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Everything posted by ShrewdTactician

  1. Hi MVN050, Unfortunately there isn't a way currently to disable voting. I have created a job to allow for voting to be disabled. That being said, the crash you mentioned isn't guaranteed to be in the voting system. Again, unfortunately, its a hard bug to track down. We will continue to look into the issue. On a side note, the bot system is getting an overhaul, so the problem, if related to bots, may disappear on its own.
  2. I would like to say that was fate, but ill add it as a bug anyway :).
  3. We might be that lazy, you never know. I'll bring it up with the gang.
  4. I really need to get around to those.
  5. We've decided to fix this oversight by simply removing grenades.
  6. I'm working on it, but thanks for the info, it does help.
  7. Could you post a speccy snapshot You should end up with something like this: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/ICzwk4S8d14WlgatsvCWOs3 Also if you are running the game normally, or with the 64bit files.
  8. Added to dev list to check into
  9. I'm interested to see more of people playing ren x on gaming platforms. I might even start highlighting community stuff.like this. Some tips: Use restream.io to broadcast to a number of streaming services like twitch, beam, YouTube, hitbox Also you can grab yourself the plays.tv client which let's you do the "capture the moment" style videos and post it to a community for people to like.
  10. The sound issue is an interesting one as it seems to be happening for a number of players irrespective of using 64bit or not, and it's only happening more recently. We need more information on it, as audio problem can be caused by a number of things. I'll spin the audio problem into it's own issue, and probably it's own thread asking for detailed system info so we can find the actual cause.
  11. Added to our list to look into.
  12. I've added this to our list to look into.
  13. is that a gental nudge that I should work faster? 😀
  14. Essentially because we are a PC game. We embrace the different builds of computers players use . Its abit like F1 racing, we "reward" the driver, because we know their skill is important, but the vehicle itself is just as responsible for that victory. We give players the choice to use what they want, and in the pc landscape its impossible to "level the playing field". its also not clear cut on what's better hardware wise. For instance; sure enough we know that 144hz is better then 60hz, and we also know that 4k is better then 1080p, but does that mean we should limit everyone to 1080p 60mhz. What about people with screens with better colour reproduction, that would make a difference, so do we saturate the colours to cater for that?. What about people with gaming mice vs desktop mice, or mechanical vs non mechanical, etc, do we artificially slow mouse and keyboard presses to make everyone on the same level, etc. Even if there was a game crazy enough to try this, no one would really be happy. There are players who play on old computers their dad gave them, they would probably still be under what the devs decide is the "level playing field". So that player decided that they would lower the res to get a higher frame rate, where another player might do the opposite, but they wouldn't be able to do so since we have removed the options. On the flip side, a player with a new gaming pc wont be able to use it fully, since we have decided to limit the game. Having a level playing field just isn't a PC thing, and really, isn't even a console thing either. Players can always buy better controllers, and now with both ps and xbox having different hardware playing the same games at different res, frame rates,,, even they don't get the "level playing field" anymore.
  15. Hardware definitely has a noticeable effect on a players performance, as a general rule,, but how effective that performance is, depends on the game. On heavy twitch games, then yes it can make a huge difference, but on a 4x game, it wouldn't make much difference at all. Renegade x is somewhere in the middle as you can play as classes or vehicles where, it doesn't matter how quick, accurate or aware you are.
  16. I will be making something to do this for my server, which I can make publicly available.
  17. too right, you never know which one of us could be working for asio.
  18. yep, and probably limiting the ladder to forum registered players only.
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