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Everything posted by vandal33

  1. SBH with one-shot-kill weapon sounds good.
  2. Why does grenades need their own special slot? I cant select it by scrolling anymore.
  3. How about you point out where I was trolling. You were complaining about people disagreeing with you, I said "You started throwing a tantrum when we disagreed AND PROVIDED REASONS as to why we disagreed "... That makes me a troll? You clearly don't know what that means. Also, calling people trolls isn't going to win an argument, and by the way, none of your replies to us is helping people to take you seriously. You're posting suggestions, we posted our feedbacks. You don't have answers to our feedbacks and you're telling him to get out? Not trying to sound bias, but he did posted a legit criticism to your suggestion, why should he "get out"? You also didn't give reasons why the iron sights need changing, aside from your personal preference that you don't like it (we have rights to disagree with your personal preference) and how hard for you to get hits with it eventhough you DON"T need to use the iron sights to get accurate shots. There's no reason to fix something that ain't broken. Not really, some people can still aim correctly with it. Though, I agree it is the most obstructing iron sights of all weapons. Not funny. You really wanna turn this into a funny game, funny guy?
  4. Then why are you crying about the iron sights if you can get accurate hits and won worl medal? lol Have different opinion doesn't make us over-reacting or triggered. To be honest, I find you're the one triggered when we disagreed, chill bro. SBH Iron sights are not broken. You even said you won first medal. Maybe a bit complicated to use, but not broken. We did. We said reasons why we don't want your battlefront suggestions. It changes the meta, iron sights need no buff, etc. But you can go and play battlefront if you want all that xdxd This ain't Renegade campaign. This argument is invalid. It's okay to give suggestion. It's okay for us to disagree with them too. We are aware about the positive sides. We just didn't mention it because obviously we know that you know the positive sides. We just pointed out the negative ones so you know there are flaws in your suggestions. I did say we could have a separate game mode about your suggestion. You said you can get accurate shots with them. The iron sights are not a problem. In fact, you don't even need to use them. Having different opinions doesn't make us stubborn. You're the one pushing the devs to implement all this when we disagreed. You fail to see the issues with your suggestions. And criticizing them doesn't make us stubborn. Nobody is being arrogant. You started throwing a tantrum when we disagreed AND PROVIDED REASONS as to why we disagreed. We are not the ones triggered/over-reacting as you claimed. It's really hard to argue with someone who can't take no for an answer to their suggestions. You admit being wrong? All I see is you calling people stubborn angrily when we dislike your suggestion to "improve" aesthetically based on your personal preference.
  5. The laser rifle iron sights are fine. I don't think there's a need to make aiming with right mouse button easier and more appealing. People are already using it at long-range (except shotguns) so zooming the camera would be an unnecessary buff. Obviously, this one will change the core gameplay a lot. I'm fine if a special game mode or map to have this. But note that some Nod characters are not prominent characters (e.g. Black Hands, Chem Warriors) and these infantry classes are best used in groups. You'll never have fun as a solo stealth black hand compared having some other stealth teammates sneaking and wrecking havoc with you.
  6. I find me and some other players use the radio commands at the right situation. I say keep them, but I'm okay with adding new ones. Watch where you're pointing that: said a lot when teammates attacked me by mistake, it's like saying "it's me, not the enemy" or when a teammate is shooting my empty vehicle, etc. Similar command to Hold your fire which the game radio command needs. Destroy that vehicle: I use it more than pressing Q. Maybe make this one more detail similar to pressing Q when aiming at an enemy vehicle would be nice. Building needs repairs: used a lot when a building health is low, this one ain't useless for sure. Enemy spotted: Still useful when you can't aim at the enemy but you know they're there. Like when I'm sneaking in a base and I saw an enemy, then another teammate arrived and I wanted to warn him about a nearby enemy in case that enemy disappears from sight. Can also spot proximity C4s which Q-spotting can't. Don't get in my way: is still useful. It's more specific telling someone to get out of your way than shooting him. Might be useful if an ally tank is in your line of fire, then maybe shooting him while radio'ing this should give him a personal message to get out of the way? Destroy it now is the only thing obsolete as they are more specific radio commands on attacking/destroying enemy targets. And all 10 CTRL+ALT radio commands are useful, not sure why they should be replaced, I don't need to point at something within my weapon range just to issue a radio command.
