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Everything posted by ShrewdTactician

  1. Wait wat? But yeah, probably shaders compiling.
  2. I'm moving the UI framework from Flash AS2, to Flash AS3, and then finally doing some more work on ui in general. This release comes with the frontend menu completely moved over to AS3, but no actual real UI changes, tho i did fix the ping sort on the server list. Next release will come with the hud being moved over to AS3, and ui changes to both the hud and frontend. No work specifically was made to fix this; that being said, there was the fixes to the videos for 64bit. Also, I've set the sound buffer from 0 to 96Mb's and changes some of the sound category volumes; making announcements and dialog more audible, bumped up weapon sounds a tad, and reduced music volume by 25%. So you may see some improvements in general.
  3. Bugs, unless they are funny, we all hate them. They get in the way of our gaming experience, and can range from unnoticeable, to annoyances, to outright fatal. As a dev and a server owner, I end up looking at the logs a lot, seeing bugs get pumped out. Now there are different types of bugs, logic bugs, gameplay bugs etc, that wont show up in logs generally, and they are usually the more noticeable ones. That being said, you would be surprised how many errors and warnings get pumped out when your playing a match of Renegade X. How many you ask? Well I played a skirmish match, on Canyon, with 40 bots for a typical 35 minutes. I then went to the logs to get the count of how many bug instances showed up, divided into different categories. The results were: Errors: 900 Warnings: 6159 Could not: 1765 For a grand total of: 8824 This number doesn't include the 16 compile time warnings, netplay related bugs, missing text errors and even texture/material compiling bugs. None of those bugs are repeated in other categories, so no double dipping here. I've attached the log for those interested. Now, some of these will have little actual impact, some will manifest themselves is unpredictable ways, but all mean something is wrong somewhere. For this patch, I've spent weeks making a strong effort to deal with as many of these bugs as possible. All the compile time warnings are now gone, nearly all the startup bugs are gone, and the gameplay bug count has been reduced dramatically. We also had some of the mappers fix some of the material bugs as well! Running the same test using today's internal build, the numbers look like this: Errors: 29 Warnings: 1369 Could not: 1073 For a grand total of: 2471 As you can see, the numbers are a lot lower then they were during the last release, but there are still quiet a few left. I will be continuing to attack these bugs in force, until these numbers are as close to 0 as possible. For you, I'm hoping that Renegade X is a bug free experience, allowing you to enjoy the awesome game the team has made, and that our community continues to help it grow. Launch-current_-_Copy.log
  4. Thats when the bots have their planning meetings. Trying to figure out how to play renx without these silly humans getting in the way.
  5. So I thought I might start sharing some of the development work that happens between patches. For those people who are interested in the actual development side of things, this could be interesting, but big wizbang news and changes will still be left for actual releases. Most of this stuff will be from videos and info that gets shared to the team, with a slight touch up to put into a forum post. This is far from formal news. Now that's been said, lets get on with it. One of the known issues has been with the softlevelbounds volumes that are put on edges of maps to set off the out of bounds warning. As such I've been working on making an alternative volume to achieve the same effect, just with a different approach, the video explains most of it, so ill let that do the talking.
  6. New wiki page detailing command line usage for Renegade X https://renx.wiki/wiki/Command_Line
  7. Hi Cory, Welcome to the game. Lets do a little debugging. Does this also happen when starting a skirmish game? Also, could you please post the log file, directly after the problem occurs. You can find the log at, (game folder)\UDKGame\Logs\Launch.log For now, you can try verifying the game, by opening the launcher->settings->verify game integrity.
  8. ok its back up now. Also took some steps to improve service resumption time.
  9. looks like that is the case. I'll let the team know.
  10. I dream of sub 100ms pings... As a player in a region that has almost no players, and as a server owner, these "issues" are pretty front and centre for me. From what i have realised, is that renx doesnt play well with under 20 people. Because of this, players just try and pool onto one server to reach that player count. Its not the players fault, its just a problem with C&C mode, and is something RenX has the oopertunity to do better then original ren. The answer for spreading the player base across servers, helping build the player base when the europeans arent on, gettings more regions going etc; is to make the sub 20 player experience better. As a dev, alot of what i do is with that in mind. My bot overhaul is a passion project for me, simply because i see it helping with the sub 20 player count issue. There are 3 other projects that i have been talking about inhouse that i am directly interestend in, mainly because i see them helping with lower player counts. While im a dev here, there will atleast be one dev passionatly working on these issues.
  11. Thanks for the logs MVN050. Unfortunately, it doesn't highlight the unreal engine crash. The high numbers your seeing on the bot spawn are just their instance numbers, not the number of players. You'll notice that its the same instance numbers that are spawning, not new ones. Which is typical of a long running server.
  12. To nick this argument in the butt, internally, we have been talking about utilizing torrent style downloading. There isnt really going to be any major changes that are going to happen to the current http style of downloading, so just accept the download speeds (or offer to host a mirror, if you are so inclined) or wait until the torrenting support is added.
  13. Hi MVN050, Thanks for the logs! Unfortuantly I cant tell this time what directly cause the crash. That been said, the team have been on a bug fixing rampage, and alot of the errors that are showing up in the log should disaapear in the next release. That will lead to a more stable game overall.
  14. The swiftpoint z gaming mouse Hands down best mouse, by FAR
  15. Adding info to the mutator wiki page on how to include assets with a mutator when its been downloaded from a server. https://renx.wiki/wiki/Mutator
  16. Its always awesome to see someone make tools for the community!
  17. I've moved alot of the information on how the setup server to allow downloading custom content into its own wiki page. https://renx.wiki/wiki/Server_based_downloads
  18. Right now, you cant mix timed and un-timed matches on the same server. That being said, i do want to make a better map handler, so that may be a feature we can look to add in. When it comes to the timed vs un-timed debate, the best advice is to simply vote with your play time.
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