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Everything posted by TheOlsenTwins

  1. This applies also to the turrets or Guard Towers - a proper titile would be great for spotting them
  2. Hi, I really like the visual cue where the nuke/ion of the other team is. However, it seems as if it could be improved: Currently, if you die and respawn after the nuke is spotted (or if you are dead while it is spotted) or if you join the game afterwards you dont see it. So maybe that could be improved - i guess it is not intentional like that?
  3. Maybe try running Prime95 Torturetest and see if errors also come up there..
  4. What i meant was only allow the mining there and plant mines using your repair gun
  5. I really like where this thread is going - but maybe it can be a bit simpler. (and more like the current system) Couldnt we just have dedicated mine zones(where the current "desired mining places" are), where shapes of mines are shown at the beginning, and where you can make mines appear by using your (Advanced) Repair Gun on it. (kind of like the places where you could build GTs on FPI) Depending on the idea either free or only usable with hottie/tech. (if you add some text like "use your repair gun to build defensive mines" it might also be understandable for newbies straigtaway.) Also of course hottie/tech no longer have other mines to use. (or only 2 like the AT guys) - and a per building limit should apply - but if you get a clear visual clue about this and where possible mining places are it should be understandable for everyone...
  6. Hi, I really like the mining hint from FPI upon Overmining. (Message Sound and Text: "You are overmining . Do you know what you are doing?) Could it (or another version of it) be implemented into the main game? IMO, on FPI there are far less problems with Newbie Overminers than on CT now. What do you think?
  7. On some maps it is barely visible (depending on the surroundings) Example: Gdi Flares on Walls or on other maps in foggy areas I think the visibility should be improved. Also it shouldnt be allowed near Ions/Nukes IMO - especially against teams with no ref this is a killing blow...
  8. I dont think that field or field X is a bad map its just bad if played above ~35 players at it is usually just a major clusterfuck at this size..
  9. Overheating?
  10. Do other games work fine? May be a hardware issue...
  11. Well, some warnings could be shortened by some words, even if not touching the GDI/Nod Part...
  12. Or maybe just do it as in every other game: if the Anti Tank Weapon is equipped, the player moves slower and is less agile - which would deter sniping ppl. (and also dont make the weapon switch instantly)
  13. Hi, Different methods to make the filling up of servers more enjoyable have been discussed, but so far every idea seemed to be too much work or confusing for the players. What about this: A new gamemode, that can be played (as long as the ppl like or until a certain playercount is reached): Bot-War - make the fighting against bots more challenging Disable Superweapons (as the bots can counter them) Disable MCT damageboost (and C4 MCT damageboost) (as the bots cant defend it) Slow Building Regen for the Bot's team (as they often can't properly repair it) Make x bots join for every human player Bot harvester has (much) more health Any other suggestions to make the fight against bots challenging? Or input on the idea?
  14. @HuskerDoggo I thought so too, but i was convinced otherwise when i played it some time on the AGN. (maybe deactivate it on tournament "PUG" mode) At this point actually i dont really care what gets changed. Any change at all would be great... Don't get me wrong, i love what you did with the game, especially the latest changes with the commanders and the ranks - rly great. But any change on the infos for new players would really lead to far better games (and happier players)
  15. hi, Is there ANY change to the mining system planned? Time and time again it messes games up with new players and also gets new players away. (And dont tell me to educate them it is just annoying to have the same problem eveeery game) Even a small text every time the mines are equipped telling about the mine limit and how overmining works would increasee the fun for everyone very much. And what about the thing that AGN had for a short time (via mutator i guess) that showed all the mines on the large map? That was really nice - any plan to integrate it again? (Because even when some mines were missing it took seconds to decide where to go - and even then lots of buildings got blown up....) Not educating ppl about the mining system and staying in GDI vehicles is a constant pain in the ass which ruin a lot of pub games and hinders a bigger player base of this game IMHO.... (Everything else can be learned in game, but this ruins so many games and is somehow kind of impossible to know as a newcomer)
  16. Any news on this front? I really love the frequent updates, but it is still kind of annoying ...
  17. Well but most of the time the losing team cant afford one and also it just silly to defend against a beacon with 1 person most of the time...
  18. Can't it work like when calling an airstrike and another one has been called too recently? You don't lose it you just can't plant when below x players...
  19. Hi, What do you think of disabling planting of super weapons below x (say 10 or 12) players). I dont know how often the filling of a server has failed due to failed defense, and even without nukes/ions there are plenty of ways to kill buildings and let ppl ragequit. So why dont't we just disallow nuke/ion planting until x players are on the server? Maybe try it before on the awesome AGN Server ? (btw. really loved the Mining markings on the map - will they come again?)
  20. If the controls in a vehicle dont work try pressing '1' to switch to the driver's seat. Actually they work just like on foot, except 'c' and 'space' to move your airvehicle lower/higher
  21. That is the reason for the proposition to integrate it into the launcer...
  22. Yeah well, but if i have to wait for half an hour for it to fill up i rather do it while being able to do other stuff, and not having to stay in game to avoid being afk kicked and/or missing the start of the real game. For me this is also a way to try to signify to other players that i want to fill up another server. (if only one server with 59/60 is available most will join this one instead of the other server with 3 people - so IMHO this would probably also improve the general playercount)
  23. I'd rather have some kind of lobby mode integrated into the launcher, where it starts when x amount of players are interested in joining another server...
  24. Yes it works on Windows 10. Do you have any Error message?
  25. Yeah I'm with you two on this, but this kind of info should be available somewhere - it shouldnt be like that, that you have to lose several games until you realize that you can go in there and also below strip in Goldrush
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