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Everything posted by Calvin

  1. Calvin


    lol. Kaunas i agree that stacking is a big issue and ruins games, but i dont agree with this one. Pretty much everytime i seen Minji play in public servers she was farming kills with her sniping. idk about boxes because he likes to join under player names nowadays. Also i have like 6x her veh kills admittedly i have more games played but not much, just because she doesn´t snipe as often in pugs doesn´t mean she doesn´t play like i do and mostly snipe in public games. also please stop comparing players to make something seem worse or less. Again i dont give a shit if they stack, the thing that has always bothered me was the fact that they do exactly the same. and feel the need to flame other people for doing so. just because apparently they dont snipe often doesn´t make it less annoying. im sure for tankers it can be quite annoying when some of the top tankers are stacking together with also a personal rep bitch. 80% win chance right there. They gotta stop acting like they´re saints and never do the same thing they hate as well or belittle the issue by saying they don´t play as often because statistically I DIDN´T PLAY MUCH TOO. and i have double almost tripppppple the games played compared to jp.. HMM i stack every game? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- also @MintLemonade just stop, you claim to get harassed by a smurf name woah what a tragic thing to happen. It's not like you gave someone a hard time for first treating their friends badly by removing some of them. after that you decided to hate them for stacking for the longest time (funny you do the same thing) totally okay because you claim to not play as much amirite. and last but not least you get yourself muted because you decide to shuff your face into someones personal life and flames Jp for being friends with someone. Just admit that you stack and break games yourself you and I know very WELL that you also like stacking with your little friend group. sometimes 1 at a time. but you usually dont play alone for long. "i tried being nice havoc, im done with that now" shook it's not like you got yourself muted already anyway.
  2. Calvin


    There's 2 kinds of stacks one that finishes games under 5 mins if possible and one that only plays infantry and don't care if they win or lose. Remember awhile ago on reservoir, you guys literally rushed us with 4 apcs in no time, and ended the game shortly after. and nobody said a thing, if it was me and jp they would have given us a hard time about it. Also that's something i wouldn't do with the people i play with. My biggest issue about the whole stacking isn't that you guys stack as well, it's that people dont actually say anything about whenever you guys stack, it's always jp and me. And im not talking about you here but theres also a few people from the famous CT stack that whined like crazy even went personal after i started playing with my friends. But they do exactly the same.. I might be the thing i hate.. but atleast im not giving people a hard time when they decide to play together. (not saying that you did that) but some of the people that also like to stack did.
  3. Calvin


    Ok so.. since im gonna be gone fairly soon for months anyway and probably never touch this game again im gonna say whats been on my mind lately About stacking: God where do I begin about this topic... especially during the past couple years it’s been used quite a lot. I just think it's hilarious that certain people only whine about known names being on the same team and not when there’s an actual stack going on. I’m not gonna point any fingers but some people that complain about it are guilty of it themselves and do it in a way more tragic compared to me and my friends. I’ve just had enough of it! Today for example while we were playing on field X there was a clear stack team going on. We lost a building around 5 mins and we were getting completely destroyed.. funny how nobody said a word that time.. but I guarantee if my friend swapped shit would have gone down. That’s also my biggest issue, none of these cry babies cry when there’s actually a stack going such as the CT stack. it’s pretty well known that it’s still going on btw. But like people said people don’t call them out because they're not very good at aiming, however they're good tankers and good at ( "sneaking" <lol.) I’ve been around since the beginning and this community has literally turned into a QQ fest about something so hilarious really.. the best thing about this is most of these people are guilty of it too, especially the people from the CT stack. I do say some of them aren't stacking but I’m not naming anyone in this. I’m not doing this to attack anyone. I’m just kinda ranting about what I feel has made this game dull for myself and many others. About The Community: I think most of the shit I’ve been getting was justified, especially from the ultra anti stackers and the ones that truly believe I’m breaking the game