics in mind, line of sight, go from cover to cover, etc.

What do they look like when cloaked in Renegade-x?



  perfectblue said:
  Agent Smith said:

SBHs are NOT invisible, they are merely harder to see. Keep basic stealth tactics in mind, line of sight, go from cover to cover, etc.

What do they look like when cloaked in Renegade-x?





Thanks Agent Smith, but I was referring to the Enemy teams perspective, do you have a shots showing that? Because my understanding is Nod units are completely cloaked unless you walk up very close to a stealthed unit.

  perfectblue said:
Thanks Agent Smith, but I was referring to the Enemy teams perspective, do you have a shots showing that? Because my understanding is Nod units are completely cloaked unless you walk up very close to a stealthed unit.

I don't. Maybe you could try 8:05 of this video?:


Ignore your K/D, seriously, don't play this game trying to get as high a K/D as you can it can cost you a match.

Don't always assume that taking out the Weapon Factory or Airstrip first is the best course of action, a lot of the time it isn't. Many a game I've played were Nod took out the WF first and yet GDI won because they were able to hold off Nod with their infantry. Instead try and target the Power Plant and Refinery before the vehicle and troop production structures.

If you are under siege and can't break out, if your Refinery and Weapons Factory / Airstrip are still up, consider trying to block the harvester on either another building or a piece of scenery. Its unlikely that it will survive long enough to deposit a load of Tiberium and by blocking it you can prevent the enemy from farming points from the harvester. Conversely, don't block it unless you need to, otherwise you are hindering your team and are most likely a troll.

Also if you are under siege but they are attacking an easily attacked building, say the Hand of Nod on field, if you aren't break the siege quick enough then don't repair it. Yes it will hurt you however it will prevent the enemy from farming points from that structure and could allow you to win.

Don't be afraid to turtle if things aren't going to well, say one or two buildings are down, however keep in mind that this can go either way. If you are in the lead for points then turtle, the enemy will have to come to you if they want any chance of winning. However if they are winning then they may decide to play the same game once they realise what you are doing.

If you are dealing with a turtle team trying to attack, ensure that you scout their base If most of the other team have the high end units DON'T throw anything worth a lot of points at them, IE your own high price units and the more expensive vehicles. This will only feed them points and you are unlikely to damage the buildings fast enough to destroy it. Instead go in using the free units as a group and pick them off one by one. Yes you might die a few times, however you will be giving them less points as a basic soldier compared to say a Mobius or in a vehicle.

When trying to nuke / ion a building, it is better if more than one of you go with beacons but don't place them on the same structure, instead plant them on different structures. The enemy will have a harder time disarming all of them.

Also if you have a vehicle in with you, get it to part on top of the beacon, that way the enemy will need to destroy it before they can get to the beacon. You can also use the enemy harvester in this manner, time planting your beacon shortly before the harvester is about to return. Best case scenario they will have to wait for the harvester to move off before they can disarm it, if you have a vehicle available in this situation then block the harvester while its in to give the beacon more time.

If you are SBH Nuking, don't sit on top of the beacon, instead fall back a bit to an area which is out of the way but which allows you a view of the beacon. Try to only attack when a engineer / Hotwire tries to disarm it and prioritise the Hotwire, they can disarm it faster than an engineer.

If an enemy only has one or two buildings alive, DO NOT solo nuke, its likely that they will be turtling and will be able to disarm the beacon long before it hits. This will only give them 300 points a pop which is not something you want to do. In this situation make sure that you organise a full scale attack but keep my previous points in mind, you could end up losing on points if you can't destroy their buildings.

When mining, take the base defenses into account. Playing as GDI on field, there is less need to mine the barracks and the refinery as the Advance Guard Tower will eat through infantry. Also in regards to barracks, Nod can't jump over sandbags so, effectively, the only entrance is the gap between them. However if they can get onto the roof of the barracks then the doors should be considered the entrance.


As a regular soldier, do not be afraid to us your Auto Rifle, it is a powerful tool, and in the hands of many, you are an unstoppable torrent of destruction that none shall ever face! You are the hammer of the army, the frontline soldier, the bravest and strongest of all!