  7. I meant to say is free units can win if they attack mendoza with help from other free units, it's an RTS style FPS game, tier 3 infantry are supposed to win against free infantry, unless the free infantry attack in a group or win by attrition when the 1000cred infantry is low health, not by 1v1. I've seen 3 soldiers beat a mendoza before, that's how teams without barracks manage to survive heavy character rush, it's just that teamwork is rare in this game as everybody prefers to buy 1k/snipers/sbh and go solo. That's why raveshaw and sydney needs some kind of nerf, they are too versatile: they can 1v1 any infantry, they are the best anti-tank character, they can easily take down a building by themselves (not as swift or stealthy as technicians or hotwires, but still dangerously effective) and they can disarm proximity C4s. While I'm in favor with more alternatives to counter mendoza/mobius, I feel that rav/sid are already too powerful, I've seen them being infantry-killers than anti-tank in many games. It's too easy to hit someone, and their pistol can finish off enemies that got hit by the pic/railgun.
  8. Doesn't mean they're not OP. If you're talking about infantry combat then they should be the easiest to kill since they are leaning more towards the anti-tank role. If you're driving a vehicle, rav/syd are more likely to appear in your sights (since these AT units will openly engage you) so you could have more chance killing them as vehicle drivers too. But really, skill is no excuse imo. We want this game to be nice to new players, and rav/syd are powerful if you have good timing and aiming. Mendozas rolling other infantry? They are supposed to be highest tier infantry strong against everything but still lose to rav/syd's effectiveness vs tanks. You can still kill mendoza by rushing him with basic infantry or 1v1 him with mobius or havoc. Sydney can still kill him at med-long range, the problem is sydney is still doing it at close range a lot easier than he should even if both sidney and mendosa are equally skilled.
  9. I don't think we need vehicle kill counts, it's as unnecessary as asking for vehicles (yours) destroyed. I prefer having base defenses score in the scoreboard.
  10. It's an anti-tank weapon, it is supposed to be high damage. I'm up for changing the crosshair to make it harder to hit infantry.
  11. I think we just need to make the frag grenade more useful. The tiberium grenade too, I only find it effective if it's a direct hit while camping in tunnels.
  12. Well, we had the option to choose our sidearm and explosives but that feature got removed. Not sure why they removed it but they probably had a good reason to.
  13. Good idea except the replacing it with max kill streak would still make people obsess about it and be scared of dying.
  14. Isn't that the point of other free infantry? I mean, suggesting "the Regular soldiers would be able to get equiped with more weapons, example one better at range and accuracy", we already have the marksmen. Faster rate of fire is already the regular soldier's weapon and good for close range is already shotgun trooper and flamethrower's role. Giving more weapon options to Soldiers would be redundant. I do agree that all these spray and prayers running and jumping around in random directions is silly. Happens in other Renegade mods too like Red Alert Path Beyond and Tiberian Sun Reborn. Weapons in FPS games do have crosshair while in hip fire mode. Never heard people saying that doesn't make any sense. If you're complaining about how snipers shouldn't be trashing everyone in close combat with hip-fire (which I agree), then removing the crosshair isn't the solution, I'm sure those annoying close combat sniper players will have their own ways to be still kicking ass without crosshair. Crosshair is still useful while not looking at scope, like spotting enemies/crates (and issue the spotting radio), checking building's health, spies or player's name, etc - people shouldn't be forced to press zoom or switch to another weapon with a crosshair just to get a crosshair to do some spottings/checkings.
  15. 1. I agree with Deadeye/SBH/Havoc/Sakura should get a normal pistol or the silenced one. 2. l agree that health is too high and weapon damage isn't that good, it makes one-hit kill weapon superior if you have good aiming (been like this since C&C Renegade, even the shotgun troopers from that game are deadly against 1ks). 3. Algol, stop complaining!
  16. Knowing Algol's behavior in game, not surprised he would make a topic like this. There are cunts in this game that needs to be addressed, but you could at least make your complain in a normal constructive manner instead of like a screaming teenager.
  17. Not all Renegade maps have "Defince" towers too.
  18. Buff shotgun troopers so they can kill 1k characters as easy as it was in renegade so teams without barracks/hand of nod or low credits has a better chance to fight back in infantry battles. I feel they're kinda underpowered compared to soldiers and flamethrowers.
  19. No game is perfect as there will always be haters against it.
  20. The ignore command doesn't work when I tried ignoring a player who had symbols not on your keyboard in his name.
  21. There's plenty of good players but the hate only goes to poi. Obviously he did something that makes people dislike him. He only has himself to blame if he disliked how others perceive him.
  22. I like infantry healing with the classic repair guns. If it's a problem because "infantry can collect armor, health and ammo and after a certain level of veterancy even heal themselves", then make these annoying solo-gameplay-encouraging features history instead.
  23. I know Renegade X players hate teamwork but I prefer self regeneration out first. Vehicle and building repair are more annoying and never an instance could I recall something like "damn infantry healing needs to go or a nerf..." as opposed to "stupid vehicle repairs should not work with emp".
  24. Regarding the sniper rifles, I think it's a legit update. Still a good weapon except CQC is nerfed as it should be.
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