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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. Yeah I'll be hosting an official server for this mod when it's done. The costs will be shared between me, my brother, and anyone else willing to donate (namely NE clan and team members)
  2. Welcome That sounds really awesome, be sure to keep us posted
  3. The team didn't recommend RenX... somebody recommended using the Renegade tools, which are obviously for Renegade. We dont deal with that stuff here.
  4. Please advertise your toolbar in a different thread... this thread is about Mod DB. It is a very profile nice by the way. Like Titan said, sign up on Mod DB and "watch us"
  5. We're aiming more for a fast-paced game, going prone doesn't really suit Renegade's gameplay. However, we will be introducing a server-side option for duck-and-cover.
  6. I guess you'll have to look for a tutorial. Making a map can't be explained in 1 sentence, or even a few paragraphs. It is a very long process that needs practice.
  7. Hey PermaGrin, it's great to see you as always. And yeah I told you about this mod in late 2005, I can still remember our conversation about it. Unless I'm mistaken I think the texture sizes we're using is 2048 x 2048 Polygon count for vehicles is anywhere between 2000-4000 We most likely won't be modelling the interiors of vehicles Of course the UT3 engine can handle a bigger polygon count, but as a Renegade-like mod, it was necessary to lower the polygon count by a bit. The game will demand large tank battles, infantry battles, etc all on one screen. (Example, anyone remember C&C_Field? All fighting was on one screen). So in order to get a massive amount of players ingame, with many vehicles and weapons firing at each other, and have the game run smoothly all at the same time, we needed to lower the polycount by a few hundreds.. Of course some of our models will even have normal maps and specular maps, which are both great affects, and will contribute to the visuals. As for the MRLS, the model is already being made. The Flame tank has been modelled and unwrapped. So for those 2 vehicles we're basically fine in terms of models. You're more than welcome to freelance for us though, we do need some textures.
  8. Well yeah it does sound like a video-game, that's what we were aimimg for. A mixture between rock and techno.
  9. Yeah, even before our project we were aware of a C&C-UT community consisting of a few hundred people. Saga, if you want you can inform these guys about our project, go right ahead. This isn't a secret anymore, so there's nothing wrong with giving our info away. We just dont want any colossal announcements on major sites until we are very far in progress. Im sure there are a lot of people in the UT community who would be anxious for our mod.
  10. Well Vin, the same poll is also hosted on RADEN, which is a wholly Red Alert website. You'd obviously think the people who visit it daily have a bias for RA3. And actually a lot of Renegade players arnt C&C fans... I know a tonne of them that havn't played the original but love the game. Considering FPS is a close second, it's still quite a valid poll. I want you guys to vote FPS on other computers as well, and maybe tell your friends to vote FPS.
  11. Vote FPS on a different computer
  12. http://cncden.com/ There's a new poll on CnC Den. The new DEN poll Question asks: What would you like to see next for the C&C Universe of Games? The choices are: a)First Person Shooter b)Red Alert3 c)Expansion for C&C3 d)C&C MMORG I'd like to use the results of this poll as a statistic.. this number will show the general percentage of people who anticipate a First Person Shooter. As a member of the C&C FPS community, and as a member for a C&C mod for an fps game, I voted choice A. I recommend the rest of you take 5 seconds and vote for First Person Shooter Tell your friends as well, this would be a very useful statistic for us!
  13. Like Renegade's. Please refrain from making simple question threads like this, we have a Q&A section
  14. Well guys I wouldn't worry about a pure C&C mod just yet, we'll be revealing our plans on this topic soon enough.
  15. Harbir we understand, there's a lot of members here from Reborn and APB team. Anyways as I said in my previous post I am very excited and happy to see EA's interest in our mod.
  16. EA Predator- It is my highest honour and my greatest joy to see your company's pursuit of interest in Renegade 2007. This project started out as a dream many moons ago, and has finally become a reality. After seeing your post here, I went outside and danced in the streets. We are very happy to see support for Renegade 2007, and we are exstatic to see EA's recent blessings to our favourite series, Command & Conquer. All of your requests have entirely been underway. Feel free to browse through our forum and check out our work. And believe me, I will make sure this team keeps you updated on every major event that happens.
  17. Well having the buildings come tumbling down creates quite a few problems. Firstly, respawn points. Im pretty sure its hard to respawn under the rubble of a destroyed building. Even if somehow the respawn points are taken away (which would require some unnecessary scripting), the buildings a player can spawn in is less. Imagine if you only had one building left, a couple good guys from the other team can do A LOT of killing if they know exactly where players will be coming from. Secondly is the purchase terminals... these are scripted windows, and again would take a chunk of work to make these disapear. Thirdly, destroyed buildings are still used as a strategic outpost for the defending team. Many times I've been on City Flying, where we'd only has a barracks left. I'd ask the players to get good anti-vehicle units and perch themselves in high, strategic locations, including destroyed buildings. Fourthly, they are a strategic outpost for the apposing team. Again, on City Flying, stealth tanks can reach a destroyed Weapons Factory without being hit by the AGT. Since they use it as a "barrier", they can make their way to the refinery, or even the powerplant, without being hit much. If the buildings collapsed, you wouldn't be able to do reach certain places in the enemy base when defenses are up. Not to mention, destroyed buildings are the perfect places to hide in/by if you're alone in an enemy base with a sniper, or a nuke.
  18. Yeah we are aware of the Make Something Unreal contest, anyhow this is good news all together,
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