You are a soldier, and you shall know no fear.

  jdtrakal said:

If you are under siege and can't break out, if your Refinery and Weapons Factory / Airstrip are still up, consider trying to block the harvester on either another building or a piece of scenery. Its unlikely that it will survive long enough to deposit a load of Tiberium and by blocking it you can prevent the enemy from farming points from the harvester. Conversely, don't block it unless you need to, otherwise you are hindering your team and are most likely a troll.

Also if you are under siege but they are attacking an easily attacked building, say the Hand of Nod on field, if you aren't break the siege quick enough then don't repair it. Yes it will hurt you however it will prevent the enemy from farming points from that structure and could allow you to win.

Don't be afraid to turtle if things aren't going to well, say one or two buildings are down, however keep in mind that this can go either way. If you are in the lead for points then turtle, the enemy will have to come to you if they want any chance of winning. However if they are winning then they may decide to play the same game once they realise what you are doing.

I just wanted to point out these are thing you would consider doing on a all out war server that has a time limit. On a marathon server the only way a team can win is to destroy the enemies base.


The best way to learn to play Renegade is to play for your team. And by that I mean, do every thing you can to make your teammate's lives easier. Be aware of what they are doing and support them. Do some repairs. Cover beacons. If you're in a tank and an ally is about to explode, drive your tank in front and absorb the hit for him.

Learn to play for your team and your team will, in return, play for you. After a while, you will pick up the ins and outs of what to do and what not to do.

Conversely, you should also actively do whatever you can to make enemy player's experiences terrible. Block them off at every turn. Kill their harvester on sight. Snipe high cost infantry.


Be mindfull of the battle, dont bring a mammoth to a chokepoint map, you will delay the entire siege and possibly kill everyone.

While mammoths are the strongest health and dmg wise they are the weakest in mobility and cost wise, you can rareley escape in a mammoth, +it is easy to hit with everything, and it is crispy free cake points to shoot at for the enemy team.

I have seen alot of GDI loses the last couple of days because of overuse on mammoths, sometime the faster and smaller medium tank is just better.

Gunner rushes are the most easy and fast way to take down a building get 5-10 in a group and take down the airstrip from fx. tunnels on fields. in seconds.

Take 3 sbh to a building and plant timed c4. Just stand back and wait while the c4 runs out and destroys the building with the enemy having no clue.

  R315r4z0r said:
The best way to learn to play Renegade is to play for your team. And by that I mean, do every thing you can to make your teammate's lives easier. Be aware of what they are doing and support them. Do some repairs. Cover beacons. If you're in a tank and an ally is about to explode, drive your tank in front and absorb the hit for him.

Learn to play for your team and your team will, in return, play for you. After a while, you will pick up the ins and outs of what to do and what not to do.

Conversely, you should also actively do whatever you can to make enemy player's experiences terrible. Block them off at every turn. Kill their harvester on sight. Snipe high cost infantry.

This is the best advice in the entire thread. :) Thumbs up :)

  wolfrikku said:
  indios85 said:
how do you open the parachute? lol i tried find the key on skirmish but no luck :(

Jump when falling.

shit i am dumb ass lol, thanks.


If it hasn't been said enough, and if for some reason you haven't figured it out yet. Teamwork, teamwork, teamwork. That is all.


When vets/people call people for coordinated pushes and tactics. TURN UP. I start most games with an engi APC rush. Its quite easy to take down the Ob or the AGT on Field if you have 3-4 engis with remote C4 on the MCT. Stop pulling out Apaches and light tanks if people are calling for a flame tank rush. Use Hotwires/Techs instead of Engi if you're going to hang out in the midfield.

If your base is getting infiltrated or rushed by vehicles and you're far away from it on foot, suicide. The reason that a lot of sneak Hotwire/Tech attacks succeed is because no one is in the base to defend it.

Think of the game in terms of a strategy game (like Starcraft) because thats exactly what it is. There are rushes and tactics that are viable at very windows of opportunities and you should be either defending from or participating in such rushes. The APC engi rush is viable as soon as the first harvester dumps so your job beforehand would be to defend it.

