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Everything posted by Hardware_Hank

  1. Pretty much what everyone has said, a warfactory or barracks going down can be very game changing so make sure you are on top of repairs, I know it sucks if you just bought a character now you gotta worry about repairs but its worth it.
  2. Alright, thanks for the suggestions. I wasn't even aware games like that existed lol.
  3. why a 9500GT? He could easily do better for 500 dollars. I'd say you could get an A10 7850K and a cheap mobo with drive, psu and case for around 500 pretty easily IMO. then again I've heard people complain about this game running well on AMD Radeon graphics
  4. oh that sucks, I dont have a crappy laptop and I have a job so I can afford good hardware. In all honesty if I were a developer I'd feel pretty insulted on how you came off instead of coming off as more productive. The graphical features are plentiful and run on a lot of different grades of hardware.
  5. And if its way out of reach or not doable than just ignore me but... I thought of a cool idea where you could have a game mode that has a commander that allows you to build the base and maintain it in a 3rd person 3D overview and then you have everyone else play it the way it is. I think this would actually make it feel more like command and conquer. what do you guys think? I know it might not be doable but I think it'd be an interesting concept.
  6. In all honesty I think the game is growing more so than they assumed so its gonna have some issues with server capacity, latency and netcode.
  7. Only bugs I've encountered really are just crashing issues and on occasion some collision detection issues with tanks getting stuck on walls (Islands is the only example I have for that so it might just be exclusive to that map) Balance could be had but the game has barely been out for a day so im not going to judge, this is probably the most polished fan mod I've ever played and its damn good.
  8. any veteran PC gamer should know by now that most day one launches of anything arent going to be the absolute most optimized. Although I am not a huge fan of UE3 or UDK for the most part it runs well on my system with an occasional frame dip. SLI support is lacking but thats to be expected.
  9. Yeah a lot of people never played Renegade back in the day so im sure it'll take some adjusting. Just remember, everyone started at some point and I guarantee when you first played Renegade you were very clueless for a few hours
  10. yeah I only get them sometimes when the map is transitioning but im sure its a common issue and will get resolved.
  11. I think you need to relax, taking people over serious on the internet tells me you have an attitude problem in your personal life as well lol. Using heroes specifically attributed towards taking down armor is actually rather easy, I just played a match where I used various heroes and took down Mammoth tanks left and right. The game isn't going to be perfectly polished in beta and as someone said above the original had the same exact mechanics for the most part so unless it gets wide spread complaints than maybe the developers will try to balance it a bit better but so far I think its really good and I applaud how well the developers did when making this remake. I just wish the NOD had more horse power with vehicles but its a minor complaint.
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