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Everything posted by Calvin

  1. Calvin

    Flying around

  2. Calvin

    Flying around

  3. I feel like every server should have a standard rotation so every map gets played like in the old renegade which was very nice
  4. This guy keeps making votes about me - keeps harassing me in-game - trying to make other people vote kick me. Waiting for the day he gets the perm mute..
  5. Hey Algol welcome to the forums! Hope you have a great time crying on here aswell
  6. People say jpj boxes and me kill the server all the time. pls spare us:( btw wouldn't it be better to lock this topic now? it's just going nowhere at this point @yosh56
  7. Im guessing that person did not livestream and put videos on youtube?
  8. The funny thing is @ghjke watched my streams before when i played old Renegade and Ren-X i believe. He said he saw wallhack? And i also have multiple video's on youtube which he watched aswell.. He kept harassing me and jpj on teamspeak @Ukill had to move him out because it got pretty annoying and jpj got pretty angry by the things he said too us. I don't know why people think this is going to help their issue by just being a complete total dick too people that are just trying to enjoy the game.. And btw i don't know what else to do for proof that i'm not cheating i showed even my desktop on a livestream before. This guy is probably just trolling all of us for attention but 1 thing im getting tired of is the harassing ingame. At this point i don't even wanna play when they're ingame. Yes it got that bad same goes for @jpjtyld pretty sure. @ghjke Leave us alone pls and go record your poor gameplay and get some proof before harassing us. ~
  9. did anyone record from jeff's team?
  10. I had lots of fun! GG
  11. I might record my sniping skills in pugs just kidding i suck
  12. I prefer lights over artys in nod they are better in my opinion just depends how you're using them. < pro tanker whenever i tank so
  13. I really think it's bad that there are 2 lakeside versions in the rotation all we play is walls - field - lakeside - lakeside NF - islands - islands flying. It's so boring :<
  14. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ I vote for old complex
  15. I like Valley
  16. I was just kidding ryz! just be commander tonight so you can lead people which you clearly like to do
  17. Pro tip: shut your mouth and let the commander do the work for you
  18. @Ryz You should record yourself once and show us your top skill since you like to blame the teams for everything all the time.
  19. your respond
  20. @Schmitzenbergh you killed me here and @yosh56 nice shot
  21. I get it must be very frustrating getting sniped over and over again, but the pugs is all about fun in the end. the commanders picked teams and people need to learn to deall with how the teams were made. and make the best out of it, i bet with some better communication you guys had a chance to win, Meds were literally driving into our base on walls without getting noticed. You guys should have taken advantage of that and win. But no instead the whole pug that was "meant" to be for fun turned into a complain fest only because 2 players were on the same team, just get over it next time and play the damn game people. Try to not take this game too seriously. GGwp tho
  22. Good old ryz it's always the "team" the person that likes to make apc rushes when your base is getting fucked. I don't have the problem with not hearing people specially ryz because he is pretty loud with his ideas. (no offense ryz). And yes your team had all the "loud" people :> ahh well
  23. Canucck OP.
  24. I agree it's a bit frustrating but removing it entirely is like the worst thing i have ever heard about the tanks.. It has always been this way and i am pretty sure they won't change that. The chances of a tank headshotting you from across the map is like 2 out of the 10 times. Even at close range it's hard to get a headshot.. I really don't see the point of removing or nerfing it. Pretty sure the devs have other things on their minds.
  25. I had the same problem aswell contacted @Agent for it, I just tried it like 5 times and it finally worked outnowhere lol.
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