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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. Mike Verdu says: "We readily acknowledge that there are some inconsistencies in the fiction, and we agree that these need to be resolved over time. To some degree, these issues are a byproduct of something really good: The enduring nature of C&C. The world of the C&C Tiberium games is a wonderfully compelling place; the richness and complexity of that world is a result of many different creative contributors who have developed and extended the world for more than a decade (since the release of the original game). The community has even had a role in that process. We tend to view these fiction problems in that context -- errors that have crept in as the universe has evolved, the result of a shared creative endeavor between multiple game teams and other creative contributors. Our vision of this amazing world continues to expand and evolve& a process that isn't going to stop any time soon. However, we do acknowledge the need to keep the canon as consistent as possible so we're all building on a sound foundation. Bottom line: We admit there are discrepancies and we acknowledge that we need to address those issues over time. However, all that being said, our community forums are not the best place to fix these fictional differences over the long haul. Ultimately we have to understand what we need to address and then we'll tackle these topics in future installments of Tiberium game fiction, bringing the fiction into alignment over time."
  2. Tiberium crystals are actually being made by a team member Anyways how high poly are those models?
  3. Yeah fnkqrrm works and always has worked, but same with just typing "extras".
  4. Fnkqrrm was made up you know... all you needed to type was "extras" in F8. "extras fnkqrrm" is just a misconception someone made up once upon a time. We'll do some extras once we get the other characters done, but extras will be a server-side option. And they'll most likely be different from Renegade's.
  5. Yeah, the SSM will make an appearance on some custom maps.
  6. Random objects like the walls, ramps, pedestal, etc., they're all already made...
  7. Wow I totally can't wait to use that gun. It's awesome!
  8. -Get a new computer -Play UT3
  9. Having trouble texturing metal surfaces? Here's a simple tutorial for experienced texture artists on making hard surfaces. http://www.game-artist.net/forums/spotligh...e-painting.html
  10. Looks like a pretty cool mod. I remember downloading and playing the General's mod "The First Tiberian War (TFTW)", which was a Generals conversion to TD. I didn't like that one that much, it had a lot of bugs, and a lot of the buildings and units didn't look very good. It also ran super slowly.
  11. Actually Titan, UT3 will have some of the greatest AI of all of next gen. We all know how good the UT 2004 AI was. They had realistic aim, they got into tanks, they followed radio commands, etc. UT3 will be introducing a campaign mode to the UT series as well, so that forces them to make their AI's even better. AI's are not a problem. Arty should stay the same, it was many people's favourite unit. I love it how it is: Slow, long ranged, powerful, easy to use and perfect. All of Renegade's units and weapons were "point and shoot" based, except the grenadier, which is why a lot of people suck at using it.
  12. Yeah we have an airstrip, you will see it soon. And don't bother making things we don't have, unless you apply as a team member or a freelancer.
  13. I have an Xbox 360, which means if this were to happen, I'd be able to play Renegade 2007 on a large screen. Whether or not the gaming is cross-platform, I'm sure there'll be a few people playing the mod over X360.
  14. 3ds max. If you don't know how to use it... then don't bother lol. It takes years to perfect.
  15. Wow that looks like it took you a lot of time to do!
  16. We don't need you to donate until we have enough donators.
  17. I would but it doesn't work.
  18. It's a personal teamspeak for the AlienX corporation, so no :?
  19. The game's already done. Please don't use the teamspeak for your own personal needs.
  20. First of all it is a mod, not a game. Secondly all donations have to be a minimum of over $5 American, simply because Paypal takes money for every donation. So we have to get at least 5 dollars from the donation. 1. Dev team are for developers, not for donaters. 2. It is a mod, all mods are free. Duh. 3. We don't know yet. 4. It'll be very rarely locked, and yes, you'll be able to join. 5. Yes 6. It's not out yet, but you'll be able to download it. 7. Everyone will get the mod when it's done.
  21. We've already found a better deal than all of those, but we don't have the money. And we don't have a release date... UT3 isn't even out.
  22. A seam is when you see a pattern when the texture is tiled. "Seamless" textures is when they can be tiled perfectly.
  23. It makes a difference because usually people join the first available server they see. I used to run a server, and when we had a good nickname we were always full. But when we didn't have a good nickname, people rarely joined.
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