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Everything posted by Calvin

  1. Frags 1 shot when it's a headshot which is cool when that happens
  2. pic/raves having spread will be perfect.
  3. I don't think removing the death count would change anything, some people just like to not waste their 1k credits within 5 mins and be broke. And trust me im getting hunted enough already when im sniping or tanking, they're not scared haha
  4. I usually fly or drive back into the soft border and go back out. That has always worked for me
  5. Since i am the one using sniper and apparently doing good with it im gonna say what i think about your options: 1. They die pretty much always when spotted by a tank or sbh - Patch since they're now 100% luck based in close range since they already have insane spread 2. People never switch to carbine instantly and when they do they're usually dead by the time they can actually fire 3. I dont think the MG is that strong since it's pretty hard to get kills with it at times 4. Did you know that when you die your deadcam goes to the direction you been hit from - and it's pretty easy to spot one when you pay attention ( but yeah they do need to make the bullets more visible ) This topic was made by @Algol a guy that bitches and complain even when im tanking?! and idk why a sniper nerf is even relevant to this topic.. i mean he is complaining about hardware lul
  6. He is not talking about us sniping but doza and lcg's Nice topic btw
  7. I'm not "always" sniping or doing infantry i use a tank a lot aswel and i been playing this game for a long time and the old renegade, it's not my "golden age" i'm just having way more fun with this many players it feels actually like war, like the old renegade had always 60+ players sometimes it was so much fun and it felt very action pact, i understand that some people can't really deal with having so many targets at once infront of them. And i agree the tanking can be very frustrating on maps like snow, but small maps can be changed or removed, and for the mappers i would suggest to start mapping bigger maps like lakeside or Eyes because these maps are actually very "very" fun with 60 players. IDK where im going with this i just feel like if you make it 40 players nobody wants to do 10v10 so they probably just don't join any server and wait until they can join or just not play.. when people see the tank combat they expect very actionpact (atleast i do whenever i tank)
  8. 25 people in 1 server is terrible, the higher playercount makes sneaking less of a problem. I wouldn´t touch the player count tbh.. I wasn´t really a fan of it myself but now i got used to it and it feels a lot better, i remember having low populated servers, the servers constantly died out when a building got taken down by someone sneaking or nobody wanted to buy tanks, with the 60 playerlimit theres always 10/10 vehs - rushes look amazing like the RenX trailer showed. I must say that some maps aren´t really good for it but i never see anyone say anything about it anymore in the chat, I would keep this it´s not even always 30v30 and when it is it´s usually for a few games and people leave to do other stuff.
  9. This was a joke, i love this game
  10. "I'm sick and tired of poi and his dumb camping asshole" https://youtu.be/dmu--w99GX0?t=1524
  11. Not true it's entirely luck based now until you jump really close which usually you're already dead depends what you're facing.
  12. the person that was defending and got killed first called it out..
  13. It was called out instantly
  14. some people call it a sniper nerf i just call it more annoying to use
  15. Calvin

    Mesa Poll

    We did not have mrls rockets doing circles in the tunnels tho and remove the startfire ability it sooks ! I love this version of field the tunnels are so awesome (dat mine limit tho)!
  16. Calvin

    Mesa Poll

    The old mesa map was awesome the maps lasted longer and the veh combat was way more fun i suggest adding it back in im sure a lot of people (specially from old ren) will really love it. I dont care about the old field i only liked the tunnels in old field more, less tunnel whoring
  17. @DarkSn4ke I shall use mammoth tank
  18. i think it was 53-1 gehe:3
  19. Needed a good laugh I been using like 4 different names just because i like smurfing once in awhile and im pretty sure the rest you talking about are probably others that have their smurf times. And yes i smashed my keyboard for these names owo
  20. Yesterday is a great example i been harassed by multiple people for 70 mins long (full under game). They didn't play the game they were mostly afk with 10 kills and a few points. I usually keep my mouth shut but this time i gave them a few responds because they were blocking me in the airstrip preventing me from moving out etc full on TH.. We're a small community muting people for bad behaviour wouldn't hurt even banning them for a few days wouldn't hurt.. I just wish that there was more attention towards this because tbh im not enjoying this game as much as i used to anymore, I play this game to enjoy it not to get harassed all the fucking time. I did not wanna call names but seriously algol has been "KNOWN" for having a very bad behaviour always calling people faggots even niggers in game and still is even around or isn't even muted i don't fucking get it. I know this is server side stuff and should probably post on the server-forums about it and i probably will do that but it's a great example of how TOXIC this game got over the years.
  21. Calvin


  22. People should be able to play with who ever they wan't if 2/3 people are on ts they should be able to play together.. Theres nothing wrong with that ;o! I feel like some people just bitch and complain all the time even though they like to chat more in the game instead of actually playing the game which is fine but don't call the other team stacked if you don't do anything for your team. I seen that a lot people refusing to play seriously when they think the "teams" are "stacked" just please stop making useless topics like this lol. Just let people play the way they want and git gud. (the 2 sniper classes are fine btw, just don't run in a straight line and you'll be OK. >>ProTip<<) Enjoy!
  23. I think the rotation is working out very well so far Snow isn't that bad it's usually over within 10 mins and sometimes in 1 hour not that under doesn't have that problem >.>
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