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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Calvin

  1. Three shots? THREE shots? How horrifying, somebody call the ambulance! We can't have a class in Renegade that takes a whole 3 shots to kill another unit, how unheard of is that!? THREE shots yes, yeah someone please! a sniper class that cost 500 has to take 3 shots on infantry that takes 0 credits. how unfair is that? and btw you're such a bitch + A sniper class that cost 1000 has to take 2 shots on infantry that takes 0 credits - how unfair is that?!. oh oh
  2. lol what ? Everything tier 2 and below still dies in one shot to the face. I mean bodyshots, i had a 500 sniper and it took me 3 shots to kill 1 engi. how much will the sniper be nerf'd in the future?
  3. Snipers are shit in beta 5. Its not even a sniper anymore lol just call it a marksman. 3 hits on engis ._, Really? In every game snipers are a bit OP never seen a game fucking up snipers this much - Really bad, i liked the game but im not so sure anymore. the game is dying and you guys make the process only faster with the shitty changes
  4. nvm fixed.
  5. so i downloaded beta 5 and tried redownloading it twice but i keep getting this error: http://imgur.com/SkpeBiG
  6. Damn i'm so jealous how smooth it runs lol.
  7. I agree with this, well said Minj!
  8. did pm it
  9. Hey, since a few days ago i have the problem that i can't see any server on the Renegade-X launcher anymore. I did try redownload twice but now i can't join anything anymore. Please help
  10. This^.
  11. Making crates less simplistic again is a thing that hopefully happens in the future. Kill streaks would be a really bad thing since it'd make the game even easier for camping sniperkids. Sniping isn't that easy when OP guns are coming for you. Mostly you have 1 chance to hit or you die specially vs a officer.
  12. In classic renegade rencorner you have a UAV crate. That would be cool in renegade X or just a uav killstreak. could you guys look into the 500 sniper rifle btw, it really sucks that it doesn't shoot sometimes or feels really buggy,
  13. can i use that pc once, i love the quality!
  14. Yeah that was obviously cheating, he said "they can't take it that i'm a pro sniper" looool.
  15. Yeah i know, i will probably try higher settings hope it works
  16. Hi guys! So i made my first Renegade X montage and figured i post it here see if people like it. This is my first montage i ever made in any game i did never edit any video's so dont rape my ass plx Cya guys in game and enjoy! < WATCH IN 1080p. EDIT.
  17. 1: The shotgun. It's so op people come at you like sonic and kill you in 1sec. 2: The ramjet. It has always been strong in normal renegade why do we have to change it. Why not put the damage back and make a vet system.. It's not for nothing a 1000char hehe. 3: Mendozas do have some speciall attack now? It almost take 1 hit to kill a havoc or sakura with it. Nerf that for a bit :0 So far i have 3 point but i will add more if i see things . Only playing since few days now
  18. alright thanks, i can play fine now:D
  19. I did try to reinstall but that did work for like 5 games untill i got it again But i figured the pc i used had 2 gb RAM wich is pretty low. Now i get it on a 8gb RAM so will be better i hope
  20. Now i get the problem that i cannot connect to the server host ._. this is bad haha
  21. Hey guys i can finally play without any fps lags and i have no problems ingame But when i wanna join a server it takes 5/6mins to join in 0.o am i the only one with that problem? Is their maybe a way to fix it? That would be great.. Please let me know! Thanks
  22. Hi. When i try to start the game it say "Built with UDK" Doesn't work. I did try Reinstalling Renegade-x - Reinstalling the Unreal Development Kit. I have no idea what to do and my pc can run it for sure!. Someone got the same problems and knows how to solve it? tell me haha. bye
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