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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. That wasn't final Jeep, it was just talk.. I think the final decision by Epic was that mods will not be playable by consoles.
  2. Well I've gotten and enjoyed the past 2 UT games. I wasn't specifically planning to buy UT3, but with Renegade 2007 on the line, I'll have to buy UT3 just for Ren2007!
  3. This has been finished for a while, but with some touch ups and a good render, we've decided to post it here. The Personal Ion Cannon is GDI's strong weapon, an anti-everything gun. It's carried by Sydney. Model by Ric, Unwrap and texture by Soviet Deso
  4. I didn't have a thorough look, but from what I've seen and read about it, it looks cool.
  5. That's cool, but this isn't Reborn anyway.
  6. I saw your previous work... I think you'll be a great asset to the team
  7. You can easily get a paypal at http://www.paypal.com All you need is a bankcard. PM me your MSN. Even if this server doesn't become made, it's still a handy tool
  8. Well there's this and the Command & Conquer piece. If Chicajo's willing to do more for us, then we will get more. :wink:
  9. Well guys, Chicajo's back - with a new song! It is a remix of Frank Klepacki's "I Got a Present for ya!", a song featured in Command and Conquer Renegade. This is the second remix made by Chicajo, and just like all of his work, it is fantastic. Here is the song! http://www.chicajo.com/GAPFY_HiVoltage.mp3
  10. It turned out very nice Havoc. And its true - most people will agree that the C&C Renegade Humvee design was crap. Its gun looked like crap, and the vehicle had almost no resemblence to a real Humvee. At the same time, we wanted to stick to Renegade's non-realistic, arcadey feeling, so we didn't want to actually make a real Humvee. So this is basically our own design.
  11. Parts of the Humvee (including a whole new Normal Map and Texture) have been redone! Check out the first post
  12. Incase you guys didn't know, the Renegade 2007 project has its own freelancing system. Basically, it is made for people who do not have enough time to join our dev team, but STILL want to help out. A freelancer is given a project to do (model, texture, unwrap, etc) and they hand it back to us. Freelancers are credited for their work, and rewarded. A freelancer can do any work he or she wants, however I just wanted to say that at the moment the Nod APC Unwrap is on high priority. Renardin has offered to texture our Nod APC, but it needs to be unwrapped before he can do that. The rest of the team at the moment is too busy cooking up something special (hint, hint) so they are unable to aid them. If you are interested in doing this piece of work, contact me immediately. All work will be appreciated, credited, and rewarded.
  13. No problem... you don't have to read everything just the first post. Now to answer your questions- Changing character classes will work the same. If you have enough credits, you go to the purchase terminal and buy the character you want. As for destruction of buildings, like we said there won't be a full collapse of the building, but there will obviously be parts of the building that WILL break. Holes in the wall, cracks, ruined things, etc.
  14. Show me the money, and we'll get a bigger server. If not, then we're settling with 28 (which isn't small). I can't even handle $30 monthly (let alone 50) by myself, which is why we're asking for donations. As for fanmaps... I used to have three servers: -Public /24 -Sniping /16 -Fanmaps /20 The Public server (aka [NE]Public Warzone) was always full. It had the Core Patch maps (Siege, Last Stand, etc) but other than the few maps that come with Core Patch, it didn't have any fan maps. It was always full, and competed with the biggest names. The sniper server usually had a few people in it... usually not more than 9 people. It had about 6 or 7 on average. Fanmaps server had no one... absolutely nobody. Even with an a0 nick. For the month we got it, I think my clan members were the only ones to play on it. This was 2 years ago, when Renegade's players were double the size they are today. With Renegade's numbers quickly decreasing, most fanmaps servers fail except for the big names (UNRULES, Jelly-Server, etc.) Even back then the case wasn't different. We even had the mappacks very easily available, and spent a month telling the public to get it. Indeed the server was depressing, and was a big waste of our money, donations, and time. If we were to get a server of our own, I would highly recommend using Standard maps as well as Core Patch ones. Those count to about 20 maps in total, most of the people have them all. We can always do a "fan maps friday" or something, that's not out of the question... but a 24/7 fan maps server isn't a good idea at this time.
  15. Saga made a proposition: -28 player server -Free a0 nickname -$60 minus a $10 discount comes out to 50 bucks -Located in Texas, generally good ping -They set everything up for us (we dont have to do anything, just pay the money) I'm pretty good friends with Saga and his Borgamers community.. I say we go for this deal.
  16. I think it's the other way around actually :?
  17. Fl00d3d and his TSU Gaming Community made an offer to me and Renegade 2007: We can get a server with 28 player slots, for $49 U.S, which is just under our $50 limit. As a bonus, we would get the a00000004 nickname for free. That nickname is one of the best; it puts our server on the first half of the first screen on the WOL menu. The catch? We would have to share it with another couple servers. So basically, we'd have the nickname for a few weeks, then give it off to another server. They'd keep it for a couple weeks, etc. and it rotates. We'd basically get 2 weeks every month with that nickname, if only 3 servers sign up (right now only 1 is signed up). The plus side, however, is that when we get that nickname, our server will be COMPLETELY booming. Even when we don't get it, people would eventually learn the name of our server, and find it on the server list if they like playing on it. The server's frames per second is locked at 60sfps, and there is supposedly no lag; top line pings. I think this is a good deal, considering we'd get the server nickname for free. Most people nowadays have been selling nicknames for more money than actual servers - making a business out of it. Unless we don't find a better deal than this, we will be signing up for it.
  18. 28 player for $35 is a great deal. Unless we can find better we'll probably take that! We need to find an a00 host now
  19. Hence why I said "No offense to BHS, they are doing a great job!" An independant none-profit team like them have done an awesome job on an engine that seemed to hopeless.
  20. Hey guys. There's been some talk in the air about having our own C&C Renegade server, to advertise for our mod Renegade 2007. Our Dev. team over at R07 believe in sticking close to our community. Each of us already contributes to the great game C&C Renegade in our own way, and we want to give our community everything we can to keep it alive. With a C&C Renegade server hosted by the Renegade 2007 Mod Community, each of us will be devoted to continuing the legacy of this C&C Community. However, we do need YOUR help! Before making this official, we will need to find a low-rates server host, as well as some possible donations. Anyone whom is able to find a good server deal under $50 American per month should post information here right away. The host with the lowest rates will be used. We are looking to use a 28 player server. If you can donate any amount of money (ALL donations are appreciated), post here immediately and private message me your MSN address and Paypal account. All donations must be at least $5 American. Rewards! To all donators, the Renegade 2007 team will reward full-time Moderator status for the month they contributed! Donators will also be given access to join any Renegade 2007 Dev Team ingame gatherings. Every few weeks, our team will lock the server and have organized and professional fun games with each other. Donating to the server will get all contributers a 1-way ticket to a very fun game with very professional players. If you want to go one step higher in the Renegade 2007 Community, either post the best server deals you can find, or donate. Even if it's as little as $5, we will accept it, and you will receive your rewards!
  21. UT's Unreal Engine uses its own anti-cheat stuff... it's far better than Renguard too (No offense to BHS, they are doing a great job!) The system that finds you cheating automatically bans you from all of the protected servers... so basically 0 cheaters. And even if your server isn't using an anti-cheat program, it's easy to find cheaters on UT. All admins need to do is use spectator mode.
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