The game is about destroying buildings, not racking up a K/D ratio. As amusing as reaching 100 kills is, the guy that blows up buildings is always more valuable.

PROTIP: Ramjet rifles will do 15% damage to Artillery/MLRS and 20% damage to Orcas/Apache in a SINGLE shot. Get a friend and coordinate to break long range sieges.


As far as I can tell, this hasn't been mentioned but if you can get into an enemy building early on with a grenadier then you can blow it up in 30 seconds with your c4 and grenade launcher. This unfortunately does not work for Nod though since even if they did had the almost 100 seconds it takes to empty the flamer it would only deal a total of 90% damage (40%+50%).

If anyone has got any good way of dealing with SBHs nuking on top of buildings, I would be very interested. I've personally not been forced to deal with one yet but I've done it myself a bunch of times and the only time I've gotten killed was when they managed to scramble 4-5 people.

  Anemia said:
As far as I can tell, this hasn't been mentioned but if you can get into an enemy building early on with a grenadier then you can blow it up in 30 seconds with your c4 and grenade launcher. This unfortunately does not work for Nod though since even if they did had the almost 100 seconds it takes to empty the flamer it would only deal a total of 90% damage (40%+50%).

If anyone has got any good way of dealing with SBHs nuking on top of buildings, I would be very interested. I've personally not been forced to deal with one yet but I've done it myself a bunch of times and the only time I've gotten killed was when they managed to scramble 4-5 people.

I'm not sure if it was said in the post but place mines on the doors and ramps to the roofs. (3 mines usually works on the doors and ramp for servers with the mine limit set to 30. Also the only buildings you really have to worry about mining the ramps for is the War factory and power plant, on nod I suggest just mining the ramps on the hand of nod since they can be used to get inside.)

  Anemia said:
If anyone has got any good way of dealing with SBHs nuking on top of buildings, I would be very interested. I've personally not been forced to deal with one yet but I've done it myself a bunch of times and the only time I've gotten killed was when they managed to scramble 4-5 people.

Well there is probably no perfect defense for them but here are some tips to make life a lot harder for SBHs.

So for starters the most effective way to defend you base from nuke attacks is stopping the SBHs from arriving in the first place.

But first things first, there are 2 types of maps, those with base defences and those without.

In most maps there are 2 or 3 ways to get into a base, a main entrance and one or two side tunnels or entrances.

If there are base defenses present they're intended to defend the main entrance to the base and they're able to detect SBHs so unless someone's a complete dimtwit an SBH will not come in via the main entrance of the base.

That leaves just 2 locations at most where the SBHs will come from, yup you've guessed it! The side entrance!

Basically you can just mine these 1 or 2 spots like there is no tomorrow and you're pretty much settled in maps with defences.

As for maps without defences, that's a lot more tricky due to the mine limit but it's still possible to defend properly.

The main idea is to mine the exits of buildings first to prevent nukes inside the building, once that's done place any mines that may still be placed at the stairs to each building (3 is enough). The limit will probably only allow you to place mines at 2 more structures but if a nuke is planted in your base at least you can tell the likelyness of the nuke being plantred on the roof or not.

As for which buildings' roof to mine or not, well the Warfactory is probably the biggest must, it's a big roof with plenty of spots to place the beacon.

Your last mines should be placed on a building near the Warfactory, in most classic base setups that would probably be the refinery.

The idea is that when a nuke is planted now and it's at the WF or REF it's probably somewhere outside the building on the ground floor level.

When it's planted at the Power Plant or Barracks you'll need to sweep the roofs as well but at least the PP and Barracks have much smaller roofs where nukes are easy to spot.

Going through these steps is likely to make your life as a base defender a whole lot easier...

So now defuse that nuclear strike beacon! Just be carefull to not get shot in the back of the head by the SBH(s) who planted it.

Posted (edited)

Pay attention to your buildings' health, and don't ignore requests for buildings to be repaired! I've had many instances where I was in a full server and I was the only one repairing the war factory on field when it was at ~40% health.

Repairing buildings is much more worthwhile than kills, in terms of getting points and credits. Don't ignore this. That, and a dead Havoc/Sak is insignificant compared to the steaming rubble of your war factory.

