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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. Yup, Happy independence day to our fellow Americans!
  2. Although Renegade 2007 isn't working on the W3D engine, the team has also prepared a little treat for the Renegade community. We've prepared Renegade model replacements for the Personal Ion Cannon and Laser Rifle's first person models. Note, the 3rd person models will not change due to the high polygon count of the replacements. Here's the download link to the replacements: http://files.filefront.com//;7874002;;/ We weren't able to add the specular maps, so they weren't included. Also, the actual gun textures doesn't have shadows - UE3 automatically adds those, W3D doesn't. Here are the previews!
  3. Now that's a great idea, Titan. A minute before the game, just discussing strategies. For the clan warriors like myself, that'd be a good gift, cause indeed the beginning of the game is the most important part. Also yeah, it'd be cool if we had a "press Q" feature, which brings up the drawing map.
  4. It sounds cool. Only problems I see are... #1. There's barely any instances where you have enough people in the same place that can carry out a demonstration for a massive plan. You just doesn't happen to have a handful of people able to stay around this board unfortunately.. people are too busy doing other things (defending, repairing, etc) #2. Communication won't be very hard in Renegade 2007, with a built in voice comm. It might be better, because you'll have the whole team listening and playing at the same time, as you speak. What we could do however, is put a map of the level accessible by pressing a button. (like Q)
  5. Weapons factory as well as all the other buildings are all modeled/being modeled. Sorry bro. Did you do the scripts for your C&C maps? They might be useful for our project.
  6. Yup yup On certain maps like Last_Stand we'll be having the Construction Yard, and Guard Towers will be on some custom maps.
  7. Hey bro. Thanks for redirecting him here. His scripts would be very useful to us.
  8. Yeah the boink sound will definitely be integrated. I feel it's one of the main parts of the game
  9. Haven't really thought of any of that. I think gore would be pretty cool, having a guy step on some mines and blowing up.
  10. Would be great, I can't wait to get my hands on that game. That'll also let us get some rigging done.
  11. Nosebleed was cool but I think this looks more professional.
  12. It's too wide; needs to be the same shape and size
  13. They're saying UT3 will be released September, that's in about 4 months
  14. Welcome to our forum People really need to check out the Q&A section before asking random questions. Visiting our website will definitely help you with the questions.
  15. I said being a fan, not being a freak.
  16. The new Linkin Park album, Minutes to Midnight
  17. Like I said on MSN, Viking, being a fan is more than enough to help us get motivated to finish this mod.
  18. There's no need for any of that bro. We've got a lot of modellers that will handle that.
  19. The Reborn team (including myself) have been working quite hard on the C&C Reborn mod for the W3D engine. We are now at the beta testing stage... here is Reborn's latest ingame trailer: http://youtube.com/watch?v=JveryqwAQIU
  20. You have to be either a member or freelancer to make assets for the team. Can we see some past work you've done?
  21. I hope Titan drops that message by soon. Anyways a regulator is probably something we'll want close to release. Don't worry about it for now, we'll get to you when we need one.
  22. Suggestion about those maps, we're trying to conserve Renegade's original gameplay, so our custom maps are actually planned to be quite similar. We don't want really big maps because they tend to lose gameplay, even in a big server. CnC Bathroom would sound like a good snipers-only map... Ren had a few good ones.
  23. Wow bro you look like a really professional. I've never had someone apply for such a position before. I'll talk to the other guys on the team, you look like you'd be useful in one way or another. Some wallpapers and stuff will be cool, we've already made a few. Considering you do wallpapers and 'graphical' work, do you have any experience in texturing? Welcome to the forums man, enjoy your stay.
  24. He was a good actor and definitely the father of RA2 acting. Rest in peace buddy.
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