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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. If GDI get an Tiber-dote Nod could just have FR-Kevlar (FR = Fire Resistant) : Vastly reduces burn damage duration
  2. The character could just have some kind of green'ish glow? To show they have a tiberium resistance. If anything it'd bite ChemTroopers in the ass because it means reduced damage from chems and even Doza, might be good to just have it as an GDI only item?
  3. Item Tiber-dote (Tiberium Antidote) - reduces the infection damage of tiberium, rather than nullifying the effects entirely? Or would that be breaking canon?
  4. Renegade-X does better than EmpiresMod so RenX has that going for it at least... Lets bear in mind that last year after the DDoS'ing the playerbase on public games was hit pretty hard and its actually built back enough that there's sometimes more than one active server with an fair few amount of players. For a game which struggles to advertise due to reasons its playerbase growth is okay and slowly increasing
  5. If you start suggesting ideas of play in your teams' chat more often than not somebody on your team will elect you to become that team's commander I like the idea of "X Player is volunteering to be commander" -for when a player nominates themselves
  6. Could Eyes be using an old version of Weps with ramps..? -shrugs-
  7. If the spy was added as a char it'd be a lovely GDI character to counter the SBH - kindof wut?
  8. Starting your teamchat with "/c "is just to broadcast an immediate order/action to your team so they'll notice an order being stated. Team chat highlights you, you can still talk as normal and 'Q'-Spotting enemy targets is easier than typing imo.
  9. Do they hurt..? They should explode when trodden on!
  10. Any of that stuff was not in the Vanilla Renegade Multiplayer experience, that stuff came later unofficially. Most servers had crates disabled weirdly enough so not too sure what the contents of Vanilla Ren's crates would be but never came across anything which has been mentioned above. Well its a good thing somebody out there is working on an "OldRen" mutator. The Armour/health and other such added stuff has been a vast improvement. Was your guy also a fan of disarming a nuke beacon with 1 second to go whereby the nuclear missile just vanishes into thin air? It looked daft! Anyway, a "die hard" fan doesn't strike me as somebody who doesn't like to see their OldRen refined and remade. That sounds more like a 'Toxic' fan - i.e. somebody refusing to change with the times and not really giving the changes a chance. A die hard SW fan isn't the guy complaining about anything and everything as to why things aren't the way they expected them to be- that's a toxic s.o.b.
  11. Other than going out I wonder what else would happen if you doused all them flames with water... Would eventually set on fire again after it dried out? Would it dry out due to elements below the surface? Curiouser and curiouser...
  12. You should try rootbeer - tastes like diluted mouthwash, drink that enough times and a regular beer will probably taste not bad
  13. Try running this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\Binaries\UnSetup.exe Not 100% sure it'll be the solution, but run it - see if it does anything and then try 'Launch Game' from RenX Launcher If in doubt after that, just to test goto C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe | run UDK.exe from within that folder
  14. That and RenegadeX are installed in separate places, right? You didn't install Black Dawn into the RenegadeX directory, did you?
  15. Considering the lengths somebody must have gone to to ensure that RenegadeX wasn't assassinated by EA - I think to remove the CnC from it would be a huge slap in the face to that somebody, as it stands RenegadeX is technically the only recent CnC which hasn't been influenced by EA Games and it not only has dedicated devs willing to work voluntarily but also has an community with an actual spine. [That is to say, most if not all regulars aren't afraid to speak their mind which is awesome and its even encouraged] Communtiy-wise: Most of us come down hard on any elitism as well as aim to help player's learn the game, instead of belittling player's for not knowing what or how to do something. Additionally, 2019 marks the 4th consistent year of the weekly Pick Up Game's, it was only really towards the end of last year for one or two months when there was a noticeable dip in playercount for the Saturday PUG. What brings some new players in (or has other players return) is the familiarity that is Command & Conquer, the fact that RenegadeX began around 2007, still exists and is worked on to this day is incredibly commendable and inspiring of all those who have and do work on RenegadeX. (in an official capacity) RenegadeX is an positive reminder and great nostalgic throwback to the times when C&C was a franchise at its peak and RenegadeX still lives and I hope it continues to live, as has been said in the past the best time to really push RenX in an marketing sense is at its 1.0 release - There are numerous gaming websites which I am sure will be informed of the 1.0 release and RenegadeX can make headlines with FREE publicity because it is the only Non-EA C&C title, RenX is like an great theme park in the middle of nowhere in which only a few hundred know of its existence but the park boardroom wouldn't want to push out for free publicity until the rides and attractions have all been completed. Once RenX has an 1.0 release I really hope that all the developers can proudly have RenX in their resume and that their efforts, time, creativity and dedication enables them jobs where their honed skills are applicable. Any future projects of an new IP manufactured by the RenX dev team after the 1.0 release of RenegadeX would definitely have my support. (Emotional, critical and monetary) Keep it rollin' and time to rock'n'roll, DevTeam.
  16. So to you, you're saying driving a vehicle literally feels the same as when you're walking? The difference in size, the bigger the field of combat between infantry & vehicle contain an experience change of Handling and of Tactics, So - Tactics and Handling differ; Combined tactics are the bits of awesome in battles which make or break the opposing team, where the transferable skills then lend themselves to both sides : outside of their individual tactics, and the way in which each unit is handled.
  17. Erm...Did you forget about maneuvering..? That's completely different in a vehicle compare to infantry and isn't necessarily an transferable skill in this sense
  18. That just looks like a bunch of foliage
  19. You can be S/A Tier Tanker without being S/A Tier Infantry and vice versa, transferable skills alone shouldn't really be used to mark S Tier Infantry as S Tier Tankers and again vice versa. In a similar sense, you could be an A Tier Infiltrator without being S/A Tier Infantry/Tanker, however at least if you're S/A Tier Infantry you could potentially be A Tier Infiltrator as killing other infantry with infantry makes you effective IF/WHEN caught. Sidenote: Although what makes somebody S-Tier Infiltration in my eyes is somebody who can kill a building without being caught too soon or alternatively can distract the enemy team for long enough that they don't have enough time to save the building. [Without using an Stealth Unit] But back to Tankers and Infantry - The core factors of each of those roles should be 70% of the overall mark per player, whereas 30% of the mark are the transferable skills. "The core factors" i.e. Something which only applies to one and not the other. If I could infantry as well as I tank I'd be happy, I'm sure there are players who would be happy if they could tank as well as they infantry. That's where the differences are. One difference being the tactics used with vehicles is very different to tactics used with infantry. Similar? Sure. In practice? Different. Maybe lets focus on these core factors for just Tanking and Infantry? Curious to see what else people think goes into these two groups - but leave transferable skills out of it as they go across the board and will only spiral this discussion
  20. I could make an logo/box similar to the other buildings logos on the scoreboard for the silo, but that's all I can do as the rest would be down to the devs/TK
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