If you want to buy a vehicle yet it's at the limit, don't just sit around in the base and wait. Get a Hotwire/Tech/heavy infantry and help the frontlines! Your contribution can easily mean a fast win or losing the field.

As a vehicle pilot, defend those repairing you by shielding them from direct damage. Especially from arties/MRLSes.

If you're GDI, never, ever get out of your vehicle in the field for whatever reasons. SBHs will easily hijack your vehicle; if you absolutely need repairs, fall back a bit and call for backup, or get out of your vehicle, repair in short bursts, and hop back in in quick intervals. Even if you lose the vehicle to enemy fire, it's better than giving the Noddies a free Mammoth Tank. This also applies to Nod, though they don't have the risks of being jumped by invisible men.

Each unit, regardless of class and costs, has its own uses. If you're a Havoc, don't underestimate a competent Black Hand Sniper.

Keep a good sense of battlefield awareness. If you suspect that there's a SBHs nearby, shoot the area around you.

GDI soldiers are good for 'marking' Stealth Tanks and SBHs, as shooting them will cause their cloaks to disrupt for about a second or so.

Edited by Guest

@Thiefje & @wolfrikku Aye, I don't mind SBHs in general I just got back into the game though (I played the RenX mod quite a lot, but never normal Renegade) so I was faced with being able to climb buildings now in the new release. I can't believe that I didn't think of mines though, seems like kind of the obvious counter now that I think of it. Well well, thanks \o


I know I shouldn't need to say these but after all the matches I played in I feel I must.

GDI's Main Battle tank is the Medium tank not the Mammoth.

NOD's Main Battle tank is the Light, not the Stealth or Flame tanks.

Also Stealth tanks should not be fighting along side of Light tanks in the field they should be flanking the enemies then attacking. Flames tanks Don't have the range so staying back and shooting at the enemy doesn't do anything.


- Playing on a time limit and think you're winning? Don't you touch that Mammoth Tank. The enemy receives points for killing high value targets and disarming beacons. Three failed beacons can push your enemy's points to the winning side, even though they may have lost a building. Be mindful of the points you are giving away to the enemy.

- Defend your base when there are no base defenses! The mistake I see everyone make is that they assume that someone else will take charge of defending and mining the base. Then a Hotwire/Tech runs in and blows up your shit and everyone blames each other. Stay in your base until you are sure a couple people are actively defending and mining.

- Be aware of what is happening around you. Don't drive up behind a friendly tank, you will be blocking their escape when things go bad. Also keep an eye on the Harvester. That thing can ruin your day.

- Buy the Tiberium Auto Rifle when you are doing defense as a Hotwire/Technician. You'll be able to defend yourself a lot better and SBH's become a breeze to deal with.

  TheGroundsKeeper said:
Be mindfull of the battle, dont bring a mammoth to a chokepoint map, you will delay the entire siege and possibly kill everyone.

While mammoths are the strongest health and dmg wise they are the weakest in mobility and cost wise, you can rareley escape in a mammoth, +it is easy to hit with everything, and it is crispy free cake points to shoot at for the enemy team.

I have seen alot of GDI loses the last couple of days because of overuse on mammoths, sometime the faster and smaller medium tank is just better.

Gunner rushes are the most easy and fast way to take down a building get 5-10 in a group and take down the airstrip from fx. tunnels on fields. in seconds.

Take 3 sbh to a building and plant timed c4. Just stand back and wait while the c4 runs out and destroys the building with the enemy having no clue.

Solid advice here, take note rooksters :D

  wolfrikku said:
I know I shouldn't need to say these but after all the matches I played in I feel I must.

GDI's Main Battle tank is the Medium tank not the Mammoth.

NOD's Main Battle tank is the Light, not the Stealth or Flame tanks.

Also Stealth tanks should not be fighting along side of Light tanks in the field they should be flanking the enemies then attacking. Flames tanks Don't have the range so staying back and shooting at the enemy doesn't do anything.

I can't wait for the mammoth fad to die, they're everywhere.


Pretty much what everyone has said, a warfactory or barracks going down can be very game changing so make sure you are on top of repairs, I know it sucks if you just bought a character now you gotta worry about repairs but its worth it.


