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Everything posted by Calvin

  1. Lots of people think this way and it's not true, Theres no way 1 player can do that maybe in a 10v10 but 20v20 30v30 nope. I think lots of people underestimate the teamplay needed in this game.
  2. I played a 12 hour under game in old Renegade Maybe try allowing a timer after 4 hours or so
  3. This is life while playing renx
  4. Over the years i seen many players leave because they don't like where the game is heading with all the nerfs and buffs - changes to characters like spread (it's not CS) - I feel like the community should be more involved with upcoming changes. polls would be a great idea to have an idea what people like and what they don't like. - Less toxicity. - Rules should be more clear in most servers and players not getting banned for stupid reasons like playing with their friends - responding to hate messages. No offense to the devs i have a lot respect for the dev team! but most of the devs are busy in irl barely play the game to really know what's broken and what's not broken, For them to decide that something needs to change is a lil bit odd. I get that they talk to a few people to kinda get a picture of what's going on. In my opinion that's just not how it should go. for this reason alone i feel like the community should have more of a voice on the forums and in polls. (again i have lots of respect for the devs and i'm so happy they're still working on this game )
  5. wish i could play with this high sens
  6. Usually when you do this people don't even have time to react.. I said this before but right now chems are broken and should probably get a nerf.
  7. Marksman is hitscan tho..
  8. this is what the renegade leaderboard looks like for the people that don't know (it gets updated every month) http://www.renegadeladder.com/
  9. Calvin


    Hey guys!:) Some people have been asking me to stream playing old renegade, There you go, I hope the people that asked for it enjoy it. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/208714341 < Longest part, mostly focussing on controlling the field https://www.twitch.tv/videos/208701432 < mostly in the tunnel sniping I haven't really played this game seriously for ageees so yeah i kinda suck :3
  10. I just got this one : https://www.amazon.de/Logitech-Daedalus-Prime-Gaming-schwarz/dp/B00OPR4TCE/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1511629863&sr=8-2&keywords=logitech+g303+daedalus+apex before i used this one: https://www.amazon.de/Logitech-Wireless-kabelloser-Powerplay-Aufladetechnologie-Lightspeed/dp/B07338LDKG/ref=sr_1_7_sspa?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1511629932&sr=1-7-spons&keywords=logitech+g900+chaos+spectrum&psc=1 Both very good would buy again
  11. Yeah most people are from EU and NA, I don't think we had clanwars in this game atleast not on a special website like old ren had. I miss being in WaRx was great fun with @HaTe
  12. Calvin


    I had many games where i had 50 deaths and my kd was under 1kd when i was destroying buildings with boi/boxes, I really don't care about my kd at all and idek how thats even becoming a thing with me.. If i really cared about my kd i wouldn't have so many current deaths and stay in long games where i have over 50deaths. The thing is i play 5 games get a bit tired but still go into the next game - get killed instantly when i buy a tank or character and leave because or i dont like the map / or im burned out. Again not because of my kd getting shit i dont give 2 fucks about that.. if i cared that much about my kd i wouldnt even join pugs because im probably gonna get hunted 10 times omygosh.. And the ego thing is bs, i barely talk ingame. Everyone calls people camper once. But when i do it it's suddenly becoming a big thing and the reason why im being hated. Just stop. This is the last time i react to topics like this because nothing seems to work anyways. See ya guys ingame:) Another useful topic ruined.
  13. Calvin


  14. w00t he is so good
  15. that would be gold
  16. If the double zoom didn't feel like shit, It would have been awesome.
  17. I was streaming the pug heres the tunnels game It was pretty fun
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