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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. It's nothing 1 person can do, I guess it depends on how many people are visiting our database everyday.
  2. On our Mod DB in the statistics section, there are mod ranks. Does anyone know what they mean, and what they represent? If anyone's curious, our Rank says 7 of 6,802.
  3. Hey Berend, thanks for the support, always a pleasure to hear from a fan.
  4. Obviously it wasn't a big success, it was never even advertised and it was released by EA at the same time as MoH: AA, which was advertised like mad at the time Renegade was released. Heck, Renegade even came with a MoH: AA demo. EA also dropped support of it after the Westwood employees were fired off, so all of the promises (to fix the bugs, to release new maps with new features, and to make a sequel) were trashed.
  5. We have uploaded some of our latest WIP (work in progress) images and also our November media update video. To go along with this we added links to each image in the gallery under the comments, there you can discuss and follow each model as they are made from scratch, giving us more feedback on what you see posted here, along with plenty of other images not seen here. We are planning on a big media release on Christmas day, including our 2nd podcast and an interview with Steppo from Planet C&C.
  6. I'm sure they will add a C&C mode, but what made Ren special wasn't just C&C mode, it was the little things like having beacons instead of superweapons used anywhere, having fast paced gameplay rather than slow-paced realism, MCTs, timed c4 for every infantry, etc.
  7. From the C&C Reborn forums: As much as I'd excited for a C&C FPS, I think putting "Battlefield" or "GRAW" gameplay is a disgrace to C&C mode. One of the main reasons why C&C mode was so fun in Renegade was because it was different from these games that are completely based on realism. Battlefield 2 and such games are dying way faster than Renegade is, because they're slow paced games. Ren's gameplay was very brilliant, it just wasn't recognized, and thats what were doing for Ren07. That kind of gameplay is just so intense. Especially when both teams are collaborating. A match can last for 3 hours, and you wouldn't even notice that time just flew by. Also most FPS games now a days are based wayy to much on realism, so having a more arcadish gameplay feels a bit fresh even though it has been done. A player wants to be able to go out on the field and to some damage, rather than go out, get hit by one bullet and die. That just becomes annoying
  8. My choices are Renegade X, Renegade Now, Renegade 08 or sticking with good ol' Ren07.
  9. I didn't mean to spill the beans, but I'm pretty excited. Why? Because we've got a big media release coming soon. That's right boys and girls, ANOTHER one. In celebration of the upcoming holiday season, we will be releasing new renders, a podcast, a Planet CNC interview, and much more! You can check out some of our upcoming work at the Live WIP within the next few days and weeks ... but we're not showing everything. What's a party without a surprise? So keep up with our site and forums, and happy holidays from the Renegade 2007 team. Oh yeah, don't forget to vote Renegade 2007 in the Moddb Mod of the Year contest!
  10. Yeah I agree with Hubb- when there are more people in the server, you and your buddy/buddies don't have much of an impact anymore. To get good teamplay in a big server, you'd need *everyone* working together, and in some cases that's 25 people.
  11. I don't think 7v7's were lame, in fact in a clan war, games with that size were extremely intense with everyone working together. Our mod will be able to cope with a lot of players, not sure about 70 player servers, but I dont think 40 player server and such will be a problem for us. The problem with big games in the original Renegade is, I usually join Renegade when I am with some friends. It's hard to do some major damage with 3 or 4 good-teamworkers in a large server - but since Renegade 2007 will have voice communication, I'm expecting some pretty good teamwork to come out of it.
  12. Got my vote! (obviously)
  13. I'd actually like that one... I fucking hate it when the server spawns me in the Barracks on C&C_Complex 5 times in a row when Nod is whoring the living hell out of the entrance with Artys and Sakuras.[/b] But that's part of the fun If you were trying to get an enemy building secretly and encounter the usual one or two guys there, they'd just keep spawning in that building till they can get rid of you. Makes it much harder to actually destroy a building from infiltration.
  14. Wouldn't you be able to play Renegade 2007 with other PS3 owners?
  15. Yeah this will never be released, we will be working on it for the rest of our lives. But we might release a 0.001 or a 0.0015. But we might also do is release it when hell freezes over. Which is the same release date for Reborn.
  16. Topic says it all ^^ I'll be getting Unreal Tournament 3 soon, maybe in about a month, with a new Computer. What about you?
  17. http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/928117.asp Game Rankings takes the game ratings from all the major gaming websites and finds the average score. The average score for Unreal Tournament 3 is now at an 85%
  18. http://ren2007.totemarts.net/Files/R07_Preview01.wmv This is a video of all of our finished work thus far. We have not included the Obelisk because it will be revamped, and we haven't included the Barracks because the interior hasn't been finished. Hope you enjoy the video!
  19. Probably because it's the best of the 3.
  20. Renegade 2007 is my personal favorite. But I'd probably go with C&C Commando, or Renegade Awakened if we had to switch.
  21. Yeah that's where the name C&C "Commando" came from...
  22. Just in case people forgot: Our IRC is at irc.n00bstories.com #ren2007 Port is 6667 if you need that.
  23. You listened to the podcast. Here is our list of suggestions: Renegade Wars Renegade Awakened C&C Commando Renegade Today Renegade Saga Renegade Warzone Renegade: Ground Zero Renegade Again Renegade 2008 Renegade Mayhem Renegade Onslaught Renegade Theory Renegade Assault Renegade Extermination (you know our motto, "were gonna kill renegade") Razz Renegade Reborn... lol... Generation Renegade (lol) Renegade Continuance Renegade Era Or, a very popular opinion among us, we can stick with Renegade 2007. What do you all think?
  24. Podcast CnC Source's very own MightyBOB! interviews Fobby, Titan, and Havoc89 in this cast. The Renegade 2007 team has chosen specific questions from our Community on the previous Podcast threads. In this clip, 24 questions are directed towards the representatives. It is approximately 50 minutes long, featuring Chicajo's and Frank Klepacki's musc in the background. Big thanks to those who have taken part, and thanks to our community for posting their questions. No download needed, stream it off our server: http://ren2007.totemarts.net/Podcast/podcast.mp3 The GDI Barracks is a place where the GDI team can purchase their advanced weaponry, or re-arm themselves. Without this structure, GDI will have to revert to using basic weapons. It has been modeled and textured by our very own Deathlink. Check out the GDI Barracks being rendered in real time! http://www.trauti.de/inetfiles/ren2007/gdi...-turnaround.zip The proximity C4 is one of the most basic forms of base defense. It is an anti-infantry explosive charge that detonates when enemy troops approach, and often carries-out deadly results. Often referred to as the "mine", a grouping of proximity C4's is perfect for defending doorways to friendly structures. Modeled by JeepRubi, unwrapped and textured by Havoc89. The Nod soldier is the most important in Nod's arsenal. This revolutionary is a basic infantry unit armed with an assault rifle, trained specifically to fight off and ambush GDI infantry and light vehicles. You will learn to either be his best friend, or worst enemy at the starting minutes of every game. Completely created by Havoc89 (The weapon being carried is a temporary place holder, and not the Nod Autorifle.) Uneal Tournament 3 releases tomorrow, the 19th of November! Be sure to pick it up if you plan to play the mod! Keep checking back here, because we've got more updates coming soon!
  25. http://www.moddb.com/news/24393/2007-mod-of-the-year-awards The ModDB "Mod of the Year" awards start in about a week. We'll be counting on our loyal, faithful followers to vote for our mod when the time comes. The Media release scheduled for this Sunday evening should get us a boost of fans as well
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