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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. Yeah I was playing Tib Dawn last night online.. good times lol One guy was like... are you... from Renegade X? I was like - HELL YEAH THERE'S ONLY ONE BOAT BABY!!
  2. Perhaps... the situation wasn't under control
  3. People will always find something to complain about! it's human nature
  4. Yes the game functioned perfectly fine for years with out Commanders. Commanders are always an easy target to blame. That I say, so what. Regardless. A commander tutorial is desperately needed, maybe even more than the basic tutorial. I'd love to see more people trying to command.
  5. From the launcher, click settings, then click "verify game integrity". This may take some time, but should fix the problem.
  6. Yes, of course along with most other aspects of the game. Commander mode needs to be given more prevalence. I see alot of people not wanting to command because they are afraid they won't know what to do... when in reality, the only way to LEARN what to do, is to try. That's how others such as myself, @Ryz, @RustyShackleford and many others got the handle on using commands, we practiced. I know Commander mode basically began as a bold experiment, but I think it has now become a key component of the game. I'd say its a hell of alot of fun coming into a match with a losing situation and helping lead a team to victory with added help through radar scans, emp's and Buffs.
  7. Cool perspective half way with the top down look! Makes it look like traditional RTS =D
  8. Geez alot was written since my last reply... I think @Ryz and @Kaunas touched on the key point. Snipers. Like @Havoc89 mentioned, I don't think forced mid game switching would be good. That could remove all sense of accomplishment from the game... But I think from a creative standpoint - if balance is the issue. Can we force teams to be "balanced"? Unlikely. However I think it's far more effective to change behavior by changing how units are used in game. To wit: I rarely (literally like almost never) use snipers in this game. Why? In my mind I've always viewed the game as an RTS first, FPS 2nd. And snipers are lowest on the chain in that regard compared to all other units. They should be a defense class, a support class. But as they are now, they are the top reason a baselocked team gets frustrated. I know other skilled players who play the game objectively like myself (take out the harvester, secure this point with units, infiltrate this building), get frustrated by those other players who more or less tend to play the game strictly as a FPS Like @Kaunas mentioned, maybe if we look as limiting the power of snipers, that could help greatly with the "mythical" balance issue
  9. *warning random thoughts mixed in here lol* Yes perhaps the core mechanics are a bit flawed (each building holds so much power, this is a huge positive and negative) Yes players tend to not always follow the "game rules" (instead of trying to destroy enemy base, they'll simply rack up kills and never attempt to enter enemy base) I don't think these problems can ever be truly resolved, however they can be limited. I agree Steam enforcement would help. Allow mods to balance teams or at minimum random shuffle teams at start. Improve AFK logic. Decrease awarded VP for rapid infantry kills. Heck, even something like helpful EVA messages - *Weapons Factory Destroyed* "EVA: Don't fret! You still have full access to infantry! Get out there, soldier!" And another suggestion, if possible. Back in the day, I enjoyed being able to choose from either Marathon or AOW (Timed matches). As the player base shrunk, really now only Marathon exists. [random thought, allow building buy back on timed matches?] I'm wonder as a temporary measure, can Marathon and Timed matches be allowed on the same server? That could help with variety and limit issues. (You're stuck in your base being snipped? well don't worry, the match will end in 10 minutes). I know it's off topic, but I always thought there was something thrilling about timed matches too... trying to do anything to get one more arty shell on a building to get enough points to win as the time ran out... =D
  10. that's a bizarre one! I've been playing for years and never had that problem. Hopefully it gets resolved soon
  11. roweboat


    Does he just keep expanding? My god...
  12. Honestly I think full voice integration wouldn't be a bad idea if possible. Some might think it would become too "annoying"... but with the size of our community and moderation... just like any other issue, if someone is bringing the game experience down, they can be muted or kicked. Yes discord is currently available and used for PUGs, but I believe it's a far cry from what the average player wants to go through the hassle of setting up and coordinating for a quick gaming session. But then again, I'm also not for it... 'cuz nothing quite like leading a team to victory through text against a voice-chat coordinated team
  13. Hell yeah always great to see that kind of team work =D I almost feel bad for GDI =\
  14. First off, thanks for bring this ambitious project to fruition. I'm sure it's been a fare amount of work and it's coming along nicely!~ OPINION: So today after a 1hr30min match of Nod vs Black Hand on Lakeside, with two teams of moderate skill level and well match... it honestly became very tedious and a bit frustrating. The map isn't built properly for obelisks. Consider removing them or decreasing their range. "Nod" tanks have a harder time against the obelisk vs GDI tanks... so being all "Nod" tanks, increases the number of units needed for attacking and makes rushes more difficult than normal. The blue color for Black Hand is cool in concept, but in practice it becomes a bit difficult to use. Units on the field are difficult to see. Chat text is difficult to read (also gets confused with PM text) and good luck seeing allies on mini map cuz they basically blend in with the background Overall the mode is coming together nicely and look forward to more matches of it =D
  15. So I was on Reservoir, walking from Hand of Nod to the Dam, when this happened: Others claimed it looked like I was just standing there.. I was unable to move. I could pan the camera around me, but it was locked to my center position. As you can see the ground is blurring as if moving quickly. I didn't think to get a video. Only way out was suicide D= Really trippy, but kind of funny lol.
  16. You have achieved God-Tier healer.
  17. Yes but the rocket basically has unlimited range, unlike any other weapon.
  18. Or perhaps rockets simply should be able to reach that far.
  19. Some purists saying OG Ren is better
  21. I agree. an option to limit which commander powers can be used based on team sizes would be great. Honestly sometimes I just want commander so I can control harvester. Or if only 1 team has a commander power, limit which powers can be used.
  22. So the solution to no beacons is no players
  23. If only i could have an army of bots follow my every whim... oh the destruction we would cause =D
  24. yeah you see the nuke right in front of your face, but then poof, gone =D
  25. I think another suggestion made at the time was to increase the countdown time based on player count
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