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  1. This is fixable by good Moderating like on thematrixren server 1 Isnt allowed on our server 2 the same 3Anti orca Mutator is out that destroys instantly Orcas on non flying maps ( enabled on the matrixren) 4 ye bit bad. This attitude of 'well it can be stopped if there is a moderator' is really something stuck with us from the early 2000's where updates to the game were non existant. But at this point in time you shouldn't be masking bad designs and bad gameplay with 'well it's illegal on our servers so it's fine'. Renegade X is in beta. Maps are work in progress. Gameplay is work in progress. There is more than 1 map that needs a tweak or two and there are also more than a few gameplay issues that need to be fixed. The things he sums up on Goldrush are obvious oversights that need to be fixed. Personally I like Goldrush as a map, haven't experienced many glitches either. Just that being able to camp both sides base defenses from the center of the map (Nod to AGT from the field and GDI to Ob from the rock tunnel) might need to be looked at again. Personally I don't think you should be able to attack the base defenses on any map without exposing yourself directly to them. But that's just me. I dunno if this was done by design or not.
  2. Only thing I now hate about SBH nukes is that on maps without defences, putting down 4 at the same time is instant win. In the chaos that ensues you're guaranteed to take out at least one building. And because no-one can see you, Nod has all the time in the world to co-ordinate their attack. I've been seeing this happen more and more, all engies flock to where the first beacon was planted and the last beacon gets the kill. There needs to be some limit on the amount of beacons planted at once because this is just silly.
  3. What Is With The Constant Caps? It's Extremely Fucking Annoying!
  4. It's just a nostalgic and iconic thing left in for old Renegade vets. But I can imagine it must seem completely random and out of place if you're completely new to anything Renegade. Maybe they can put in an option to turn it off in the future.
  5. Case in point; I played a few matches on Walls yesterday, completely dedicated to defending the GDI base. Made regular patrols past all the doors to ensure mines were still in place and quickly responded to placed beacons. In that one match I must have had at least 8 kills because of proxy mines. Regular SBH rushes were made on the PP where one would evidently sacrifice themselves to let the other in. I would often find one SBH inside the PP with a C4 on the MCT. Nothing my carbine couldn't handle in most cases. Aside from that beacons were planted all over the place and by the end of the match I disarmed a good 7 of them. Only one of them succeeded and that was because they placed an airstrike on top of it (which I still think is lame and should be fixed). So SBH overpowered? Hardly. Right now it's mostly the abuse of bugs and glitches that make their tactics unfair (beacons in unreachable spots, repeated airstrikes on a beacon making it impossible to disarm even with 20 guys there).
  6. So do engies and Hotwires, to the point where they sometimes have more firepower than that sorry excuse for a laser rifle the SBH has.
  7. Oh god, don't even start... lol.
  8. I know perfectly well what an SBH is capable of because I play them a lot of the time. Nuking literally the entire base on Walls is no exception for me. That said; dealing with SBH's isn't a matter of keeping them out of the base. There's a whole load of ways for them to get in, even with a bottleneck. They can tag along in APC's, jump out from helicopters. You name it. The important thing is that you deny them access to the inside of the building. That way they can't plant C4 AND when a beacon is deployed you know you don't have to look inside. And SBH planting a beacon on their own should not remotely be a threat at all if you have a team that is half way decent at defending. One Hotwire with a Tib Auto rifle can take the time to kill the SBH and still have enough time left over to disarm the beacon. And by that time there better be 3 or 4 more engies around to help out. A properly mined base would limit an SBH's movement immensely. Pretty much limiting their options to placing a beacon on the outer edge of a building where it is easily found, covered and disarmed by the defending team. If it's just a single SBH without support and he takes out a building then that has nothing to do with them being overpowered, that just means your team sucks at defending/communicating. What does need looking at is the mine limit and how that works. A 4 structure base has 8 doors to be mined with 3 mines each. That's already 24 mines right there. Add to that three ramps leading to the roofs of the WF, Ref and PP and you're already over the mine limit. On top of that regular and remote C4 add to the mine limit as well, so anyone planting C4 on the enemy building is making a proxy mine disappear in the base. This makes it essentially impossible to properly mine a 4 structure flying base watertight against SBH's. That could be by design, but I seriously doubt it. On my own server I set the mine limit to 40 instead of 30 for that very reason, though I have yet to see how that's going to influence things.
  9. If you're a "Renegade-Veteran" then you should know that the SBH issue is no different than it was in Renegade and is easily countered by 2 or 3 players actively defending the base. In a map without base defenses you HAVE to actively defend the base, it's pretty common sense really. A single player who gets a Hotwire ASAP and starts mining doors will easily repell any SBH C4 rush. And if enough players are defending the base instead of mindlessly running out the base to attack beacons aren't a big issue either. It's the coordinated vehicle supported beacons that should be your biggest worry. The reason Nod seems to have the upper hand is because players are still (re)learning the game and its tactics. Give it some time and set the right example. People will catch on soon enough.
  10. A single gripe I've had about the original Renegade and Renegade X is the fact that you can win based on points alone. Camping a base for points has become a valid way of winning a match, even if the 'losing' team managed to take out part of the enemy base while their own is still standing. Wouldn't it make much more sense to factor the number of destroyed buildings into the final win or lose scenario somehow? Maybe subtract an X number of points from the team's total score for every destroyed building in their base. At least that way camping the enemy base (like GDI does on Field pretty much every single match) isn't a guaranteed victory, even though they don't destroy a thing 99% of the time.
  11. I agree that purchasable weapons makes engi's and Hotwire's way to strong. There's a reason they only had a sidearm in the original. In fact I'd do away with purchasable weapons all together, especially if the Tib. Auto Rifle remains as overpowered as it currently is.
  12. It would already be a massive help if kick votes were actually easy to use and worked.
  13. TigerXtrm

    patch ?

    Give the guys a break. They have been working on this for the last 7 years, non profit, not getting paid a single dime for it. I think they earned some time off now. Yes there's tons of stuff that needs fixing but the game is still very playable so please have some patience.
  14. - Playing on a time limit and think you're winning? Don't you touch that Mammoth Tank. The enemy receives points for killing high value targets and disarming beacons. Three failed beacons can push your enemy's points to the winning side, even though they may have lost a building. Be mindful of the points you are giving away to the enemy. - Defend your base when there are no base defenses! The mistake I see everyone make is that they assume that someone else will take charge of defending and mining the base. Then a Hotwire/Tech runs in and blows up your shit and everyone blames each other. Stay in your base until you are sure a couple people are actively defending and mining. - Be aware of what is happening around you. Don't drive up behind a friendly tank, you will be blocking their escape when things go bad. Also keep an eye on the Harvester. That thing can ruin your day. - Buy the Tiberium Auto Rifle when you are doing defense as a Hotwire/Technician. You'll be able to defend yourself a lot better and SBH's become a breeze to deal with.
  15. We get it. The devs get it. Stop making threads about it...
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