Mammoth tanks are strong, but their size and low speed makes them very poor for attacking or rushing a base. Mammoth rushes tend to be very single file and a small NOD defense can take them out easily, one at a time... with lots of help from the obelisk. Med tanks do less damage, but their speed can get several of them past the obelisk and overwhelm NOD faster. They are a better rush tank for GDI. Better in the field too actually. Mammoths big profile just makes them easy to hit with those long range arts.

Nothing beats a mammoth for defense though. One mammoth guarding the base can stop just about any NOD tank rush. NOD is forced to kill the mammoth first, and will likely not be strong enough to get the AGT afterwards.

Arties + techs are still the most lethal combo on the field. Arties have sick damage and splash.. and can kill any GDI tank + support engineer very quickly. They just can't take the hits. But with technician support and some cover, those arts will own the field. I actually like the fact that arts shoot in an arc, it makes them harder to use and they could definitely use the skill nerf.

Light tanks are the best solo NOD tank. If you don't have engie support then that's the tank you want to take as NOD. Stealths and Flames are just not good in every situation. The light tank is. It won't beat a med head to head, but you are faster and harder to hit. Keep moving and use the terrain to hide your hull.

Don't underestimate the old APC rush either. Load up a team of soldiers or engies in your APC and you might just get a building with it. 3 timed c4s will do the trick. Get 4 timed c4s on a building and you only need to hold your ground for 10 seconds.


If you're on GDI and your Barracks is down, a Grenadier rush can be very effective, as

shooting a building on the MCT with the grenade launcher does as much damage as if a tank were shooting at it.

3 of them can easily take down a building, and it won't cost you a dime.

Actually organize rushes! I have found myself in games recently where I will go "lets do a flame rush guys"

and the next sequence of vehicles I see is a light tank, an arty, an apache, a stank, etc.

Everything but what I called for.

Communication is key. A simple "APC incoming!" can be the difference between losing your refinery and holding off the attack.

There is no shame in being an engineer/tech/hotwire and repairing vehicles/structures. It's a critical part of the game,

and without someone doing it you will lose, as every vehicle needs support.

Take the field! Or at least try to. If you don't have the field the odds of you winning are not very good.

Constantly being on defense repairing buildings is not the way to go.

Attack the harvester immediately. Get a few engies and a few soldiers and just C4 the shit out of it.

You want to prevent the enemy team from getting that critical first credit drop off, which means while you're buying tanks they have to sit and wait, which is a huge advantage.

Hillcamping, a legitimate strategy, even though a lot of servers even had rules against it.

But, a team of arties or MRLS's on the hill in Whiteout (Hourglass) can decimate the base,

or at least keep everyone on the enemy team occupied with repairs.

Humvee/Buggy rushes. You and a buddy in a buggy/humvee early in the game can take out a building if you do it properly, and it is a devastating blow to lose a structure at the beginning of a game.

A group of Mammoth Tanks is useless. Enough said. Have about one or two mammies backing up some meds and MRLSes.

Mine your buildings. One of my favorite things to do is be a ninja and slip into bases unnoticed,

and do my trademark "Waltz in unopposed and blow up a building with ease" and it is a fan favorite

of many other players. 4 simple mines in a doorway will prevent this from happening.

If you're playing on an AOW server, points are very, very important.

In my opinion, in an early rush, you should target the refinery or power plant.

Even on a map with no defenses, the doubled production cost early on

will definitely hamper the enemy team's ability to quickly retaliate.


Haven't read the whole thread so I don't know if someone already said this.

Engineers/hotwires/technicians... Please heal your fellow healers (and infantry). It's very important to heal vehicles, but if every hotwire/technician out on the field dies the vehicles are gonna start having trouble.

Also, when getting healed as an infantry, try standing still if possible. It's really hard to heal moving infantry. Or you can try to sync your movements with eachother to make it easier.

One more thing, if you're in a vehicle which has time bombs or C4's planted on them, it's the same thing. It's superhard to remove it if the vehicle is moving. I actually think you should be able to spot time bombs or C4's or proximity mines with "Q", since it might be hard for the people inside the vehicles to realise they got bombs on them.

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