in doing so (again they aren't paying attention to the real issue as well) but yeah.. This community has become obsessed with hating certain people and will do anything to make their gaming experience absolutely miserable. Lately I’ve been personally attacked by a couple people about real life stuff, stuff which has nothing to do with the game and should NEVER be allowed in a game. What do the mods about it? Nothing, they just stare at the chat. Maybe giving a mute after several months or something, which is also really making me laugh. I’ve never been attacked in any game this much, god damnit I’ve been playing this game since the beginning. I’ve seen this game at its prime and omg it was so nice, it was fun and everything felt perfect. But the next generation of players in this game is just disgusting and toxic beyond belief. Again I’m not saying I don’t deserve any hate but if they do hate please don’t allow it to be personal, it’s just a fucking game. About The Game: For years people have spent a shit lot of time trying to balance everything out to the point where inf combat and everything felt good and was working, that's no longer the case the devs decided to completely ruin all the work they did on balancing and made it completely different basically making stuff like fartlands and marksman broken again (not to mention everything else thats broken now). it's stupid and its driving old school players away and just wasn't necessery, the player count i do admit it made games a lot more fun when it comes to combat but not the performance which should be the priority in the current year we're living in, nobody is gonna play a game where they get under 60 fps lol. also most maps are terrible, i dont wanna shit on the mappers or devs i appreciate their work but seriously Oasis is garbage clearly hasnt been tested in the beginning and some maps also are a complete stalemate totally not well made for any kind of tank combat in anyway, AGAIN not bashing the devs for their hard work i wouldnt be here since the beginning if i hated the game and everything about it. bottom line this game is in a truely bad state and i hope the devs will open their eyes about certain changes and dont try to benefit the bad players, they will get better eventually. no need to make the game noob friendly that way there wont be any new players with the drive to get better and the population would go down. ALSO : fog is awful remove it. about the devs: I respect your hardwork and dedication to making this game better and amazing for everyone, although I do miss the old devs. I feel like the devs currently working on the game are aiming for the wrong things. (again that’s just my opinion and how I view things) For example, the CQC mutator was implemented to counter the Elites, they said that it was supposed to make the elites less of a problem so that the noobs wouldn’t complain as much. That’s not how it should ever be. I think that the focus is at the wrong place. You guys should focus on the peaks this game had and when and what you guys had during that time, I know this game lost the majority of it’s players when the ddos attacks happened but I also think some of the changes made during that time caused people to leave, do whatever you want with this btw but maybe it's good for you guys to kinda go back and see what’s different, and maybe roll back some of the changes you made. < this might be me being naive about the chance this game has of a revival but maybe it’s worth a try. OK SO: This topic was fully my opinion and how I view things and my frustration towards this game, see it as trying to help. I’ve been around since the beginning, I’ve seen this game rise and FALL... again I’m not attacking anyone with this, I’m just being honest and letting out what I’ve bottled up for so long. i know i sound a bit aggressive but i been putting up with this for so long And when i return from where i have to be for 4 month and i decide to give this game another try, i will certainly stop stacking and work on the issues people have with me in this community.
  4. can't stop listening to this!
  5. Yes i did have a talk with Yumi and i decided to stop playing with my friends and swap against them, i stopped doing it because i was still being blamed for decent people swapping to my team. I remember even getting upset when @jpjtyld swapped by accident because i thought he was stacking with me. he later swapped back. I stopped caring about it because i got attacked countless times for something i did not do at the time and the people that were throwing personal attacks/ bullying me were not being punished for their actions. I do love the game otherwise i wouldn't be here since a closed beta tester.. but most people that complain about stacking often do it even when it's not stacked. some people expect me to swap everytime when a team is one sided i dont think anyone would like having to swap almost every single game. I hope there will be a fix for stacking soon. And i hope mods will enforce the rules more against toxicity.
  6. this mod makes avarage players good and good players amazing. also so much for making everything balanced for years and throwing it away just like that 😪
  7. Med rushes were still being used until the commander buff came around and now everyone constantly wants to do infantry rushes ~ I think every map has a certain area that needs to be controlled if it's controlled well that team will most likely win. There are some people that think snipers just killwhore and don't try to actually win but against a decent team of tankers you "need" snipers to stop their hotties/techs from repping them, that way you can call out that they're out of reps and usually take back the field. Using mobi's/doza's in the field to stop their tanks from focus firing your team mates tanks is also a really good strat (specially doza's) they're fast and can usually get some poke done before they get shot and "usually" get away without taking any damage. I think ever since the commander buff became a thing infantry rushes are being over used you don't see that many tank rushes anymore, especially in public matches. I do miss that kinda playstyle in the game seeing 10 meds just drive out instead of 10 rocket soldiers.
  8. Nod tends to win aircraft maps because of the bullshit stank lock on being so overpowered against air, in the meantime Apaches can easily dodge mrls rockets the only real counters are Mammoth rockets (because you can't dodge these) and pics. I prefer orca's the ONLY reason i would want apaches over orca's is because of stanks. Also giving one lighter armour would be such a bad idea they already feel like paper with everything that can counter them.. hell even soldiers deal decent damage to them 🤣
  9. I blame intralism for having this as a song in the game lmao
  10. The only staff member from FPI that i had a conversation with about the "stacking" issue was Tomujain and btw i contacted him first about this matter, i don't ignore people, if i respond in public games i just get swarmed by hate comments. (and none of you do something about this) All i do whenever im in game is shooting heads, if that's what you meant by "behaviour" over the years i got pretty good at ignoring the people that are rude to me or say things that don't make any sense.. Ye but never it caused people to be rude to me at this level since FPI came out with the stacking rule, they're ALWAYS targeting me, they never let me just enjoy the game, offcourse i ignore them but i still read. I feel like you haven't really been noticing the "effort" i put into this after the conversation with tomujain, as i expected. all you do is complaining about the times me and jp/sarah are on the same team, please just let people play and enjoy the game. In every game people are going to be salty stop trying to control everything. this is to all the fpi staff. not just you
  11. I wasn't gonna say anything but i feel like i need to respond to this The moderators mainly pay attention to elite players on the same team -- if i count the times i been accused/personally attacked/basically called anything bad in your server while mods were around ingame.. I would lose count. the only thing you did with the stacking rule was brainwashing people into thinking that it's actually breaking the game!. I been around since the release of renegade-x I seen REALLY good people around and i seen insane stacking, NEVER have i ever seen as much complaining about stacking. To me this is very sad i been a 100% supporter of renx since the beginning, and it's truly making me sad that i see that this is where renx heading, all you see ingame is people being extremely rude to 2/3 people because they're on the same team... im sure most "elite" players will end up quitting joining public games or might never return. truly sad (i have so much more to say but my english isn't very good in large topics and getting my point across) this is it for now.
  12. about the snow thing me and water got stuck there and water slowly died (my health was going down but water repaired me)
  13. Just restart the download it will keep the progress that usually works
  14. I completely agree with boxes most people that are good at infantry are very aware and can probably own with a tank
  15. Same.. it was such a big advantage 🤡
  16. Welcome cazembe I remember your name from old ren! nice to see you here, I used Puma and many other names If you need help with anything just pm me Hf!
  17. Mobius isn't much better imo i been playing lots of doza against mobis
  18. The games were so much more fun with the 40 player limit.. I suggest bringing that back 👼
  19. I don't think mammys are too strong, Judging by the amount of times i seen nod win without having tanks ~
  20. The reason why the apache works much better compare to the Orca is because GDI doesn't have stealth tanks, Fighting against stealth tanks is so frustrating specially in Lakeside the lock on is extremely broken and you basically cannot dodge the rockets like you can with the MRLS for example. If the enemy has 2 stealth tanks together on lakeside you cannot leave the base with orca's or else you will just die pretty much instantly by stanks + sbhs.. in my opinion the apache is fine the reason why it's much better is because of gdi not having a proper lock on tank like the stank. All i do is flying on all the flying maps and i prefer nod even tho i like the orca's more but the stanks just make me wanna swap
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